Sunday, January 15, 2017

In Support of World Peace-Intelligence Officer In Training: Why Did President putin Annex The Crimea?


A Student Peer Response:

 APUS 2nd Master’s Degree

Intelligence Officer In Training

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-872-4774

Re:  Why did Russia decide to annex the Crimea?

"What strategic advantage does the port of Sevastopol provide Russia as part of the annexation of Crimea?" -Bryan Eck

             I do not support, the initiation, of a: WWIII, with Russia, or any other world power. I am Asian, and I am a Buddhist. I support: “World Peace,” just like former Nobel Peace Prize winners: Thich Nat Hahn, and, His Holiness The Dalai Lama. As I understand it, the easiest way, to avoid international conflict, is through negotiations, and Peace Accords-that hold water. On historical record, when referencing WWII, it is legally stated, and on International record-that America, is a country, that will support a move towards peace, over another move towards: WWIII:

Events in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the western Pacific affect US vital interests because, since World War II, the American people have been united in support of the following propositions:

1)       A repetition of general war among the great powers is to be avoided;

2)      The United States and other great powers bear responsibility for preventing such a conflict;

3)      Rules of minimum world order support the effort to prevent world war; and fourth, isolationism and indifference to international crises are not appropriate means for achieving the goal. (Rostow 2014, 41)

The Pentagon, in sending US Military troops, to Poland, and in the middle of Winter, and thus endangering our troops-to inappropriately confront President Putin, is not a move by the US, away from WWIII, and towards: “World Peace.” President Putin, as the autonomous world ruler and power of Russia, has a legal International prerogative, to be seriously concerned, about what is transpiring, in his immediate back yard-the Ukraine, and the Crimea.

              The US, is building up our military, towards a WWIII, based on the faulty International foreign policy and leadership, of: Mr. Obama. There are, a number of reasons, and, they are historically based-why, Russia had and still has the right, to deal directly, and aggressively, with former USSR member countries, in the immediate vicinity. Russia has a long, and well-established history, of: control, leadership, trade, military presence, etc.-in the areas of both: The Ukraine and The Crimea.

             I am an online “hacker.” I visit countries, all over the world-through the Internet, Russia included. Although, the US has been told for years, that there is now, a centralized Russia, and then, the former: USSR-which are now autonomous states-this is not entirely true. Online, it is clear-when you enter Russian websites, through a back door, that, Russia, for all intentional purposes-is still, the: USSR:

1)      Russia decided to take control of the Crimea, because the Russian government, never-really perceived Russia, as being entirely separate. Russia, still functions under the direction of government-in many ways, as the: USSR. Russia, needed that it be legally stated, that the fission, between Russia, and Crimea-no longer existed.

When I was a young child, I used to play a world denomination game. The child’s world ruler game, explained the benefits, of owning various countries. Russia, is both: freezing cold, and land locked, as well as in need, of raw natural resources-for manufacturing.

2)      Russia decided, to annex the Crimea, because the Crimea offers a: “warm port,” and gas and oil supplies, for trade and economic possibilities, to grow the Russian economy.

It is difficult, for small countries, to provide for all their economic, and security needs-on their own. The smaller a country is-the fewer financial, and other resources, the country tends to have access to. Small countries, are almost always vulnerable to: military coups, terrorists, and other external threats.

3)      Russia annexed the Crimea-in favor Crimeans, who were former members of the: USSR, and who, still considered themselves Russians. The Crimea required: Russian economic support, and military protections, because of the terrorist hot-bed, that the Ukraine-had become.

It has been commented-on, a number of occasions, and in more than a few peer-reviewed journals-marvel, over the new ways, in which, the Russian military, blended-military styles “hybrid”: state workers, military, and intelligence-in order to achieve a smooth, and safer transition, from: Crimea, back to-Russia again (Ven Bruusgaard 2014, 81):

. . .Russian definitions of strategy,. . .“the highest level of military activity, that is, the avoidance of war, the preparation of the armed forces and the country in general for repelling aggression, and the planning and carrying out of operations and war.” (Ven Bruusgaard 2014, 82)

Russia, as is apparent, in their smooth transition in the Crimea, is working hard to, both: protect humanity, and, accomplish the military ends that are required-while at the same time, keeping an International promise, to remain focused on maintaining, a “World Peace.”

           The question, then, still remains-not, if Russia could peacefully take the Crimea. Why, and not just according to: popular common knowledge-did Russia decide, to regain control, over the Crimea? How did President Putin justify, taking Russian troops, into the Crimea? Why did Putin think, that there was an immediate need, for Russia to be returned to the control of Russia? What did Russia gain, from the annexation, of the Crimea? The following statements, in regards to the reasoning behind the annexation, of the Crimea, by Russia-follow, a strategic, and military planning response-as opposed to the explanations, that I initially offered-which, are popular commonplace knowledge, and yet-the responses-are almost identical:

1)      "Putin as defender ": The Crimean operation was a response to threat-NATO’s further expansion along Russia's western border. (By this logic, Putin seized the peninsula to prevent two dangerous possibilities: first, that Ukraine's new government might join NATO, and second, that Kiev might evict Russia's Black Sea Fleet from its longstanding base in Sevastopol (My knowledge, of the well-known Russian need, for a “warm port theory.”); 

2)      "Putin as imperialist": The annexation of Crimea, as part of a Russian project to gradually recapture the former territories of the Soviet Union (My knowledge-through online hacking, that Russia, has not let go, of the former: USSR.). Putin never accepted the loss of Russian prestige that followed the end of the Cold War, this argument suggests, and he is determined to restore it, in part by expanding Russia's borders;

3)      “Putin as improviser”: This theory presents the annexation of the Crimea, as a hastily conceived response, to the unforeseen fall of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych (My general knowledge, of the sincere concern, that Russia has for citizens, of the former USSR, and, their over-all well-being.) (Treisman 2016, “Foreign Affairs”)

There is no reason, that I can ascertain, as to why the US, would perceive, the need of Russia, to:

1)      Protect their own military and security issues;

2)      To maintain control of a region close to Russia, that still requires support, from the larger country of Russia;

3)      Or, the sincere concern, that Russia openly expresses, for former: USSR, to-any in way, conflict, with American interests.

Russia, is miles away from continental America. In 2015, a Cyber Security Adobe conference, that I attended online-through The US Pentagon, and The US Department of Defense-it was shared, by the US Marines, that, Mr. Obama, was aware of the terrorist activities, that were occurring, in the Ukraine, and the nearby Crimea. As a “webmaster”, cyber-security expert, and “freelance reporter,” in attendance, I did take the liberty, to ask several questions, regarding the Obama Administration, and, the ways in which, Mr. Obama, had chosen to respond to: “International terrorism.” 

          When I was in Martinique, FR-only a few months earlier, a man introduced himself to me, and he told me, that he was an assassin, sent by the Obama Administration, to kill me. As an applicant for political asylum, to Europe, and traveling through the French Caribbean-I felt confused, and asked natives there, why Mr. Obama, would feel soo negatively, towards me.

        I am an American, and, I am a conservative Republican. Natives, to the island of French province Martinique, FR, told me-that, Mr. Obama, and his Administration, support International Terrorism. Therefore, when I was in attendance, at the D.o.D., online conference, the questions I asked the US Marines Officer-were point, and pertained directly to-whether-or-not, Mr. Obama, supports “International Terrorism?”

          The US Marine, presenting at the Cyber Security Adobe, online conference-for experts only, very clearly stated, that the problem is, that, there is terrorism in the Ukraine-and it negatively affects Russia-so Russia must deal pro-actively with the situation. While, at the very same time, Mr. Obama, opposed President Putin’s annex, of the Crimea, because-in doing soo, President Putin, was able to keep his country: Russia-much safer.

           The fact that Mr. Obama, throughout his time as US President, supported “International terrorism,” was damaging-to too many people worldwide. Mr. Obama, supported military tactics, and maneuvers, that, only benefited him, and his crony’s, and, which were detrimental, to the remainder of the world-this, is not an ethos of: “World Peace.” War is an unnecessary, and unforgiving-means, and an aggressive way, to relating to other countries, and, to human begins-in general.

As the Cold War evolved and knowledge and understanding of crisis management in a nuclear age matured, American administrations and Americans more generally thought of nuclear weapons only as a weapon of last resort in the most extreme circumstances of national defense, if usable even then. (Rostow 2014, 42)

In the very short period, of a brief 7 years, in which, I have been, both: homeless, and unemployed (the entire Obama Administration), the US policy, against International engagement, of nuclear war, has gone from-unimaginable, to-a clear possibility. I find it hard to conceive, why, an illustrious committee, such as: The Nobel Peace Prize Institute, thought it would be appropriate, to award-an agitator, like: Mr. Obama, with the: Nobel Peace Prize?

         While Thomas Jefferson touted an International foreign policy, of non-intervention, Mr. Obama, has flown US diplomats-of State, and otherwise, who are unwilling to negotiate-all over the entire Globe.  When other countries, think about the US, and the Obama Administration, America is viewed, as: an out of control octopus, that is trying to dip its quill, into, everyone’s ink well. As an American, and a Republican-I am embarrassed.


Rostow, Nicholas. 2014. “CONSEQUENCES.”

 Naval War College Review, vol. 67, 4.: 40-63. Accessed January 15, 2017. Retrieved from

Treisman, Daniel. 2016. “Why Putin Took Crimea:

The Gambler in the Kremlin.” Foreign Affairs, May/June, vol. 95,3.:47-54. Accessed January 15, 2017. file:///C:/Users/Mumbai%20Eliza/Documents/APUS%20Week%202%20Peer%20Response%203%20Why%20Putin%20Took%20Crimea.pdf

Ven Bruusgaard, Kristin. 2014. “Crimea and Russia's strategic overhaul.”

 Parameters, vol. 44, 3.: 81-90. Accessed January 15, 2017. Retrieved from

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