Tuesday, January 31, 2017

UK Immigration: International Human Rights Court Required: Legal Complaint Against UK

Dear Miss Cary

Thank you for your email with attachments.

This correspondence is not relevant for the Border Force Correspondence Team (BFCT) to answer.

BFCT only deal with service and minor misconduct complaints about Border Force officers at the ports and airports at the time of interception.

Yours sincerely

Ms A Button 
Correspondence Officer
Border Force Correspondence Team   


To Whom It May Concern:

           My correspondence, to your offices, is relevant. I have flown to the UK, twice now, and begged for your assistance, as an applicant for political asylum. My situation in the US-has not improved at all, since Trump took office. I am shot at, and assaulted, and threatened and attacked, by US police-on a regular basis. The UK, agrees to help all sorts of crazy refugees-who come to your country, to attack you as terrorists, and, that is not me-however, the UK has refused to assist me-in every conceivable way possible, anyway, and, I am almost dead, because of it.

          UK immigration, border patrol, and tascor, have more than a little responsibility, in neglecting my extremely desperate, and needy situation-here in the US. I continue to apprise you of my current situation, and, to inform you, of how detrimental, my situation continues to be, because-you care nothing at all for me, and, you have too much sympathy, for the: "Brutus" immigrants, who come to stab you-like: "Caesar," directly in the back. Trump, has stopped refugees, from entering the US, because the situation here, is soo incredibly out-of-control, and, still, Obama left America, in such shambles, that, the immediate halting, of refugees, to the US, has not helped me enough.

        You-as the UK, should care about my situation, as-I am English speaking, and a distant relation, to other people, in your country (without dropping names), and yet and still, you continue to pretend, like my scary, and unfortunate situation and predicament in the US, is soo far gone-that, the UK government, could not possibly be concerned. I get angry, and Tweet to friends on line, like: Prince William and Harry, and I tell them, that UK immigration and Border Patrol, contributed to a large degree, to the death of their Mum: Princess Diana.

         You let crazy immigrants-like: Fayed, into the UK, and then, you completely ignore, sane, and well-educated people, who are cultured, with educational potential. You actions, and communications towards me, are inappropriate, and offensive, and, will be discussed at length, in International Human Rights Court. You are abusing my human rights, by ignoring my immediate, desperate, and emergency needs, for political asylum. America, is not a safe country, and, I think, that you are well aware of that fact-by this point in time.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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