Thursday, March 30, 2017

Requsts To Scottish Legal Society-Please Assit Me in Anyway


To Whom It May Concern:

          Thank you for your recent communications, regarding my interest, in working with your organization, in Scotland. I am just today, leaving Ft. Lauderdale, FL-after having completed, an additional layer, of my investigation, into the Obama Administration, and the destruction left behind, by his support, for International terrorism. In Ft. Lauderdale, my focuses, were: law enforcement, and, the local hospital system.

        I understand, completely, that I am not qualified-as a foreigner as well, for the position that was available, and posted to your vacancies, employment-online information board. I am working hard, to prepare my law school applications, for law schools in Scotland. I am still intending to apply, for: September: 2017-this coming fall term. I have recently returned from Costa Rica, and, being fluent enough in Spanish-feel more comfortable, with, the International Human Rights Court located there.

         I have been in communications, by: phone, fax, email, and online submissions, to the International Human Rights Courts, in Europe, for almost 7 years now-with absolutely no response. The International Human Rights Court, in Costa Rica-has already responded, as having received my internship application-I pray that it will only be up-hill, from there. However, I am still in a position, where, I do require some additional professional assistance, from, some other actual lawyers. I am simply and applicant, to law school, and, I have no actual experience in the field.

         Being that, my next law school applications, are being submitted to Scotland, I am hoping that you had the opportunity, to peruse, some of the information, that I submitted, to your organization, in the course, of verifying my qualifications. Scottish, have a strong and recommended cultural preference-for me personally, being that, Scotland has a reputation, for being a more conservative member, of the UK, and commonwealth. I am a Republican, and a conservative-myself.

          I am having too much difficulty, in locating appropriate, and willing legal assistance-in the US, or abroad-who is both: willing and able to assist me, with my: International court cases, pertaining to: International Human Rights-civil, and human rights. While, it would be simpler, to state, that-this is just an American issues-that would never be honest. Because, I am an American citizen, and the majority, of my physical time-for most of life has been spent, within the contiguous United States, the majority, of my current: civil and human rights, violations legal cases-for International court, have originated, within the US.

         However, in the past 5 years, I have begun to travel extensively, and, I am receiving emails-quite literally, from the other side, of the planet-America, is not the only country in the world-or even in the West, i.e.: France, dealing with a plethora, of legal cases-that must be tried in an International Court, and strictly regarding: civil and human rights violations. I am presently, working as: freelance reporter, intelligence officer, and investigator-to collect the required information, to successfully processor, my legal cases. The investment is mine. I front all the money. I get no respect or support-even when people agree, these problems are unbearable, and: "Please someone save me-God help me!"

           Anything, your organization, is willing to do, to assist me, with both: my legal cases, and my applications, to law schools, in Scotland-will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications, and for, continuing to respond to my on-going correspondence. My current contact information, is as follows: Email: Cell; 1-352-256-7466 Money shortage, is a serious problem for me.

          I have a broken leg now. US Obama government, tried to kill me, a few weeks ago-another attempt on my life, by: vehicular homicide. I have been: homeless and unemployed, in the US, for the past 7years-"Blacklisted," by the Obama Administration, and, I have had no job offers, under Trump either. I really must attend law school. Right now, Scotland, is my preference, and I am in bad need, of scholarship monies-if no employment, in Scotland, could be offered to me.

           Is there anyway-in additional to considering assisting me, with the: International Human Rights cases-themselves, and the law school applications, that-the Scottish Legal Society, might be able to help me to acquire, scholarship money-donations, and fees, for the legal studies themselves? It is not just African Dictator cases, i.e.: Mr. Obama. The European Union, wants to prosecute: Mr. Mugabe of Zimbabwe, etc.

            The information required, and the large numbers of people, and languages required, to process, to these types of intensive and pressing International legal matters-are soo dense, and dangerous, that, I can hardly believe, that there is anyone, more qualified than myself, for the job. A live video chat can be pre-arranged, on the social networking website Skype-if your offices, are at all interested. Additionally, if you all would care to invite me, to visit, your professional offices, in Scotland, then-I would be happy and pleased, to make your acquaintance-in person. Thank you again, for your time, consideration, and continued attention. I will look, for your prompt response.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466 (International Calls Possible)

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