Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Pre-Trial Email Reply To: "Mr. Obama." "My name is absolutely Not!" Pre-Legal Counsel: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Preparing For International Human Rights Court-US Clear Violations-Internationally!


Dear Mr. Obama,

        I am not agreeing to anything mutual. I am an Indian. I was an American citizen. I was denied everything and almost killed over and over again-when the Presidency of America, went to an African. I am in respite, in Costa Rica, because the US government, tried to kill, for locating an International law school-in New Zealand, that wanted to accept me. My leg is broken in two places, and I have infections all over my body.

           I should be dead again. I was denied all medical treatment, in both: the US and in New Zealand. The fact that I pay full health insurance, and, the fact that my leg is broken in two places-made no difference. I would be dead-if I were not pre-medical. I had to argue in a second language-that I have never really studied, to gain access, to life saving medicine, and from a pharmacist, in Costa Rica.

            My feeling towards you, and towards Africa-are never going to be friendly again. You hurt me personally, in too many ways, and for political reasons. I am too well educated, and capable, to be: homeless, and unemployed. I have been homeless and unemployed, for the entire Obama Administration, and every time I turn around, someone is trying to completely drain my bank accounts.

            I am not an African dictator fan. I do not support your brand of African Christianity. I hate your Israeli and South African retards-who constantly stalk me, and try to kill me-even overseas. One of the Africans, who tried to kill me in Martinique, FR, was more comfortable with me, and so-he finally told me, that he was an assassin-that you, and the Obama Administration hired. My name has never been: "Princess Diana!"

          I am not dying any time soon, to make your life any easier. I am Asian-from India. When you think of me, you should think about how Buddhists, feel about terrorists-"BURMA." You closed every door and window, ever open to me, in the US-and then, you tried to kill me overseas. You owe me-like you would not believe. We have no mutual friends, and we have no mutual understandings. I never want to be friends.

     You have to find someone else to defend you, in International Court-unless, you have decided to: "Whistle-blow." I have a seat soo hot-in International Court, for you to sit on, in regards-to: human rights violations, in the US, and abroad-that you are going to want to: "Get Down," off your podium. I am not a retarded American, and-it will-have-to-be a fight to the death, after how badly-I have been abused by the American government-if you decide, to side against me.

    Did you get me Tweet? Side against me, and-"death penalty!" I am sick of being tortured and abused by the American government, and their retard octopus’s arms, of LBGT terror-the Mr. Obama African diaspora. You are getting my sympathy from me. I side with the prosecutor's office. Cry me river!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

The "Buck" stops somewhere. You are in too many ways-the “person” to blame.

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