Saturday, March 4, 2017

Broken Leg And Caring For Myself In Costa Rica After Assault By New Zealand Government And Medical Services Denied-Again, By America


To Whom It May Concern:

        I am desperately seeking assistance in the form of: a visitors visa, an immigration visa, an employment visa, or political asylum. My life is in immediate danger in the US-constantly. I flew from the US, to New Zealand-after another attempt was made on my life, in: Gainesville, FL USA. I flew to New Zealand, to apply for both: LLB attendance, and to apply for immigration-a strange violent native, to whom I have never communicated with-not on any pervious occasion, met with me in New Zealand, and tried to re-break, my already broken left leg, and severely injured left ankle.

         My circumstances are soo dire, and, I had received too many invitations, from both: LLB programmes, and immigration in New Zealand, for the native government airport staff to assault me-upon arrival, and they did it any way. Soo frightened, by my experiences in New Zealand-obviously blocking my law school applications, that I immediately re-booked over night, and flew red-eye, to Costa Rica.

      Costa Rica, is a much safer country for me-however, I am being stalked and followed, by crazy terrorists, who are from both: American and Africa-with a few supporters from: France and the UK. I checked-in to the hostel, and there were no issues, until the very next day, when the stalkers, checked-in to the hostel behind me. The men are gay, and completely nuts-they call me: "Diana," which has never been my name-my skin is not even White. The gay terrorists-with the support of the US, and various African governments, spend all day and night harassing me, threatening me, and trying to: rape and kill me. They sit next to me, on the plane-everywhere I fly-I do not care to know any of the men at all, and they assault me over, and over again, on the airplanes-kicking the seats, and yelling and spitting at me, etc.

        I have been complaining about my unfortunate circumstances in the US, to law enforcement there, since: 2007, with absolutely no response-ever. The situation, more than just political-became even worse for me, when Trump became President of US. I have run out of individuals, and agencies to complain to, in the US. The American response, to my continued complaints regarding: torture, abuse, and attempts-on my life, has been, absolutely no response at all. I am now in triage. I am taking care of my broken left leg, and my injured left ankle, and the many other injuries that I have sustained, from in-provoked police beatings, and negative US political backlash. I am pre-medical. I am working hard to handle my situation myself, and, I still require assistance.

      I have no access, to any medical care, in the US-although medical insurance, and full pharmacy coverage, are required. It is not just the broken leg, that no one would see or treat, or all of the other injuries too. I am asthmatic, and cannot even get access to my required inhalers, because Obama invited African immigrants, who have illegally begun to completely take America over. I have no proof, however, people in the US, seem to think that I am Indian-soo the grocery store, began refusing to sell me salt.

      I cannot ride a city bus, the terrorists assault you, and African bus drivers force you to get off-in the middle on nowhere. I have never been a prostitute. I hate AFRICANS. The Africans chase after me, and my entire family: 24/7-RAPIST. I need assistance, from another country. Americans have no problems, with how the Africans, and other terrorists treat them. I need to apply for employment, somewhere overseas-where my 3 children and I will be safer-and, sadly, the UK, and Commonwealth must be excluded.

       The fever is always high. I can barely walk. Americans are trying to kill me. The broken left leg, and re-injured left ankle, just makes it easier-and the UK, has no problem with that. I am not a Princess, that I am aware of. I am not pretty. I am not White. I may be a distant relative of the UK Royal family. I am not a fan of the UK, or of the UK Royal family-they have been nothing good for me.

       I was adopted by a crazy White women, who tells me sometimes, that the UK Royals, are her distant relatives-she may be telling me the truth? The woman is a crazy retard, and the worst thing to ever happen to me. Susan Cary, Esq.-is a complete nightmare, she is even worse that the American government itself. Susan Cary Esq., is a crazy world all be herself. I need to move out of the US permanently, and my 3 children need to join me-abroad. I need a restraining order, against: Susan Cary, Esq.. The last thing I want in my life, is more crazy retarded inbred Royals, from the UK in my life!

       I am a competent scholar. I could work if someone would hire me. I provide a high quantity, and high quality of work. I have samples of my most recent homework, and independent studies, posted online, at the following Google Blogger address: Additionally, if your offices would agree to help me-in anyway, then, I would be more than happy, to provide you, with a recent 32 Giga-bling flash drive, full investigative intelligence, and court evidence, against the US, and the American support of International terrorism.

       I work hard. I am almost dead-I work soo hard. I am an intelligence officer, and an assassin in training. I am almost always honest, and helpful enough-to clean-up after myself, even with a broken leg. Please respond to my email communications, by email. I have provided for you, the current location-where I am in Costa Rica. I have no cell phone, for your to call me. However, if you are kind enough to respond to my email communications, then, perhaps we could arrange for a Skype live camera conversation, before I come into an Embassy, to meet with an official?

        Thank you for receiving my email communications. Returning to the US-although I have a roundtrip ticket, with my broken left leg, is not an option for me. Americans hate me, and the feelings are mutual. I am repeatedly attacked, by terrorists at the airports-in the US, as well, not only in flight, and while on airplanes. I am recovering, in Costa Rica, from back to back-attack and assault after attack. When I try to call the FBI to complain-and they are more willing to speak to me, than the CIA-they tell me: "We are Africans, and we are not willing to take any complaints from any White women!"

         There is nowhere for me to turn in the US. The UK and the UK Commonwealth-are worse than the US, and worked to hard, to block my law school applications, to: New Zealand, or to anywhere else in the UK Commonwealth, where law schools-at least, are willing to admit that there are serious problems, and, I should attend law school, to prosecute, my International law suits myself: International Violations of both: civil and human rights. Thank you again. I will look for your prompt reply.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell No Private #
Current Locale Costa Rica
Hostal Casa Areka
Avenue 8 y calle 3
Barrio Roosevelt, San Pedro Montes
San Jose, Costa Rica
Check-in Date: Thursday 2, March 2017
Check-out Date: March 15, 2017 Back To International Airport
San Jose, Costa Rica
Return Flight: To Orlando, FL USA

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