Monday, March 13, 2017

Political Asylum Request-Made To Russian Embassy in Cuba, and Norway Embassy in Cuba-Finally Responds As Well-See You Soon!


To Whom It May Concern:

         I have not completed my final assignment, for my Intl 500 class. I requested an extension, 3 weeks ago, because of an attack on my life, that caused a broken leg. Then I received an email communication, complaining about the homework I submitted, and, a threat, from the intelligence school-that, I would be expelled. I never received any additional communications, from APUS-in response, to my request for an extension for my final, or, to my response to the expulsion threat. No information, has ever been communicated to me, from APUS, as to why my academic performance, was not deemed satisfactory.

     I am in Costa Rica, with a broken leg-after the last attempt on my life in the US. I have been invited to meet with both: the Russian and Norwegian Embassies, in Cuba, to discuss my applications, for political asylum-outside of the US-I am more helpful, and more important, than: Snowden. I need to access my online student account, to complete my last assignment, for Intl: 500. Does APUS want intelligence reports, from both: Costa Rica, and then next-Cuba? It is not fair to me, to support me, and to request the intelligence, and then-to threaten me with expulsion, for turning the correct information in, to your professors on campus.

        The US military, have a right to know, what is really going on, in the world. Keeping an International situation, too "hush-hush," is not helpful, to the US military, and, it puts Americans, at too great a risk. Please respond to my communications, and, please allow me to access, my online student account-again. I will be leaving Costa Rica, in two days, and then, I will be making immediate plans, to fly to Cube, from Miami. I intend to visit Gitmo-while I am in Cuba, as a student, and as a tourist-not just, the Russian, and Norwegian Embassies, to discuss my applications, fro political asylum.

       What I do, as an intelligence officer-is dangerous, and I need my degree, to support my skills. I am greatful to APUS, for admitting me, and, I am requesting-that, you continue to maintain your support, nd interest, in my final out-come. APUS, and the US military-needs my intelligence information, and now more than ever. Something, is even more wrong, with the Mr. Obama situation. I am receiving emails-presently, from Mr. Obama, he is afraid of International Human Rights Court, and, I can see in the headlines, that Mr. Obama is being inappropriate, and his crowding President Donald Trump, in Washington, DC now-to try to force his way. I will look for your prompt response, regarding the above mentioned issues.

        I have America's best interests, in mind. I am unable to support Mr. Obama, and his administration. As an American, and as a conservative, I have a great deal of sympathy, for President Donald Trump, and how difficult his job is. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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