Saturday, March 11, 2017

Edinburgh Law in Scotland-Beginning The Application Process-Introductory Statement and Admissions Inquiry/Scholarship Request March 2017


To Whom It May Concern:

         I would like to apply, for the Edinburg LLB studies programme-undergraduate. I am an American citizen, and, I am presently writing from Costa Rica. I am interested in either: the online LLB studies, or, the on campus programme. Do you offer scholarships, to American citizens-for either programme-I need to apply. I have several legal cases, regarding human rights violations, that I have already begun to process through, the Human Rights Courts, in Europe. I was unable to gain representation, in the US-for any of the: civil and human rights violations.

      I am competent, and well-educated. I was accepted full scholarship to law school in the US, and then, I did not attend. America is having soo many human rights legal issues-at this time, left over from the Obama Administration-that, it is not possible to process any human rights cases-through the US courts. America, is suffering heavily, from a domestic terrorist situation, and it is actually, physically impossible, to pass in and out, of the US court houses-with legal paper work, pertaining to human rights abuses.

       Additionally, US police, are supportive, of the Intl terror, left over from the Mr. Obama Admin. in the US-and the persecute, and assault, and try to kill anyone-myself, as well as a Judge in a US court house, who tries to hear, cases-pertaining to human rights violations. Mr. Trump, like Mr. Obama-against the rules and guidelines, of the Intl Geneva Conventions-is supporting torture. Although I am bright, I am not wealthy, and-I was severely assaulted-less than two weeks ago, by New Zealand immigration, when I showed up with a broken leg-from a hit and run in the US, to apply for law school there.

       The law schools in New Zealand, were enthusiastic, about my pending applications, and invited me, to show in person, to submit the required original documents. The US government, tried to kill me, when I headed for the airport in Orlando, FL-to fly to New Zealand, for LLB admissions. When I arrived in New Zealand, with a broken left leg-I am not allowed any medical care in the US, although I have to pay mandatory-like everyone else, the New Zealand immigration, assaulted me-and then denied me entry-for no reason, other than to block my LLB applications.

       I was under the happy impression, on my way to New Zealand, that the law schools there, were aware of serious human rights violations, that required attention, in the International courts-I think they would have admitted me. I was returned from New Zealand-after the assault by immigration, with no medical attention, just a brief conversation-with a few medics. My life is in danger, in the US, and the UK denied my political asylum request, stating, that: America is soo safe, do not even apply for political asylum here.

      I should be dead. The hospital in Costa Rica refused to see me. I bought medications, from a pharmacy here, in San Jose Costa Rica. I have been taking over the counter medications in Costa Rica, and sleeping almost all the time-praying the broken leg will feel better. None of the Embassies, that I wrote to, in New Zealand or Costa Rica, have responded to my desperate requests, for political asylum. My leg has not improved at all. The serious infection-all over my body, is clearing soon. I may have to return to the States next week, where I will have to worry, about being shot, or run over by a car-again.

        I bring my legal files, everywhere with me, for Intl Human Rights Court. It is becoming harder, and harder to travel-as airport security, continues to root through the legal documents, and shred my court evidence, like they cut up my clothing, and my suit cases-when I fly. I have posted, many of my more recent legal arguments online: I will be safer, once I get my cases to be heard-in front of an Intl Judge. I am only asking permission, to: study, and not for political asylum, or for immigration.

         I work hard. I collect the original evidence myself. I am looking for another country-after Costa Rica, to recover, and hid out in. The US government, is soo abusive towards me-that, I have no one at all to complain to, and, I must-with no family or friends, constantly defend myself. I am humbly requesting your assistance. I checked the Intl Court system, and the series of precedents ahead of me-regarding human rights violations. I have already won my cases-I need only, to get into the court room, with some sort of legal programme, and education begun.

       Please do consider assisting me. I have posted additional legal evidence online, at other various online social networking websites-I have had soo much stolen, and fear that all my evidence will go missing, anytime I travel anywhere: Flickr, WordPress, Google Blogger, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Thank you for your time, and for your full consideration, for LLB programme admittance-whether is be, as an online student, or on-campus.

        I can only be reached by email: My cellphones, are constantly stolen, and broken. I am homeless, and-although well educated, I have been: homeless and unemployed, in the US, for 7 years now. I am a torture victim-from the US. And, I would be dead right now, if I had not had the sense, to fly to Costa Rica. I will also try calling your admissions offices. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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