Thursday, March 16, 2017

Email Communications To Law Schools in Scotland Begging For A Personal Call-To Apply Face-To-Face-For LLB Programme Matriculation March 2017


To Whom It May Concern:

     Thank you for your prompt and kind response. I have just returned from Costa Rica. I am told, and by a reliable source-that, there is an International Human Rights court in Costa Rica. I have been struggling, for almost 7 years now, to have my legal complaints, accepted by any of the European Courts of Human rights-and no responses. I continue to reach out, International, for any response, or offer of assistance-in regards to my present situation, in the US. perhaps, Scotland will be willing, to assist me. I am  originally from India. I do recall, that it was Scotland, that chose to help India some, with the Idi Amin "terror," in Uganda. America, is much wors, than anything I ever heard, about Kampala.

      I loved Costa Rica. The natives are friendly, polite, and helpful. I intent study: International law and politics, and as the two genres relate to: politics and human rights defense. I am fairly certain, that a good solid education, in Scottish law, will be sufficient, to practice and to try cases-in International Human Rights Court. I am excited about the Costa Rican environment, and believe strongly, that human rights cases, tried there-would be a positive "defense," out come.

     I am interested, in studying law on-campus, if, a Scottish law school, would have me. I am studious, and hard working. I tend to focus almost all of my spare time, on my academic endeavors. I strive to complete my homework, in a reasonable period of time, and, with the: highest quality and quantity possible, based on any limitations in resources-that, will challenge me. I am proud of my high ethical and high moral standards. I work-to get, the job done.

     Could the law school, consider me-as an International legal studies applicant, for any International student scholarships, that would cover my costs-associated, with: attendance, and with continuing my studies? I have no family or friends in the US. I have been entirely on my own-for a number of years now. I presume, however, that the defense of International Human Rights Cases-is such a primary need-that, I pray, the university will agree with my aspirations, and agree to support my applications, of a Scottish legal education.

        Having just returned from Costa Rica, I am in the Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International airport-as I write, where crazy people, have stolen legal documents from me-again. I am unable to access any medical care in the US. My left leg is broken, and my left ankle is fractured. I am limited funds, and my fever is too high. I feel asleep briefly today, to relieve some of the pain-at the airport, and then awakened, to more stolen court documents.

     I am soo injured, that I cannot walk really. I am stranded at the airport here, until I make arrangements, to fly on to somewhere else. I had intended to fly to Cuba next, and it will not be possible-unfortunately. Black people are soo unfriendly towards me, that, flying to Cuba, would be far too dangerous. African stalkers chased me around the airport today, calling me: "Diana," and trying to rape me. The Africans call me "lazy," for refusing to prostitute. US police ad Sheriff's department, were at the airport today, and refused to help me.

      The Africans are raping my 3 children. They get nasty and crazy with me, everywhere I go, and threaten to kill me, for an entire 12 hour flight, if I sit next to a black man, on a plane. I complained to US police, about the Africans raping me, and my 3 children, and the US police, are just as crazy as the Africans. Truth be told-if I were on a temporary student Visa-then I would be interested in having my 3 children, in attendance, at the University as well. America is terrifying, and the Africans, are always out-of-control. The Africans threaten to send me to a "mental hospital," all day and night-for reporting them, and I am not mental.

      I upload my legal complaints online, for anyone interested to see. I send tons of emails, and I call, and fax-as well, as send post mail. The US, is trying to cut off, all of my communications, both: domestic, and international. I lose access to my email, and my post mail-all of the time. My cell phones are stolen, on a regular basis, and my cell phone numbers, are disconnected and changed constantly. I hate Americans. I have to physically fly, to another country, to apply for law school, or to ask someone for assistance in person. New Zealand immigration, assaulted me at the airport-the black natives, and refused me all help-even emergency medical.

       Now, I am feeling a bit desperate, about being accepted to a law school overseas. In the past, I have been accepted to: Northumbria, University of Buckingham, and Cardiff at Wales, UK. The harder I work in school, and the higher my grades, the less helpful, law schools have been abroad. I have received a number of communications, regarding my applications for law school, stating-from: Australia, and the UK, that, while I qualify for law school, it is too concerning, that I need political asylum, and because my life is in immediate danger, in the US-those two countries, do not want to consider, my law school applications.

         With only leg left to stand on, and a re-broken ankle, and with no medical care in the US, I am left with very few other options. being that my first language, in English, I am restricted to law school applications, to English speaking countries. I am running out of possible law schools, to submit my applications to, and-still, the situation in the US, is very serious for me. I have no friends or family here, and the Americans are constantly trying to attack the broken  leg, and injured ankle. Nowhere in the US, is safe enough for me. Russia-when I last spoke to their Embassy, expressed some concern-the only country, in the entire world, however-they have not offered official assistance.

       I am such a state of need, that I am now, at the Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International airport, making emergency arrangements, to fly to somewhere else in the world, to speak in person, with: Russia. I was headed for Cuba-however, the Africans are soo crazy towards me, that I will not be able to fly there. Tonight I am looking for a White country, that will accept me, for a short stay, so that, I may speak to Russia, about emergency assistance, and my highest needs for political asylum. When I arrived in Costa Rica, I emailed-almost every Embassy there, received no response, and then, began trying to place local calls-all of the numbers online, were incorrect.

       The situation is soo dangerous for me US, that I cannot even walk around on the street, to provide for my own needs. Cars try to run me over, at every single intersection, and every drive-way. The US, is like a huge mental hospital, and it is filled with almost entirely immigrants, that were invited here, during the Obama administration. I am too unhappy, with how dysfunctional, the US, and the people here are, and the US offers no possible remedies, for: civil, or human rights legal complaints-although, we do still have a: US Constitution an Bill of Rights-that, I can utilize, to defend my position in International court. I am an long suffering American torture victim.

      I will die, if someone, will not help me. Americans are scary, and unconscionable, and offer me no assistance at all-ever. This is the most unpleasant country, that I have ever lived in, and-I am now a world traveler. I have found, the over-flow, of sociopathic immigrants, to be unstoppable. I am complaining constantly, and no one else seems to care-which is bizarre to me, as well. I and lonely, and always feel like, I am the last person in America, with a single brain cell. Anyway, that Scotland could assist me, would be too greatly appreciated. People in America, are soo retarded and dysfunctional-that I can hardly even hold a conversation, with the people here, soo much: ESL.

     I was able, to hook up, another cellphone today, with International calling: 352-256-7466 America, works soo hard, to curt off all of my communications, that I would be wrong, to presume, that you ca reach me-just because, I have a cellphone, and a voicemail. Please try, to call-though. I did pay for International calls, and, I return calls promptly. I am making a formal request, in my email to the law school, for permission, to apply to the law school-in person.

        I understand, that law school applications, can be processed online-however, that has not been helpful for me-at all. I need to be admitted soo badly, I pray, that upon meeting me, a law school, such as yourself, would be able to make a better, and more qualified evaluation, of my characteristics, and strengths, and my solid academic abilities, to perform well, in a legal academic environment. I am trying, by all means possible, to reach out Internationally, and to locate, both: individuals, and/or organizations, that have serious concern-for: International Human Rights Violations-America, unfortunately-is one of the worst offenders.

      I will look for your prompt response. I can be reached by email: UK immigration, unfortunately, is unfavorable towards me, because, I began a political asylum application, and then, I was directed by UK immigration, to drop the application, because the UK is under the false impression, that America is a wonderful, and safe country. Since that time-when I initially, attempted, to apply for political asylum, in the UK, my personal situation, has significantly deteriorated. I can not effectively express, in this brief communications, to the law schools, application for attendance office-how awful, and terrifying, the reality, here in America-really is: "Nightmare/Night."

      While it is clear, that I require political asylum, I am aware of the strict rules, applicable, to student visa applications, in the UK. My desire-both: strong, and sincere, to apply for law school, in Scotland, is only for the legal studies program, and the attendant bar membership required, for practice. I have been turned down, for law school attendance, by the UK immigration, too many times now-even after a law school has recommended me, due to my serious needs, for political asylum. My life is always in danger, in the US. If you would be willing, to meet with me in person, soo that I could present something additional, for my law school application-other than, just words on paper-then, please be informed, that my application, for law school matriculation in Scotland, is only for the undergraduate: LLB programme, and not for: political asylum, or for immigration. Thank you, for continuing to receive my email communications. I hope to be leaving the US-again shortly.

     If the law school, in Scotland, were interested-at all in meeting me, when I submit my law school application, then perhaps, I could try for a visit to Scotland next? Please print, and in plain English, any response, from your admissions offices-if you are willing to see me face-to-face, and in person, some time soon, and within the next month.

         When I come to UK immigration, at the airport, I am required to present, a huge pile of documents, confirming an invitation, to visit, as well as where I will be staying for my brief visit, a plentiful supply of finances, as well as-a round trip plane ticket-with an absolutely certain date, of return to US. I feel a bit awkward, and angry, about the UK, being soo willing to assist political asylum applications, from all over the world, and then-denying my severe needs for safety, in a another country-even with the bountiful supply of evidence, that I am able to present to UK immigration, when I arrive. Why, do you suppose, the UK-has had such little concern, for my personal circumstances-in relation to Africans?

      I was too offended by the Africans, calling me: "Diana." I, therefore, began some communications, with both: Princes William and Harry, online about the difficult political situation, in the US. The Africans-and not just in the US, brag, that they are the one's who planned, and who executed the death of: "Princess Diana." I am not skinny or blond, or even that pretty, and therefore, t has taken me by too much surprise, that these African immigrants, are soo obsessed with trying, to: rape, and kill me-all of the time.

         It saddened me, to too great an extent, and therefore, I have been sharing information, about the Africans in America, with Princes William and Harry, on Twitter-they must already now, that the Africans killed their Mum, because she refuse to prostitute. However, my feelings, that the: "anal rape," problem, from Africa-is soo illegal, and such a violation, of my civil and human rights-is one of the very reasons, why, I began working towards presenting cases in International Human Rights Court. Princes William and Harry, also have International legal cases-and not just myself, related to the permissions, that International law enforcement, are gving to Africans, to stalk, and to kill: "White women." Thank you again, for agreeing to continue, to receive my email communications. I will eager look once again-for your prompt reply.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cellphone: 352-256-7466

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