Sunday, March 5, 2017

Forced To Cancel Return Trip From New Zealand-Life In Danger Again-Africans In Costa Rica-American Stalkers!


To Whom It May Concern:

      I am forced to cancel the return half, of my flight, from Orlando International Airport, to Auckland, New Zealand. New Zealand immigration assaulted me, and then-refused me entrance. I have flown on to Costa Rica instead. I was assaulted, for the entire flight-again from the US-the airline makes no difference. I complain, and the airline staff ignore me, while other passengers on the airplane: spit at me, kick my seat, yell abusive names at me, they cut up my carry-on's, and they threaten to: kill and rape me-Americans, every time I fly anywhere.

       I am as sick as can possibly be-physically ill. I have been repeatedly assaulted, both: in the US, on the airplanes, in the airports, and now-in Costa Rica too. I booked for a hostel, and thought Costa Rica would be safer, than the US. Tons of crazy Africans and Americans, checked into the hostel after me. It is not safe for me to walk around the hostel. My broken leg, and fractured ankle-have been re-injured, over, and over again, over the past 2 weeks, of constant travel-trying to escape from crazy Americans. I was hurt again today.

         I am as sick as can possibly be-physically ill. I have been repeatedly assaulted, both: in the US, on the airplanes, in the airports, and now-in Costa Rica too. I booked for a hostel, and thought Costa Rica would be safer, than the US. Tons of crazy Africans and Americans, checked into the hostel after me. It is not safe for me to walk around the hostel. My broken leg, and fractured ankle-have been re-injured, over, and over again, over the past 2 weeks, of constant travel-trying to escape from crazy Americans. I was hurt again today.

      I am being denied all medical care in the US. It is not just the acne, and constant severe asthma-I am in soo much pain today-that I can hardly walk. No one here in Costa Rica cares. I paid for 2 weeks at the hostel, and-because my life is already in danger again-I am trying to move again. The Africans followed me here, and came with their best American buddies-no one in the world cares if these crazy niggers kill me, because I refuse to prostitute.

         I came to Costa Rica, to speak to an embassy. I need a gun. The Africans are torturing me, and torturing and raping my 3 children in the US. Never trust an American. Please reply to my email, and refund half of my plane ticket cost, to my Visa debit card-how I paid in full, for my worst experience outside of the US-ever: New Zealand. Thank you. Anywhere there is America or Africa-is never going to be safe. I am now waiting a response, from local embassies in Costa Rica, for an appointment-before I die. Gun-!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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