Monday, March 20, 2017

Application For Internship with Costa Rican International Court of Human Rights, March 20, 2017


Application Internship with The Human Rights Court-International, of: Costa Rica

To Whom It May Concern:

        I am writing to your offices, from the Ft. Lauderdale, FL International airport. I am an applicant for both: International legal studies and political asylum-from America. The political situation in America, is unbearable. My country has been over-run, by in-lawful immigrants, invited to the US, by the Mr. Obama Administration.

        The change, from Mr. Obama-to Trump, for America, has made no significant difference, for me. There have been no improvements, in the political situation in the US. My experiences have been, that problems in America-increased, with the changing of political powers, from the Democratic party, to the Republicans. The International terrorists that Mr. Obama, invited to America, to support his "foul," political ideology-are refusing to leave peacefully.

      I live at American airports-a week, a little longer, then I fly on to another country, to beg for help. I think that Costa Rica, could be exactly what I need. I am-at present, a student in an US military Intelligence training university, and, would like to come to Costa Rica-as an "Intern." I recently, began to submit letters of interest, to law schools, in Scotland-as well.

          I am willing to re-locate to Costa Rica-permanently, with my family, to: argue and to support, the Costa Rican International Court of Human Rights. I have been in contact, with the European Courts of Human Rights-for over 5 years now, and-called Internationally-frequently, with absolutely no response. It is my valid observation-that certain immigrants, are making any arguments, for: civil or human rights-impossible.

      I am extremely physically ill, and stranded, with no: friends or family-other than my 3 children, in the US. I have absolutely resources available, to me here, no: medicine, shelter, employment, disability services, social services, transportation, etc. I have been homeless, and unemployed-studying, and complaining to authority figures in the US-continuously, for the past 7 years, and with no results.

         My situation in America, has only grown more austere, and desperate. People in the US, pretend, like the are too uncomfortable, in the post-Obama political milieu-to even speak to me. I am at the end, of my patience, with the political situation in the US, and the complete disregard, that the International Human Rights Courts, in Europe, have shown towards me.

      I am attaching, a little additional information, in regards, to some of the very worst problems, I am experiencing in America. I am well read. My academic specialization, is not limited to one specific field or language. I am academically accomplished, I very hard worker, and capable of obtaining information in the form of evidence-that is required for court, and for the tertiary legal actions, which include reinforcing the prosecution, i.e.: penitentiary, etc. I hate everything about America, and my country-has not always been this way. I recently returned from Costa Rica, and found the visit, to be both: healthful, and a relief. Immigrants to America, from Africa-are such a nightmare, that I would suggest, you block immigration from Africa, and of black-to: Costa Rica.

        In addition, to applying for the internship, with the: Costa Rican Court of Human Rights-International, I have also begun to contact the court about hearing my cases, from America, and abroad. I have been collecting, the evidence, for my: civil and human rights violations, cases, for the past 7 years, and with too many serious problems, and illegal interruptions.

         One of my biggest problems-in the US, and abroad, happens to b stolen evidence. The Mr. Obama supporters of International terrorism, are violent aggressive: rapists, stalkers, and killers, and-therefore, there have been too many attempts on my life, and, information stolen. The US law enforcement, and legal system, are both: non-responsive to my complaints, while at the very same time, completely supportive, of International terror, and all the destruction that follows.

         Thank you for receiving my email communications, and for honestly considering, my present application, for an internship. My Spanish is functional. I read and write much better than I speak. I have severe physical disabilities, from being tortured and abused in the US, for the past 7 years. Although, I only accommodation, I would need, for the severe physical pain, is a comfortable chair.

       I also have a significant amount of hearing loss, and would require some intensive studies, in the Spanish language, as well as, the ability to speak to, and to easily contact, a court representative, who also speaks and writes in professional English. English will always be my first language, and therefore, I will necessarily, always require some assistance, with my Spanish. Thank you again, for your time, and continued support. Thank you Costa Rica! Please contact me, regarding, the above stated. I am available through email, and by cell-additionally, a live camera Skype, interview, can be scheduled.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

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