Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How Do You Submit A Legal Petition, Regarding Human Rights Violations, By The United States, To The Costa Rican International Human Rights Court?


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Present Locale: Boston International Airport

Political Prisoner and On-Going Hostage Situation-In: The United States

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

*Urgent and Pressing Matter-Please Respond, In a Prompt Manner!

Re: Submission of Cases, To International Human Rights Court of Costa Rica-Against, The United States of America-Possible, and Under What Circumstances and Guidelines, Petitioner, Myself-American Citizen.

To Whom It May Concern:

             In regards, to cases, that can currently be heard, on human rights violations, in the Americas-is, America itself, a possibility. I am a torture victim, from the United States, and, I have well documented evidence, to support my valid legal cases, of human rights violations-which, are presently occurring, right here in the United States. As an American citizen, am I eligible, to bring suit and case, against the United States-as a country, for continuously violation my human rights-and, over a prolonged, and never-ending, period of time. The information, that I downloaded, from the Costa Rica, human rights court, is a little unclear:

The 35 Member States of the OAS are: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

As a member state, of the OAS-the: United States-is that enough of a qualification, for me to petition the human rights court in Costa Rica, and to file a law suit and legal complaint, against the United States-on my own behalf? The nature of my very serious, human rights violations complaints, against the United States, do in fact encompass, all the required categories-which, are deemed appropriate, for addressing, in the Costa Rica International Court, of human rights:

The State may be responsible for violating human rights by:

◆◆ action (as a result of an act by the State or its agents);

◆◆ acquiescence (as a result of the tacit consent of the State or its agents); or

◆◆ omission (as a result of the State or its agents failing to take action when they should have done so).

While, I have, for a-number-of years now-during this excruciating, and tortuous process, of political abuse in the US-contacted, European Courts of human rights, I have-to date, received no real response to my continuing complaints, or, any actions-that would in any way, improve my own personal situation, of depravation, in the United States.

         In addition, to being a torture victim in the US, I am also registered, as an: American with disabilities. In the US, when an individual, is mentally, or physically disabled-certain allowances, as legally required, to assist that individual, in their own care, and self-maintenance. In the US, it is a serious, and felonious crime, to abuse the disabled, and, yet and still, that has not in any way-the presence of pre-existing US law, in the form, of statutorial precedents-protected me, or my: human rights:

                Human Rights Defended By Costa Rican Court of Human Rights:

American Convention on Human Rights, Pact of San José, Costa Rica”, 1969;

◆◆ Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture, 1985;

◆◆ Additional Protocol to the American Convention in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Protocol of San Salvador, 1988;

◆◆ Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights to Abolish the Death Penalty, 1990;

◆◆ Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, Convention of Belém do Pará, 1994;

◆◆ Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance of Persons, 1994;

◆◆ Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, 1999.

I require, the immediate assistance, of the: Costa Rican Court, of Human rights, in regards, to the continuing human rights abuses and violation, which, are unwarranted-although politically based, and daily, inflicted upon me, and-with no mercy ever. Having read down, the lengthy list, of human rights, which, are protected, by the: Costa Rican Court, of Human Rights, I can honestly state, that-in the past 20 years, as per my sad experiences in the United States-almost every: civil and human right of defense, that is listed by the Costa Rican Court of Human Rights, has been violated-by the United States:

The American Convention protects the following human rights:

◆◆ The right to juridical personality;

◆◆ The right to life;

◆◆ The right to humane treatment;

◆◆ The right of every person not to be subject to slavery or to involuntary servitude;

◆◆ The right to personal liberty;

◆◆ The right to a fair trial;

◆◆ Freedom from ex post facto laws;

◆◆ The right of every person to be compensated in accordance with the law in the event of having been sentenced by a final judgment through a miscarriage of justice;

◆◆ The right to privacy;

◆◆ The right to freedom of conscience and religion;

◆◆ Freedom of thought and expression; 

◆◆ The right of reply;

◆◆ The right of assembly;

◆◆ Freedom of association;

◆◆ The rights of the family;

◆◆ The right to a name;

◆◆ The rights of the child;

◆◆ The right to nationality;

The right to property;

◆◆ Freedom of movement and residence;

◆◆ The right to participate in government;

◆◆ The right to equal protection;

◆◆ The right to judicial protection;

◆◆ The right to the progressive development of economic, social and cultural rights.

I am writing, if my human rights violations cases, against the United States, qualify, for human rights court, in Costa Rica. If, for any reasons, the court believes, that my valid, and pressing legal needs, may not be considered, by the Costa Rican Court of human rights, then-please inform me, of what actions, I need to take-to qualify, for consideration.

        Thank you, for your time, and for your continued attention. As time is my enemy, with my life in the United States, being in constant eminent danger-I never have anything I need here, to survive, although, I am a well-educated, and competent American citizen-who, should be able to work, and to acquire safe housing-I am requesting, your prompt reply.

          I can be reached, by email: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com Cell: 1-352-256-7466 Skype-if our live video, online conference-has been prearranged, or-in person. I am presently, being illegally detained, as a hostage, and political prisoner, at the Boston International airport. I have been into the community, and, my broken left leg, was correctly diagnosed. There are no social service, or any other resources, available to me, in the Boston community-just as, there are no resources available to me, anywhere else in the US-either!

           I am seriously physically ill, with a difficult to treat, and spreading skin infection, as well as-the previously mentioned broken leg-which, is not weight bearing, after 6 weeks post-trauma, due to the fact, that I am homeless, and, no: housing or employment, have been available to me, since, before the first Mr. Obama Administration and US presidency.

         The urgency of my needs for assistance, and for compensation, as well as the great deal of troubles, I am experiencing, in keeping my court evidence safe, has caused me to post-much of my legal arguments, and, some of the most convincing evidence-online, at, various social networking websites: Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Blogger, Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress, ect. Please Google my name. The web address, to my currently active Google Blogger online web-account: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com  Again, than you for your continued concern, and, for your-supportive interest.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466 US Virgin Mobile of Sprint Cellular-Please leave a voice mail message, my native language, is English.

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