Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Expulsion Ordered By APUS For On-Going Complaints Regarding Low Grades Not Reflective of High Quality Academic Work Submitted


To Whom It May Concern:

          I have received no information regarding, why I would be expelled, from APUS-I need a list of relevant reasons? I received a notification, that the final decision, of expulsion had been made, and-not what it was based on. I have a broken leg. I cannot get medical treatment for anything in the US. I am limping around an American airport, and preparing to fly overseas again, for desperately required medical treatment. My last homework assignment-the final paper, is late, because of the serious nature of the recent attempt on my life, and the debilitating pain, that I am suffering from.

       I did not break any of the university rules. I participated in class. I completed my own homework, and all on time, and with the only exception being-this final research paper, and the excuse-is of such a severe nature, I must trust, that the Dean will allow for a late submission. I responded to other students in class. I focused on current issues, affecting the US intelligence community.

         I reported real results, from my own original research and social experiments. My grades were not justifiable. Expelling me from the school and the program, to defend professors-is not the correct move for APUS to make, when in fact, the fault lies entirely with the university, for hiring incompetent individuals, to instruct US military, in the important and pressing field-of intelligence. APUS is intentionally mis-training, US military, and US military intelligence.

             There is no logical way in court, for APUS to justify, why the university believed, that this manner of: "deception," would be deemed appropriate, by not just, the American government-also by the American people. It would be a serious fallacy of reasoning, for APUS, to presume, that the only authority that they must answer to-is the: US government, or, the US military. I am almost into an International Legal Studies programme-this disagreement, between the university, and myself-re: low grades, that do not in any way, represent my academic talents-is such a serious issue for me, that, I cannot afford to allow the issue to drop.

          Both APUS, and myself, should attempt to resolve this situation amicably. If the issue, has to be taken, to: International court-the cost will be prohibitive, and, I am certain-this is just the tip of the ice berg. If the goals of APUS, are resolution, then, dragging all the APUS dirty laundry, into a very public International court room-will not be a happy experience, for APUS students, or staff, and both: the US military, and the US government, are going to be more than a little embarrassed. I prosecute my own cases. I bring all of the skeletons out of the closet. For me, the real “total issue” right now, is still, just-the low grades-if the: "expulsion," is finalized-then, there will be too much for us to fight about in court. I do not keep anything private!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS    Email:

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