Saturday, March 18, 2017

American Airlines Replacement Ticket Requested For Illegally Cancelled Flight To Cozumel, Mexico July 2, 2016


Previous Complaint Filed:

Austin Mosby
Customer Relations
American Airlines
AA Ref#1-23267932004

Illegally Cancelled Ticket Details:

Smartfares Original Reservation Code: X91D02

American Airlines Original Reservation Code: FEANKE

Document #: 7893756184

American Airline Flight: # 1037

A More Detailed Previous Complaint-Same Situation:


RE: Continuing Complaint: American Airlines: Homeless Political Asylum Applicant: US, By Obama Supporters-American Airlines Employees-Recent African Immigrants To US

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Political Prisoner/Hostage-United States of America, PhD Student

Intelligence Officer Training With US Marines, As Civilian Beginning November, 2016

Applicant To Law School, LLB UK, Focus: International Civil And Human Rights Violations

To Whom It May Concern:

          Three months ago, a flight I was taking-Newark Int'l airport, to Cozumel, Mexico, was cancelled-illegally, by African airport staff, at: MIA-Miami Int'l airport. I paid money, and had reserved housing in Cozumel, MX, for the entire month of July, 2016. I lost money, when I was not able to follow through with my intended reservations-affordable comfortable living arrangements, that I could afford.

          I am homeless, in the US, because I do not have any employment, to pay for the high costs of housing here. I was illegally: "Blacklisted," by the Obama Admin. I have not had a single job, since Obama has been president, and, I used to work all over, all of the time. The state of homelessness, that I was forced to remain in, in the US, when Africans who work for AA cancelled my plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-without my permission, has been devastating.

         I am physically ill, unable to successfully complete all of my PhD homework, I require more medications for my asthma and for my acne, and, I look irresponsible to others-when the situation-not my fault. I am an applicant for political asylum in: Norway-due to the great many problems, that I have unfairly encountered, since Obama has been pres. of the US. I have access to nothing I need in the US, because of Obama: employment, housing, public library, community centers, necessary medications, working post mail box, etc.

       AA, allowing their African employees, to cancel my flight to Cozumel, MX-was too unfair, and, I have been stuck in dangerous situations, all over the US since. I am now, stranded in DC-and requesting a plane ticket flight voucher-instead of the refund I was issued. Please cancel the refund check-I never received it, or anything else. Please issue me a substitute voucher, for a domestic/international flight, to anywhere. I have researched the situation, I can not confirm any refund check, was ever issued to me, and still, I am owed fair compensation, for pain/suffering endured.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


To Whom It May Concern:

      I travel every month, and-although, I was granted an American Airlines electronic refunds online ticket, it is completely useless. I recently flew American Airlines, and was not permitted-although, I was told that I would be able to do so-to utilize the electronic online credit, to pay for my suit cases. It was July, of 2016-that I was first booked, with American Airlines, and then, illegally denied the right, to check-in to my flight from Miami, to Cozumel, Mexico. It is now March, of 2017, and my need to travel internationally, has in no way decreased. I have already needed to travel, outside of America, two times this very month.

      It is much to my chagrin, that after the lengthy requests, emails, and faxes-that were previously sent, to your offices, that, the electronic voucher, from AA, turned out to be, soo completely useless. The refund, is generally, a payment-that, covers whatever service or product, has to be replaced, and at the fault, of the provider. American Airlines, illegally cancelled an International flight-that I needed very badly, from America-to Mexico.

        Then, it was incumbent upon me, to communicate with the AA offices-over a significant period of time, to attempt to reach, some sort of alternative-agreed upon, solution. However, in the above mention situation, the agreed upon solution, is not useable. Therefore, although, AA-did finally offer me, and agreed upon remedy, for the cancelled plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-I cannot use, what was offered to me, as a solution. I am, therefore, writing to your AA, administration offices, to request another solution.

       I am making, more than a reasonable request then-when, 7 months after AA, has illegally cancelled, my plane ticket to Mexico-that, it be replaced, with an actual plane ticket-and not a useless refund credit. I think that, because the actual ticket was cancelled, and-there, was not just a sum owed to me, that, a replacement International travel ticket, is a far more honest, and fair response from AA, to-the cancelled ticket to Cozumel, MX. Additionally, when negotiating, the request, that AA compensate me, in some reasonable way-for the illegally cancelled plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-I also think, that, AA needs to consider, how much: pain, suffering, and difficulty, this prolonged negotiation-with no applicable solution situation, has caused me.

        I have suffered too much, in financial loss, as well as delayed and prolonged torture and abuse, in the states-because I was not able to immediately leave America, for a safer country, when I initially need to. My life is in constant danger in the US. I fly all over the world, seeking out a temporary/permanent solution, for my perilous position, within the US political turmoil.

          The recent election, of Mr. Donald Trump, has in no way, settled politics, in the US. Due to the chosen response, of International and domestic terrorists, traveling-both: in and out, of the US, America, has actually become, even more unstable-since the Trump. My situation in America, in regards to having the ability, to obtain anything I need-including medications, for my broken leg, and re-injured ankle, has not: increased/improved, in any meaningful or detectable way.

      I am requesting, that AA, respond to my email communications, and or, to my faxed in requests. While, I do have a working cell phone number-it is best to communicate formally, in writing, by email, and then, I can call your offices, from my cell. I need documentation, in writing, to substantiate, that our communications have happened, and, what the final out-come, of our conversations-have been. I appreciate, your willingness, to continue to work with me, and, your timely response, in regards, to all matters mentioned above. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cellphone: 352-256-7466


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