Tuesday, January 31, 2017

UK Immigration: International Human Rights Court Required: Legal Complaint Against UK

Dear Miss Cary

Thank you for your email with attachments.

This correspondence is not relevant for the Border Force Correspondence Team (BFCT) to answer.

BFCT only deal with service and minor misconduct complaints about Border Force officers at the ports and airports at the time of interception.

Yours sincerely

Ms A Button 
Correspondence Officer
Border Force Correspondence Team   


To Whom It May Concern:

           My correspondence, to your offices, is relevant. I have flown to the UK, twice now, and begged for your assistance, as an applicant for political asylum. My situation in the US-has not improved at all, since Trump took office. I am shot at, and assaulted, and threatened and attacked, by US police-on a regular basis. The UK, agrees to help all sorts of crazy refugees-who come to your country, to attack you as terrorists, and, that is not me-however, the UK has refused to assist me-in every conceivable way possible, anyway, and, I am almost dead, because of it.

          UK immigration, border patrol, and tascor, have more than a little responsibility, in neglecting my extremely desperate, and needy situation-here in the US. I continue to apprise you of my current situation, and, to inform you, of how detrimental, my situation continues to be, because-you care nothing at all for me, and, you have too much sympathy, for the: "Brutus" immigrants, who come to stab you-like: "Caesar," directly in the back. Trump, has stopped refugees, from entering the US, because the situation here, is soo incredibly out-of-control, and, still, Obama left America, in such shambles, that, the immediate halting, of refugees, to the US, has not helped me enough.

        You-as the UK, should care about my situation, as-I am English speaking, and a distant relation, to other people, in your country (without dropping names), and yet and still, you continue to pretend, like my scary, and unfortunate situation and predicament in the US, is soo far gone-that, the UK government, could not possibly be concerned. I get angry, and Tweet to friends on line, like: Prince William and Harry, and I tell them, that UK immigration and Border Patrol, contributed to a large degree, to the death of their Mum: Princess Diana.

         You let crazy immigrants-like: Fayed, into the UK, and then, you completely ignore, sane, and well-educated people, who are cultured, with educational potential. You actions, and communications towards me, are inappropriate, and offensive, and, will be discussed at length, in International Human Rights Court. You are abusing my human rights, by ignoring my immediate, desperate, and emergency needs, for political asylum. America, is not a safe country, and, I think, that you are well aware of that fact-by this point in time.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Intelligence Officer In Training: "How Could Anyone Be Any Enough, To Join The America Domestic Terrorist Movement? " Apparently, Mr. Trump-supports-Illegal Torture-Too!


Response To: Amanda Mack

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: “How could anyone in America, be angry enough, at the American government, to want to become, a: ‘domestic terrorist?’”

I have chosen to use an explanatory theory approach to help answer my research question: How are individuals influenced and motivated to commit acts of domestic terrorism?  I think this is a good approach because it should help me identify patterns of behavior, causes, effects, and therefore, predictions. –Amanda Mack

      Thirty years ago, I could never have fathomed-why anyone, would be angry enough-to consider any form of violence-ever. I am now-after the Obama Administration, still homeless-and, it has been 7 years for me, as well as-still unemployed, and that, has also been-a full 7years for me. I was illegally, “Blacklisted,” by the Obama Administration. For 7 years now, I have been allowed, no: housing, or employment-in the US.

      Most recently, in the past 4 years, I have also been denied: all medical care, all social services, all assistance from American religious or church organizations, and almost all public transportation, as well as, access to public libraries-in the US. I began, political asylum applications-in three different countries, and, when they all failed to deliver, I began to apply for immigration-to a different, and fourth country. I am not a violent person by nature, however, in addition, to all of the severe austerity, that I have been forced to suffer through, by the Obama Administration-I have also, been repeatedly tortured-and, for strictly political reasons.

      I have been tortured, in the US, for almost 20 years now-for political reasons. I have been complaining to the: CIA, and FBI-since: 2007, and, neither group of intelligence officers-ever responded, to any of my serious, and constant complaints. I, can barely: walk, sit, or stand, on many days, because, I have been repeatedly assaulted, and viciously attacked, and persecuted, by US police-almost beaten to death. I can hardly walk around, people try to run me over, with vehicles-every time, I cross a roadway, or a drive way. I was almost killed, by a car yesterday-when, I went out for groceries, and, I still have diarrhea, and a stomach ache.

      I am now studying, and working towards my 2nd Master’s Degree. I am a straight “A” student normally, and, this professor, gives me low marks-illegally, because he hates what I write about, I have to appeal to the dean. I have benefited-absolutely none-at-all, as an adult, and as a well-educated adult-after many years of arduous private schools, from my challenging educational programs, or, from my university connections. I have never been violent. And, there is nothing I want more-than, to leave the US, with my 3 children in tow. The US police, actively prevent me from flying, to certain destinations, from America, and, request, that I be returned over-night, and for no legal reasons-when I fly abroad.

      I am of the mind now, that some Mexicans-who feel exactly like me-and worse, will be climbing the President Trump wall-to get back into Mexico (Webber 2017, FoxNew.com). I am also-now of the mind, that, some people, in the US (-not me), who, are in fact: hostages and political prisoners in the US-like me, are, buying explosives, to: blow their way, back out of the country. Trump, is no different from Mr. Obama-and, I supported his Presidency, because he is a Republican-however, he too, illegally supports torture, both: within the US, and, overseas, with US money, and, with US military (Shephard 2017, thestar.com). NO! I object!

          I hate everything about America. I have no: friends or family here. I am assaulted, and shot, and run over by: stray bullets, and stray cars, and stray “cat,” US police-all-of-the-time. I think, America makes the situation here much worse, by pretending it’s such a wonderful country, and then, by forcing people to stay-when they hate it here! I hate America too-I think that refugees, to the US, want to go back home (Levenson 2017, CNN.com).


Levenson, Eric. 2017. “How Many Fatal Terror Attacks Have

Refugees Carried Out In The US?” CNN.com . Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/29/us/refugee-terrorism-trnd/index.html

Shephard, Michelle. 2017. “Trump’s Support For

Torture Resonates in America’s Most Notorious Prison.” thestar.com . Accessed January 29, 2017. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/01/25/trump-brings-torture-back-to-the-table-as-guantanamo-deals-with-the-mess-made-the-last-time-analysis.html

Webber, Joseph. 2017. “Netanyahu backs Trump's Mexico wall,

touts similar one on Egypt border as 'great idea'.” Fox News Online. Accessed January 29, 2017 FoxNews.com http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/28/netanyahu-backs-trumps-mexico-wall-touts-similar-one-on-egypt-border-as-great-idea.html

Intelligence Officer In Training: "Why Are Women, and Young Adults, Of Upper Middle Class America-Soo Attracted, To The Conforts, That Radical Islam, Offers-Through The International Outreach Organizations, Of: IS and ISIS? Are You Waiting For Gadot Too?"


Response To: Katherine Heinzen

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re:  How do the religious, and spiritual needs, of upper class American women and youth-relate, to online recruitment, by the Muslim “terrorist” organizations: IS, and ISIS?

The theory I have chosen to help answer my research question is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This is a cross-disciplinary application where “theoretical approaches are ‘borrowed’ from diverse disciplines” (O’Connor 2012), in this case from psychology. Maslow’s Hierarchy purports that all human beings have legitimate “needs” in order to be fulfilled, and these needs can be subdivided into a pyramid of categories ranging from the most basic physical level up to self-actualization. In-between are a variety of security-based, social and emotional needs (including love). –Katherine Heinzen

      I really like the idea you have, of cross-referencing, to another closely related academic field-that of psychology. I agree with you-entirely. For a relationship, of any sort, to be attractive, the interaction, must be serving, some sort of positive purpose. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, has-at its very bottom, the most basic, and fundamental, of human needs: shelter, food, security, clothing, etc.-these needs are obvious, and easy to identify.

            When, you begin to discuss: “self-actualization,” and what that may, or may not mean to someone-you begin to delve, into a more complex realm, of complicated emotions, and usually, needs, that exit sometimes, and, cannot be easily, or readily identified. It is said, that the: “self-actualization,” level, that Maslow proposes-as the very highest functioning level of need-is, such a complex intellectual yearning, that, many people-even if they have all else-never reach this higher degree of achievement-almost, as if, this higher needs area-could be compared, to something spiritual-like: “Nirvana.”

        I think, that what is obvious, and not discussed enough-regarding: IS, and ISIS, is that, the group is in fact, lead, on the basis, of religious ideals. What I gathered, from your allusion, to: Maslow’s highest level of functioning: “self-actualization,” was-that you have perceived, that, the religious elements, of the: IS, and ISIS groups-though little discussed-do, most likely, contribute, and to a greater extent, than many care to acknowledge, to the attractiveness, and comfort, that women, and young adults feel-when, they move from middle class America, into, the open arms, of: “radical Islam.”

Islamic State relies heavily on the recruitment of foreign fighters. We examine this recruitment from an organizational perspective. We analyze how the process of recruitment of foreigners shapes the adverse selection problem affecting the dissident groups that they join. We also examine the different mechanisms used to maintain the allegiance and compliance of foreigners as opposed to indigenous recruits. More broadly, we analyze how the recruitment of foreign fighters affects the organization. Foreign fighters and local recruits exhibit significant differences in recruitment patterns and motivations for joining IS. This could create problems for the organization. Evidence of such strife, however, is not discernible. Given the information at hand, IS appears to be effectively managing the mix of foreign and local recruits. (Gates and Podder 2015, 106)

I think, that the excerpt above-a quote taken from the peer-reviewed journal: Perspectives on Terrorism, is also, elucidating the point-that you brought to light-regarding, the emphasis, on: IS and ISIS, that, the religious aspects, of the organizations-are the most attractive parts, of the organizations (Gates and Podder 2015, 106). I think, that, the problem that I have, with active “terrorism”-whether, it be based on; a religion, or some sort of “fanaticism,” is the: “complaint,” itself. When, a group of dissidents, become large enough, to require: organization, funding, and weapons-to fight, then, whatever problem exists-political and/or otherwise, is-in fact, pronounced enough-to talk about.

        I respect a people’s rights, to have an opinion. However, when we disagree-please, let us talk about it first, before you start, blowing me, and my friends-and family up. I am not soo disagreeable, towards Muslims, or towards the Muslim religion, and, I strongly feel and think, that, the American government, does not work: honestly enough-to settle political disagreements-peacefully. I understand, and soo does much of the rest of the world-that: IS and ISIS members, are angry about something, however-that is all I know. I would, were it my decision-much prefer, to have a conversation, and, to come to some sort of mutual agreement-that, would leave both parties appeased, as opposed to, the fear, of subjecting another innocent human being-to another unwarranted, and, unexpected death.


McLeod, S. A. 2016. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Creative

Commons Attribution-No Commercial Usage. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html

Gates, Scott and Podder, Sukanya. 2015. “Social Media, Recruitment,

Allegiance and the Islamic State.” Perspectives on Terrorism, vol. 9. 4.: 107-116. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/446

Intelligence Officer In Training: "Is The Burden of 'Free Will and Choices"-Too Great, For Some-Americans?


Response to : Eliizabeth Buck

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Re: Do choices-the way of “liberal internationalism,” lead to too many repercussions-that, we as a country-are not prepared, to respond effectively to? Is there any real way, to avoid the burden of responsibility, that, we must accep,t as human beings-because, choices are inherent, and do exist?

I also felt the theory of liberal internationalism could be fitting as it believes that states should intervene whether by military invasion or to offer humanitarian aid (Hollis & Smith 1991, 170-181). –Eliizabeth Buck

           I read, Hollis and Smith (1991), Explaining and Understanding International Relations, pages: 170-181, and what is described, are variations, on how “Game Theory,” can be applied to various life choices. People who learn how to play “Game Theory, are learning, the many ways-to affect, a desired outcome. I suppose, you could argue, that, having the ability to make choices, is-a form of “liberalism.”

         However, being that I am American, and, I grew up in America-I cannot honestly conceive, of living my life, in any other way. I have always had to make decisions, and, the choices I have made-have always impacted my life. My decisions, have impacted my life, in various and, in a myriad, ways, and, they do lead-sometimes, to my desired outcomes and results.

       I am not in support, of interfering, with autonomy, granted to other countries. As members of the United Nations-although, I do sincerely dislike the organization, America has purportedly accepted the premise-that, various nations states, do in fact, have the right-to “self-rule.” Constantly, wasting US money, to nose into, the private affairs of others, is rude. It is disrespectful-of Americans-to presume, that American culture and values, are the only way. And, it is also, a financial burden to America-all that humanitarian outreach, that-we cannot afford to bear.

            America-is far from a heavenly abode. We have problems at home. Then, Americans run around the globe-like complete hypocrites, trying to point out everyone else’s deficits. I think, that we as Americans-should cover our own behinds-first. It is Biblical-my feelings and expressions, in regards, to judging and, regarding, interfering with others. America-has never been perfect, and, yet and still-there are far too many among us, who are incredibly comfortable, with always pointing a finger at others.

The dissonance caused by the invasion and occupation of Iraq is unprecedented and continues to influence international relations. The US is widely seen as a global pariah and former President George W. Bush’s unpopularity set new records. (Hehir 2009, 220)

I think, that, the need to have constant contact, with other countries-regardless, of whether the interactions are: positive, or negative, has negatively impacted the US, and, to such a detrimental extent-that, we as Americans-avoid a conversation, about the problem. Why did George W., decide, that the US, should invade Iraq? The WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), was a falsified report, and, for the most part-most, Americans knew that-even in the face, of whatever the news media, spread all over the television, and the newspaper.

             I think, that the poor decision making skills, of President George W., in relation to, America’s International affairs, not only contributed to: 9/11, I think that, George W., did in fact cause 9/11. George W., was not willing, to: “leave well-enough alone.” America, has never recovered, from 9/11, and, that is just the American side of the story.

          Will, I apologize-ever be enough, after what has happened-to all of us? I think, that the idea, that choices-should be restricted, and severely limited-is at times, more helpful, than we as Americans-would like to admit. A US government-consensus vote, required, to fire a nuclear weapon, could-prevent America, from initiating-MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) (Hollis and Smith 2009, 174). Sometimes, the burdens, of our choices, are too large a load, for us to bear, and, we should finally admit it! Nuclear weapons, really are scary!


Hehir, Aidan. 2009. “Iraq: A ‘Never-Ending Nightmare’?”

Political Studies Review, vol. 7.: 220-226.: Accessed January 29, 2017. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1478-9299.2009.00181.x/abstract

Hollis, Martin and Smith, Steve. 1990. Explaining and

Understanding International Relations. Oxford University Press. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.oupcanada.com/catalog/9780198275893.html

Final Draft-Corrected References: "Theories of Intelligence Study and Practice And Applicability, Both: Domestically, and Internationally."

Theories of Intelligence Studies and Practice

Research Paper Week 4

Hypothesis: I hypothesize, that: “matrix/synergy/hybrid intelligence theory,” is presently, the most effective way, for me to collect required intelligence information, and to perform my duties competently, as an intelligence officer-both: in my academics, as well, as in the field, where I am an active practitioner-as, recently demonstrated by Russia, when they peacefully invaded: The Crimea, and, initiated a change of power, which, concluded, with a safe transition of power-from terrorists in the Ukraine, back to the original Russian government of Moscow, under the direction, of: President Putin.

Due: January 29, 2017

American Public University System (APUS) Intl 500

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence and Global Studies

Student Report: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Body of Literature Review and Research Paper:


What is “Intelligence?”

Strategic intelligence may be defined broadly as a set of activities conducted by government agencies that operate largely in secret. These activities include, foremost, the collection and interpretation of information drawn from a mixture of open and clandestine sources to arrive at a product—knowledge—useful to illuminate foreign policy deliberations. This is intelligence as narrowly and traditionally defined. (Johnson 2003, 1)

What is theory?

Prior to explaining, a few of the predominant theories, in the field, of intelligence, and how and why, they are applicable, to both the: study, and practice-it is necessary, to first define: “intelligence.” A theory, is utilized, to support a hypothesis, in deductive reasoning. The theory, behind a hypothesis, is the logical deductive way, from the general, to the specific-which leads to a hypothetical conclusion, that can be “falsified.” It is not possible, to argue for a hypothesis, if there are not strong, and well-established theories, to support your argument-and in favor of your hypothesis.

         Loch Johnson (2003), in his peer-reviewed journal article: “Bricks and Mortar for a Theory of Intelligence,” also refers to: “matrix/synergy/hybrid theory of intelligence,” as the: “cycle of intelligence.”  Because you collect information, from various resources, and then, the intelligence is analyzed, and added to your growing collection, and then-it is necessary to gather more information-from the same, or different sources again-to add to the collection of information-again: “cycle of intelligence:”

In-reality, the intelligence “cycle” is less a series of smoothly integrated phases, one leading to another, than a complex matrix of interactions among intelligence officers (the “producers” of intelligence) and the policy officials they serve (the “consumers”). This matrix—a composite of intricate human and bureaucratic relationships—is characterized by interruptions, mid-course corrections, and multiple feedback loops. (Johnson 2003, 2)

Hypothesis: “Matrix/Synergy/Hybrid”:

My hypothesis, for this particular research paper-which, is intended, to explore some of the theories, behind the study and practice of intelligence-is, that, a: “matrix/synergy/hybrid theory,” is currently, the most effective intelligence strategy, for collecting, the necessary and required intelligence information, to be, a more competent and reliable, intelligence officer (Johnson 2003, 2). A: “matrix/synergy/hybrid theory of intelligence,” is both an: antiquated, as well as a contemporary, theory of intelligence (Johnson 2003, 2). Although, the specific nomenclature, has altered some, the definition-regarding the utilization, of, a: variety of resources, and information outlets, to answer an: “intelligence query,” and to accomplish, an: “intelligence mission,” does in fact, have the same general meaning.

         The application of a theory, differs, to-a-great-extent, from, the theory itself sometimes. A country can advertise, that, they practice a certain type of intelligence theory, and, that the theory, is in support of certain objectives-when in fact, the information, that they told you-was: “government propaganda, and counterintelligence.” From antiquity, there has been a lack of satisfaction, with life, and, all it has-to-offer, and that-for centuries, has left some, wanting too much, for what, was never theirs to have:

Examining the impact of culture on intelligence is in actuality not a recent investigation.  Bonthous specifically tackled the issue over two decades ago. Unfortunately, that work showed the dichotomy that would come to epitomize the treatment of culture within Intelligence Studies overall. (Crosston 2015, 26)

Theory of International Relations:

Some would argue, that, it is in fact a: “Deus De Machina,” and not a specific: “culture,” that defines, how individual states-interact with each other, in all matters, pertaining to “intelligence,” and to “international relations, (Crosston 2015, 26).” Some, argue too strongly-in regards to, an International theory, of “intelligence,” that, is strictly politically based. It is more a contemporary political ideology, that, there should be a theory of “intelligence,” which, revolves around: “international relations”-the study, and the practice of: I.R.:

Popular perceptions and general understanding of the nature of intelligence and its role in international relations leaves much to be desired. A starting point is the question: what is intelligence? The way intelligence is defined necessarily conditions approaches to research and writing about the subject. (Jackson and Scott 2004,141)

Jackson and Scott (2004), argue, in their peer-reviewed journal article: “The Study of Intelligence in Theory and Practice,” that because countries, are individual players, there is no simple way, to define a theory of “intelligence,” based on the practices, of: International Relations (Jackson and Scott 2004, 141). It is clear, that there are too many varieties, of political and ruling styles, and, directions-to narrow a theory of intelligence down enough, so that, it encompasses-the entire planet.

          Because, governments rule-autonomously, the direction, and type of: “intelligence,” and theory behind practice, are narrowly construed-as to be, country specific, and, as to be, ruler specific-as well. That-being-said, the United States, is not immune, to changes in: theories, studies, and applications-in the field of: “intelligence.”

Theory of Deception:

          In the late 1990’s, the United States, under the direction, of the Clinton Administration, began a switch, from an International intelligence policy of: “transparency,” to a policy of: “deception” (Johnson 2003, 11). Johnson (2003), “Bricks and Mortar, For A Theory of Intelligence,” discusses, the slow passing of political states in the US, from the First Bush Administration, through to the Second Bush Administration, to and highlights, how changes in U.S. “intelligence,” contributed to: 9/11, and then-also to, the resolution and relief, that America never experienced-after: 9/11. The theory of intelligence, based on “deception,” and proselytized-in the late 1990’s, can be accurately described, as the following (Whaley 2014, 178):

It is pragmatic, presented as 1) a teaching tool for persons concerned with deception and counter-deception, either as practitioners or potential victims; and 2) an analytical tool or model for deception operations, specifically as a check-list to assure that all aspects have been covered, all bases touched, in the design, analysis, or detection of deception operations. (Whaley 2014, 178)

A policy of “deception,” in politics, as well as in “intelligence”-is never a good idea. There is the existence, of: “counter intelligence,” however, counter intelligence, and a “policy of deception”-are not the same. The U.S., has a history, of sharing intelligence information, with other countries, internationally-that we consider allies.

          However, beginning with the Clinton Administration-even with our long history, of sharing intelligence information, and relying upon each other for support, countries like the United Kingdom-who used to be close to the US, could no longer trust America, to tell them, the truth (Aldrich 2015, 394). It did not matter at all, to the Clinton Administration, that-eventually, the “deception policy,” would come-to-light, and, would have to be discussed-regarding, how an international political “policy of deception,” impacted the US, as well as, how that extreme dishonesty, also hurt-our closest allies.

            Immediately prior to: 9/11, the political climate internationally-altered dramatically. There had been years of rest, and peace, in some Western European countries, and then, in 2008-2009, all-of-a-sudden, Israel, was attacking people-all over Europe-as terrorists: “suicide bombers,” from Israel, and worse (Muller-Wille 2008, 49):

Following the attacks in New York, Madrid and London, intelligence and security agencies in Europe and around the world concurred on the need to work more closely together in response to the new international terrorist threat. However, most of the increased collaboration takes place outside the EU framework despite its established structures for intelligence co-operation. (Muller-Wille 2008, 49)

Apparently, European intelligence networks, were well-aware of the fact, that Israel, was organizing outside of the confines of Europe, and then-somehow, entering various European cities, to incite violence (Muller-Wille 2008, 49).

          However, it also appears, that while European intelligence communities, understood-to some extent, what was occurring-there seems to have been, no efforts what-so-ever, none by US government, or by European governments, to deter the terror attacks, by Israel. The US, had information, about active terror cells, that were no longer sleeping in the US, who were, online, and relying heavily, on international communications, to contact other active terror cells in Europe, and, America fallaciously-chose, not to share, that vital information, with our European allied nations (Johnson 2003, 11). The Clinton Administration, crippled US International intelligence communications, our US CIA-was silenced (Johnson 2003, 20).

               Immediately, proceeding the 9/11 attack, in the United States, our American FBI, decided to ignore, intelligence information-which they had, in fact been given, regarding the planned terror attack, on the Twin Towers-in New York City (Johnson 2003, 12). I am not an intelligence officer, working for the United States. I do not know how, the US: FBI, or CIA, or any other branch of the US intelligence community, can defend, intentionally ignoring, pertinent intelligence information, about a terror attack, in the US?

         For a member, of the US intelligence community, to merely explain the situation away-as, a policy decision-even handed down, by the US President himself-is never going to be, an excuse enough. There are: moral and ethical requirements, attendant, to all professional positons in the US-not just to: doctors, police, lawyers, judges, and members of our US intelligence community. Walking away from a: moral and ethical obligation-in defense of something as pliable, as a “political ideology,” is never defensible in court-not in the US, or overseas, in an International court room. Lives were lost. America-not just Americans-were traumatized. Where is the recovery?

Orthodox Theory Versus Revisionist Theory of Intelligence:

         After the tragedy of 9/11, America freely and openly admitted, that the causes, had been the fault-to a large degree, by the US intelligence community. The US intelligence community, admitted, to having information, about the impending attack, and then-refusing to exact the US government, against “domestic terrorists.”  Following, the 9/11 terror attacks, two different schools of “intelligence,” became more pronounced within the US, for both: academics and practitioners-in an attempt, to: define, explain, and excuse, the events of 9/11, the: “Orthodox School of Intelligence Theory,” versus, “The Revisionist School of Intelligence Theory” (Honig 2007, 699):

Herein is an effort to advance intelligence theory building by putting forth a theoretical framework to help adjudicate between two competing intelligence schools: the Orthodox School, which argues that the inherent pathologies and obstacles in the work of intelligence make every attempt of surprise attack an almost certain success, and the Revisionist School, which asserts that the roots of surprise attacks lie in avoidable failures of certain intelligence people. (Honig 2007, 699)

In fact, as previously discussed, the attack, by terrorists, from active/domestic terror cells, within the US, on the New York City Twin Towers-was not a surprise. Both the: “Orthodox School of intelligence theory,” and the: “Revisionist School of Intelligence theory,” are applicable, to the disaster-that resulted, here, in America, on 9/11 (Honig 2007, 699).

          Professionals, who are hired, to work for the US government, at both: the FBI, and, the CIA-ignore intelligence information-on a regular basis. In fact, when Mr. Obama was still president, of the US, the CIA, had an online “tip” submission form, and, they refused to accept it, as well as, almost all phone calls to their offices.  The CIA, blocked my laptop, IP addresses, on a regular basis-while Mr. Obama, was president, of the US. I literally, could not report anything to the CIA-except for a few brief phone calls-for almost 8 years.

             Additionally, the US government, has a history of hiring people-for any given employment position, who, have never been smart enough, to earn their degree, or, to practice in their field of study. America, hires people, who are not qualified to work-all-of-the-time. At, the very same time- America, refuses to hire someone, who is more suitable, for a specific employment position, for any given reason-superficial: political, religious, sexual orientation, or other reasons-which, is not legal in America.

            America has rules and laws, which state, that: housing, and employment, are to be offered equally, to those equally qualified, for those in need, and, with no pre-supposed prejudices, based on: race, religion, political affiliation, culture, etc.-and, that simply, is not the reality. America, is dangerous. It is a country, that is supposed to be safe. America, is crisscrossed with thousands of: rules, laws, and legislation-offering protections, for: civil, and human rights. America, is most likely, one of the most dangerous, and unpleasant countries-on the entire planet-and, that is the reality.

        Although, the theories of intelligence, are actively changing in the US, from presidency, to presidency, and from decade, to decade-the situation in the US, really has not improved, since 9/11. I would argue, that, it has been, just the opposite-America has lost an edge, since: 9/11. America has lost the advantage. America is being excluded, from the “intelligence information cycle.” America, is no longer in-the-know. The “policy of deception,” implemented by the Clinton Administration, and then, the downward spiraling cycle of events, that occurred, beginning with 9/11-has left America, in the benthic zone, and, with no close International allies, who are willing to trust, that America’s intelligence community, will ever be honest enough.

It is no accident that Shulsky and Schmitt titled their book Silent Warfare or that the Director of Central Intelligence Robert Gates should tell junior CIA officers that the nation is at peace because we are constantly at war. (Phythian 2010, 57)

RAND-Failed Theory of Intelligence:

America, is no longer at peace. There is no longer, a quiet exchange, of covert intelligence information-protecting the America public. America, is more dangerous today-perhaps, than, it has ever been before. In 2017, revisiting, what never worked for America-in the past, like the RAND Intelligence Community Workshops, in Arlington, VA-is not going to be the answer, to a better and safer future, for the US (Boraz et al. 2006, iii). There needs to be positive change for America, and our dilapidated intelligence community. Some would agree, that another alteration, in theory, applicable to the: study and practice, of US intelligence, is required, and I agree!

Feminist Theory of Intelligence:

        There are woman, who are professionals, and, who work in, both: the academic, and, in the field of US intelligence-who, are presently arguing, that a “feminist” perspective-offers, a “fresh set of eyes,” to the current US intelligence community quandary. Although, I have not been hired-as-of-yet, I do, contact potential employers-almost exclusively overseas though. I am both: studying in the field of intelligence, and, actively working, and publishing, and sharing information-as a freelance reporter, and as a member, of the International intelligence community (my active Google Blogger account, that receives regular updates: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com).

           As a woman, I am a strong supporter, for a theory of intelligence, which is firmly rooted, in: “feminism.” As a woman, I have a different ideology, about America, and, about war, and, about how best, to utilize our limited American resources-to support, our denigrated, and over-burdened, intelligence community. A cursory perusal, of a woman’s professional writing, within the academic genre of: intelligence studies, does on occasion, gain some attention-however, the attention in the past, has only been fleeting:

While there has been intense intra-disciplinary debate within contemporary feminist security studies over the necessary ‘feminist credentials’ of some gendered analyses, it is important to recognise the continual renewal and analytical vigour brought to the field by such debates. (Shepherd 2009, 217)

Original Tenets Behind US Intelligence Theory:

I would argue, that an intelligence theory, that were based on the values, of “feminism,” and, that would necessarily include, the professional writings, of female intelligence officers-would have a stronger support, for the original intentions, of our US intelligence collection, and network. Originally, the stated purposes, discussed regarding the collection, of intelligence information, by the US government, was for:

1)      The increase of our national security;

2)      To, protect both: America, and Americans-and;

3)      To defend our: “American Dream,” and to protect, our: “US Constitutional Human Rights (Johnson 2009, 10).”

As a woman, my children, and my family-come first. I have a different psychological imprint, than a man, because, I have a different physiologically chemistry, than a man. I am less aggressive. I am far more motivated, to focus, on a discursive exchange for mediation, that will help to maintain, both: peace and stability, for both: my family, and for America. I see war, as a negative event, and, as a loss-even if, the US government tells me, that America has won again. I worry about my children dying.

               I worry about how, the violence impacts other countries, and other families overseas-as well. I have never had the need, to kill everyone-instead, of signing an honest peace treaty. I would prefer, to take International arguments, to an International court. I could never support suicide bombings. I do not want to die! I just got here. I have a right to live. I should have the opportunity, to live my life, in peace, and with happiness-the American government promised me, and has not delivered.

            Since 2008, Cyberspace is officially regarded as a distinct military domain, along with land, sea and air for many countries (Goel, 2011) (Koltuksuz and Yucel 2017, 213). Other suggestions, to improve the national ethos-post 9/11, have been based, on an increased role, for the Internet, in relaying/sharing intelligence information-to those, in immediate need, and at distant/remote locations-where intelligence information retrieval, is almost impossible, by: HUMINT:

In his seminal piece entitled, “The Wiki and a Blog: Towards a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community” (2005), Calvin Andrus identified using wikis and blogs in the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) as a possible solution to their information sharing challenges in a world after the September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks. Andrus asserted that intelligence based decision making was moving towards real-time, live environments, and that the “intelligence-decision-implementation cycle”, such as when new security issues emerge in Baghdad and are vetted through decision-makers in Washington, can now be as short as 15 minutes. The ability to provide concise and quality intelligence under a compressed cycle requires comprehensive intelligence sharing using central locations of information within the USIC. (Chomik 2011, 96)

I support the initiative, to increase the role, that is played by the Internet, in collecting, and verifying intelligence information. I utilize the Internet, and information available online, as valuable information resources-to both: draw intelligence from, as well as, contribute intelligence information to.

        Many social networking websites-however, like: Facebook, Twitter, Fling, Instagram, Tumblr, etc., are not comfortable, with the: civil and human rights, that are afforded to Americans. It is illegal, for social networking websites, to edit comments, and photos, when they fall within the purview, of what is legal within the US, and allowable-as permitted, by our US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. As previously stated, I am a practicing freelance reporter. I am kicked out of online social networking websites-all-of-the-time, for expressing and honest opinion, for posting an honest complaint, and, for asking a normal question.

           However, in America, we have a new money problem-whereby entrepreneurs believe, that by amassing a certain amount, of currency-they, are no longer required to abide by, US laws. Men, like Zuckerburg of Facebook, travel all over the US, and all over the world, with a giant wallet fat with money, and, they literally do-whatever they want-in the face, of every US or international law, on the books. I get the impression, after having grown up in the US, and, after having to apply for political asylum in Europe, and now, I am also applying for immigration-to another country-that Americans think, that everything is for sale, and-that is simply, not the case, or legal!

New Hybrid Intelligence Theory of Russia:

      The American, intelligence community and agencies, as-a-whole, has faltered, and, has failed to recover, since: 9/11. Russia, however, is presently experiencing, one success, after another. Russia-like myself, has chosen to utilize, and to apply, the intelligence theory of: “matrix/synergy/hybrid.” Russia, has had great success, with a: “hybrid intelligence theory,” and, I therefore already know, that the theory works. I picked a winner! Russia, and America-unfortunately, are not close politically, and therefore-although, US intelligence, knows some, about the tactics, and maneuvers, applied with the: “hybrid intelligence theory,” utilized by Russia-not all the details, are known.

              “Hybrid conflict takes place in the intermediate spaces, or at the seams of traditional ways of thinking (Giegerich 2016, 69).” Russia, most recently, utilized: “hybrid intelligence theory,” to enact a peaceful change of power, in the Crimea, from terrorists in the Ukraine, back to the centralized Russian government, in Moscow-under the direction, of President Putin. I am a supporter of “hybrid warfare- like Russia, and, I have too, have stepped out, of the: “little black box” (Shepherd 2009, 208).


Russian Hybrid Warfare Intelligence-The New Game Theory Intelligence Theory!

       “Hybrid Warfare”-as defined and utilized, by Russia, is much closer, to the original: “Game Theory (Hollis 1992, 120).” I.e., if America and Russia, were both people-instead of countries, what would Mother Russia think, of Uncle Sam’s intentions (Hollis 1992, 174)? I think, the future, of intelligence theory, is: “hybrid warfare theory.” Russia, has already demonstrated, that: “hybrid warfare theory,” is effective, and can be non-violent. “Hybrid warfare theory,” is an improved upon version, of the original: “Game theory,”-it is a military game of intelligence, for the “intelligencia”-it is fun, challenging, and it is also: too fast, and too complicated. What is your IQ? “Playa Playa,” or, will you be sitting this round out? Game.


Aldrich, Richard J. 2015. “Review article The 100 billion dollar brain: central intelligence machinery in the UK and the US.” The Royal Institute of International Affairs, vol. 91. 2.: 393-403. Accessed January 29, 2017. https://www.chathamhouse.org/publication/ia/review-article-100-billion-dollar-brain-central-intelligence-machinery-uk-and-us

Boraz, Steven, Lipscy, Phillip, Treverton, Gregory F., and Jones, Seth G. 2006. “Toward a Theory of Intelligence Workshop Report.” RAND National Security Research Division Conference and Workshop, 1-35. Accessed January 28, 2017. www.rand.org

Cagatay, Yucel, and Koltuksuz, Ahmet. 2017. “An Annotated Bibliographical Survey on Cyber Intelligence for Cyber Intelligence Officers.”  Department of Computer Engineering, Yasar University, Turkey. Accessed January 29, 2017. https://www.jinfowar.com/authors/ca%C4%9Fatay-y%C3%BCcel

Chomik, Andrew. 2011. “Making Friends in Dark Shadows: An Examination of the Use

of Social Computing Strategy Within the United States

Intelligence Community Since 9/11.” Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition, vol. 4. 2.: 95-113. Accessed January 29, 2017.  http://www.gmj.uottawa.ca/1102/v4i2_chomik.pdf

Crosston, Mathew. 2015. “Cultures, Conditions, and Cognitive Closure: Breaking Intelligence Studies’ Dependence on Security Studies.” Journal of Strategic Security, vol. 8. 3.: 24-45. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/jss/vol8/iss3/2/

Geigerich, Bastian. 2016. “Hybrid Warfare and The Changing Character of Conflict.” (IISS) International Institute of Strategic Studies London, Connections, vol. 15. 2.: 65-72. Accessed January 28, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.11610/Connections.15.2.05

Hollis, Martin and Smith, Steve. 1990. Explaining and Understanding International Relations. Oxford University Press. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.oupcanada.com/catalog/9780198275893.html

Honig, Arthur Or. 2007. “A New Direction for Theory-Building in Intelligence Studies.” International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, vol. 20.: 699-716. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08850600701249840?journalCode=ujic20&

Jackson, Peter, and Scott, Len. 2004. “The Study of Intelligence in Theory and Practice.” The Study of Intelligence in Theory and Practice, Intelligence and National Security, vol. 19. 2.: 139-169. Accessed January 28, 2017.   http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0268452042000302930

Johnson, Loch. 2003. “Bricks and Mortar for a Theory of Intelligence,” Comparative Strategy, vol. 22. 1.: 1-28. Accessed January 28, 2017.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01495930390130481

Muller-Wille, Bjorn. 2008. “The Effect of International Terrorism on EU Intelligence Co-operation.” (JCMS) Journal of Compilation Military Studies, vol. 46. 1.: 49-73. Accessed January 29, 2017. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1070287&rec=1&srcabs=885423&alg=7&pos=5

Phythian, Mark. 2008. “Intelligence theories and theories of international relations.” Shared of Separate Worlds, 57-72. Routledge. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.crcnetbase.com/doi/abs/10.4324/9780203892992.ch4

Shepherd, Laura J. 2009. “Gender, Violence and Global Politics: Contemporary Debates in Feminist Security Studies.” Political Studies Review, vol. 7.: 208-219. Accessed January 29, 2017. http://www.academia.edu/4597510/Gender_Violence_and_Global_Politics_Contemporary_Debates_in_Feminist_Security_Studies

Whaley, Barton. 1982. “Toward a general theory of deception.” Journal of Strategic Studies, vol. 5. 1.: 178-192. Accessed January 28, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01402398208437106

Intelligence Officer In Training: Research Paper Rough Draft: Applicable Intelligence Theory Historical and Contemporary Due: January 29, 2017

Theories of Intelligence Studies and Practice

Research Paper Week 4

Hypothesis: I hypothesize, that: “matrix/synergy/hybrid intelligence theory,” is presently, the most effective way, for me to collect required intelligence information, and to perform my duties competently, as an intelligence officer-both: in my academics, as well, as in the field, where I am an active practitioner-as, recently demonstrated by Russia, when they peacefully invaded: The Crimea, and, initiated a change of power, which, concluded, with a safe transition of power-from terrorists in the Ukraine, back to the original Russian government of Moscow, under the direction, of: President Putin.

Due: January 29, 2017

American Public University System (APUS) Intl 500

2nd Master’s Degree Intelligence and Global Studies

Student Report: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Body of Literature Review and Research Paper:


What is “Intelligence?”

Strategic intelligence may be defined broadly as a set of activities conducted by government agencies that operate largely in secret. These activities include, foremost, the collection and interpretation of information drawn from a mixture of open and clandestine sources to arrive at a product—knowledge—useful to illuminate foreign policy deliberations. This is intelligence as narrowly and traditionally defined. (Johnson 2003, 1)

What is theory?

Prior to explaining, a few of the predominant theories, in the field, of intelligence, and how and why, they are applicable, to both the: study, and practice-it is necessary, to first define: “intelligence.” A theory, is utilized, to support a hypothesis, in deductive reasoning. The theory, behind a hypothesis, is the logical deductive way, from the general, to the specific-which leads to a hypothetical conclusion, that can be “falsified.” It is not possible, to argue for a hypothesis, if there are not strong, and well-established theories, to support your argument-and in favor of your hypothesis.

         Loch Johnson (2003), in his peer-reviewed journal article: “Bricks and Mortar for a Theory of Intelligence,” also refers to: “matrix/synergy/hybrid theory of intelligence,” as the: “cycle of intelligence.”  Because you collect information, from various resources, and then, the intelligence is analyzed, and added to your growing collection, and then-it is necessary to gather more information-from the same, or different sources again-to add to the collection of information-again: “cycle of intelligence:”

In-reality, the intelligence “cycle” is less a series of smoothly integrated phases, one leading to another, than a complex matrix of interactions among intelligence officers (the “producers” of intelligence) and the policy officials they serve (the “consumers”). This matrix—a composite of intricate human and bureaucratic relationships—is characterized by interruptions, mid-course corrections, and multiple feedback loops. (Johnson 2003, 2)

Hypothesis: “Matrix/Synergy/Hybrid”:

My hypothesis, for this particular research paper-which, is intended, to explore some of the theories, behind the study and practice of intelligence-is, that, a: “matrix/synergy/hybrid theory,” is currently, the most effective intelligence strategy, for collecting, the necessary and required intelligence information, to be, a more competent and reliable, intelligence officer (Johnson 2003, 2). A: “matrix/synergy/hybrid theory of intelligence,” is both an: antiquated, as well as a contemporary, theory of intelligence (Johnson 2003, 2). Although, the specific nomenclature, has altered some, the definition-regarding the utilization, of, a: variety of resources, and information outlets, to answer an: “intelligence query,” and to accomplish, an: “intelligence mission,” does in fact, have the same general meaning.

         The application of a theory, differs, to-a-great-extent, from, the theory itself sometimes. A country can advertise, that, they practice a certain type of intelligence theory, and, that the theory, is in support of certain objectives-when in fact, the information, that they told you-was: “government propaganda, and counterintelligence.” From antiquity, there has been a lack of satisfaction, with life, and, all it has-to-offer, and that-for centuries, has left some, wanting too much, for what, was never theirs to have:

Examining the impact of culture on intelligence is in actuality not a recent investigation.  Bonthous specifically tackled the issue over two decades ago. Unfortunately, that work showed the dichotomy that would come to epitomize the treatment of culture within Intelligence Studies overall. (Crosston 2015, 26)

Theory of International Relations:

Some would argue, that, it is in fact a: “Deus De Machina,” and not a specific: “culture,” that defines, how individual states-interact with each other, in all matters, pertaining to “intelligence,” and to “international relations, (Crosston 2015, 26).” Some, argue too strongly-in regards to, an International theory, of “intelligence,” that, is strictly politically based. It is more a contemporary political ideology, that, there should be a theory of “intelligence,” which, revolves around: “international relations”-the study, and the practice of: I.R.:

Popular perceptions and general understanding of the nature of intelligence and its role in international relations leaves much to be desired. A starting point is the question: what is intelligence? The way intelligence is defined necessarily conditions approaches to research and writing about the subject. (Jackson and Scott 2004,141)

Jackson and Scott (2004), argue, in their peer-reviewed journal article: “The Study of Intelligence in Theory and Practice,” that because countries, are individual players, there is no simple way, to define a theory of “intelligence,” based on the practices, of: International Relations (Jackson and Scott 2004, 141). It is clear, that there are too many varieties, of political and ruling styles, and, directions-to narrow a theory of intelligence down enough, so that, it encompasses-the entire planet.

          Because, governments rule-autonomously, the direction, and type of: “intelligence,” and theory behind practice, are narrowly construed-as to be, country specific, and, as to be, ruler specific-as well. That-being-said, the United States, is not immune, to changes in: theories, studies, and applications-in the field of: “intelligence.”

Theory of Deception:

          In the late 1990’s, the United States, under the direction, of the Clinton Administration, began a switch, from an International intelligence policy of: “transparency,” to a policy of: “deception” (Johnson 2003, 11). Johnson (2003), “Bricks and Mortar, For A Theory of Intelligence,” discusses, the slow passing of political states in the US, from the First Bush Administration, through to the Second Bush Administration, to and highlights, how changes in U.S. “intelligence,” contributed to: 9/11, and then-also to, the resolution and relief, that America never experienced-after: 9/11. The theory of intelligence, based on “deception,” and proselytized-in the late 1990’s, can be accurately described, as the following (Whaley 2014, 178):

It is pragmatic, presented as 1) a teaching tool for persons concerned with deception and counter-deception, either as practitioners or potential victims; and 2) an analytical tool or model for deception operations, specifically as a check-list to assure that all aspects have been covered, all bases touched, in the design, analysis, or detection of deception operations. (Whaley 2014, 178)

A policy of “deception,” in politics, as well as in “intelligence”-is never a good idea. There is the existence, of: “counter intelligence,” however, counter intelligence, and a “policy of deception”-are not the same. The U.S., has a history, of sharing intelligence information, with other countries, internationally-that we consider allies.

          However, beginning with the Clinton Administration-even with our long history, of sharing intelligence information, and relying upon each other for support, countries like the United Kingdom-who used to be close to the US, could no longer trust America, to tell them, the truth (Aldrich 2015, 394). It did not matter at all, to the Clinton Administration, that-eventually, the “deception policy,” would come-to-light, and, would have to be discussed-regarding, how an international political “policy of deception,” impacted the US, as well as, how that extreme dishonesty, also hurt-our closest allies.

            Immediately prior to: 9/11, the political climate internationally-altered dramatically. There had been years of rest, and peace, in some Western European countries, and then, in 2008-2009, all-of-a-sudden, Israel, was attacking people-all over Europe-as terrorists: “suicide bombers,” from Israel, and worse (Muller-Wille 2008, 49):

Following the attacks in New York, Madrid and London, intelligence and security agencies in Europe and around the world concurred on the need to work more closely together in response to the new international terrorist threat. However, most of the increased collaboration takes place outside the EU framework despite its established structures for intelligence co-operation. (Muller-Wille 2008, 49)

Apparently, European intelligence networks, were well-aware of the fact, that Israel, was organizing outside of the confines of Europe, and then-somehow, entering various European cities, to incite violence (Muller-Wille 2008, 49).

          However, it also appears, that while European intelligence communities, understood-to some extent, what was occurring-there seems to have been, no efforts what-so-ever, none by US government, or by European governments, to deter the terror attacks, by Israel. The US, had information, about active terror cells, that were no longer sleeping in the US, who were, online, and relying heavily, on international communications, to contact other active terror cells in Europe, and, America fallaciously-chose, not to share, that vital information, with our European allied nations (Johnson 2003, 11). The Clinton Administration, crippled US International intelligence communications, our US CIA-was silenced (Johnson 2003, 20).

               Immediately, proceeding the 9/11 attack, in the United States, our American FBI, decided to ignore, intelligence information-which they had, in fact been given, regarding the planned terror attack, on the Twin Towers-in New York City (Johnson 2003, 12). I am not an intelligence officer, working for the United States. I do not know how, the US: FBI, or CIA, or any other branch of the US intelligence community, can defend, intentionally ignoring, pertinent intelligence information, about a terror attack, in the US?

         For a member, of the US intelligence community, to merely explain the situation away-as, a policy decision-even handed down, by the US President himself-is never going to be, an excuse enough. There are: moral and ethical requirements, attendant, to all professional positons in the US-not just to: doctors, police, lawyers, judges, and members of our US intelligence community. Walking away from a: moral and ethical obligation-in defense of something as pliable, as a “political ideology,” is never defensible in court-not in the US, or overseas, in an International court room. Lives were lost. America-not just Americans-were traumatized. Where is the recovery?

Orthodox Theory Versus Revisionist Theory of Intelligence:

         After the tragedy of 9/11, America freely and openly admitted, that the causes, had been the fault-to a large degree, by the US intelligence community. The US intelligence community, admitted, to having information, about the impending attack, and then-refusing to exact the US government, against “domestic terrorists.”  Following, the 9/11 terror attacks, two different schools of “intelligence,” became more pronounced within the US, for both: academics and practitioners-in an attempt, to: define, explain, and excuse, the events of 9/11, the: “Orthodox School of Intelligence Theory,” versus, “The Revisionist School of Intelligence Theory” (Honig 2007, 699):

Herein is an effort to advance intelligence theory building by putting forth a theoretical framework to help adjudicate between two competing intelligence schools: the Orthodox School, which argues that the inherent pathologies and obstacles in the work of intelligence make every attempt of surprise attack an almost certain success, and the Revisionist School, which asserts that the roots of surprise attacks lie in avoidable failures of certain intelligence people. (Honig 2007, 699)

In fact, as previously discussed, the attack, by terrorists, from active/domestic terror cells, within the US, on the New York City Twin Towers-was not a surprise. Both the: “Orthodox School of intelligence theory,” and the: “Revisionist School of Intelligence theory,” are applicable, to the disaster-that resulted, here, in America, on 9/11 (Honig 2007, 699).

          Professionals, who are hired, to work for the US government, at both: the FBI, and, the CIA-ignore intelligence information-on a regular basis. In fact, when Mr. Obama was still president, of the US, the CIA, had an online “tip” submission form, and, they refused to accept it, as well as, almost all phone calls to their offices.  The CIA, blocked my laptop, IP addresses, on a regular basis-while Mr. Obama, was president, of the US. I literally, could not report anything to the CIA-except for a few brief phone calls-for almost 8 years.

             Additionally, the US government, has a history of hiring people-for any given employment position, who, have never been smart enough, to earn their degree, or, to practice in their field of study. America, hires people, who are not qualified to work-all-of-the-time. At, the very same time- America, refuses to hire someone, who is more suitable, for a specific employment position, for any given reason-superficial: political, religious, sexual orientation, or other reasons-which, is not legal in America.

            America has rules and laws, which state, that: housing, and employment, are to be offered equally, to those equally qualified, for those in need, and, with no pre-supposed prejudices, based on: race, religion, political affiliation, culture, etc.-and, that simply, is not the reality. America, is dangerous. It is a country, that is supposed to be safe. America, is crisscrossed with thousands of: rules, laws, and legislation-offering protections, for: civil, and human rights. America, is most likely, one of the most dangerous, and unpleasant countries-on the entire planet-and, that is the reality.

        Although, the theories of intelligence, are actively changing in the US, from presidency, to presidency, and from decade, to decade-the situation in the US, really has not improved, since 9/11. I would argue, that, it has been, just the opposite-America has lost an edge, since: 9/11. America has lost the advantage. America is being excluded, from the “intelligence information cycle.” America, is no longer in-the-know. The “policy of deception,” implemented by the Clinton Administration, and then, the downward spiraling cycle of events, that occurred, beginning with 9/11-has left America, in the benthic zone, and, with no close International allies, who are willing to trust, that America’s intelligence community, will ever be honest enough.

It is no accident that Shulsky and Schmitt titled their book Silent Warfare or that the Director of Central Intelligence Robert Gates should tell junior CIA officers that the nation is at peace because we are constantly at war. (Phythian 20, 57)

RAND-Failed Theory of Intelligence:

America, is no longer at peace. There is no longer, a quiet exchange, of covert intelligence information-protecting the America public. America, is more dangerous today-perhaps, than, it has ever been before. In 2017, revisiting, what never worked for America-in the past, like the RAND Intelligence Community Workshops, in Arlington, VA-is not going to be the answer, to a better and safer future, for the US (Boraz et al. 2006, iii). There needs to be positive change for America, and our dilapidated intelligence community. Some would agree, that another alteration, in theory, applicable to the: study and practice, of US intelligence, is required, and I agree!

Feminist Theory of Intelligence:

        There are woman, who are professionals, and, who work in, both: the academic, and, in the field of US intelligence-who, are presently arguing, that a “feminist” perspective-offers, a “fresh set of eyes,” to the current US intelligence community quandary. Although, I have not been hired-as-of-yet, I do, contact potential employers-almost exclusively overseas though. I am both: studying in the field of intelligence, and, actively working, and publishing, and sharing information-as a freelance reporter, and as a member, of the International intelligence community (my active Google Blogger account, that receives regular updates: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com).

           As a woman, I am a strong supporter, for a theory of intelligence, which is firmly rooted, in: “feminism.” As a woman, I have a different ideology, about America, and, about war, and, about how best, to utilize our limited American resources-to support, our denigrated, and over-burdened, intelligence community. A cursory perusal, of a woman’s professional writing, within the academic genre of: intelligence studies, does on occasion, gain some attention-however, the attention in the past, has only been fleeting:

While there has been intense intra-disciplinary debate within contemporary feminist security studies over the necessary ‘feminist credentials’ of some gendered analyses, it is important to recognise the continual renewal and analytical vigour brought to the field by such debates. (Shepherd 2009, 217)

Original Tenets Behind US Intelligence Theory:

I would argue, that an intelligence theory, that were based on the values, of “feminism,” and, that would necessarily include, the professional writings, of female intelligence officers-would have a stronger support, for the original intentions, of  our US intelligence collection, and network. Originally, the stated purposes, discussed regarding the collection, of intelligence information, by the US government, was for:

1)      The increase of our national security;

2)      To, protect both: America, and Americans-and;

3)      To defend our: “American Dream,” and to protect, our: “US Constitutional Human Rights (Johnson 2009, 10).”

As a woman, my children, and my family-come first. I have a different psychological imprint, than a man, because, I have a different physiologically chemistry, than a man. I am less aggressive. I am far more motivated, to focus, on a discursive exchange for mediation, that will help to maintain, both: peace and stability, for both: my family, and for America. I see war, as a negative event, and, as a loss-even if, the US government tells me, that America has won again. I worry about my children dying.

               I worry about how, the violence impacts other countries, and other families overseas-as well. I have never had the need, to kill everyone-instead, of signing an honest peace treaty. I would prefer, to take International arguments, to an International court. I could never support suicide bombings. I do not want to die! I just got here. I have a right to live. I should have the opportunity, to live my life, in peace, and with happiness-the American government promised me, and has not delivered.

            Since 2008, Cyberspace is officially regarded as a distinct military domain, along with land, sea and air for many countries (Goel, 2011) (Koltuksuz and Yucel 200, 213). Other suggestions, to improve the national ethos-post 9/11, have been based, on an increased role, for the Internet, in relaying/sharing intelligence information-to those, in immediate need, and at distant/remote locations-where intelligence information retrieval, is almost impossible, by: HUMINT:

In his seminal piece entitled, “The Wiki and a Blog: Towards a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community” (2005), Calvin Andrus identified using wikis and blogs in the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) as a possible solution to their information sharing challenges in a world after the September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks. Andrus asserted that intelligence based decision making was moving towards real-time, live environments, and that the “intelligence-decision-implementation cycle”, such as when new security issues emerge in Baghdad and are vetted through decision-makers in Washington, can now be as short as 15 minutes. The ability to provide concise and quality intelligence under a compressed cycle requires comprehensive intelligence sharing using central locations of information within the USIC. (Chomik 2011, 96)

I support the initiative, to increase the role, that is played by the Internet, in collecting, and verifying intelligence information. I utilize the Internet, and information available online, as valuable information resources-to both: draw intelligence from, as well as, contribute intelligence information to.

        Many social networking websites-however, like: Facebook, Twitter, Fling, Instagram, Tumblr, etc., are not comfortable, with the: civil and human rights, that are afforded to Americans. It is illegal, for social networking websites, to edit comments, and photos, when they fall within the purview, of what is legal within the US, and allowable-as permitted, by our US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. As previously stated, I am a practicing freelance reporter. I am kicked out of online social networking websites-all-of-the-time, for expressing and honest opinion, for posting an honest complaint, and, for asking a normal question.

           However, in America, we have a new money problem-whereby entrepreneurs believe, that by amassing a certain amount, of currency-they, are no longer required to abide by, US laws. Men, like Zuckerburg of Facebook, travel all over the US, and all over the world, with a giant wallet fat with money, and, they literally do-whatever they want-in the face, of every US or international law, on the books. I get the impression, after having grown up in the US, and, after having to apply for political asylum in Europe, and now, I am also applying for immigration-to another country-that Americans think, that everything is for sale, and-that is simply, not the case, or legal!

New Hybrid Intelligence Theory of Russia:

      The American, intelligence community and agencies, as-a-whole, has faltered, and, has failed to recover, since: 9/11. Russia, however, is presently experiencing, one success, after another. Russia-like myself, has chosen to utilize, and to apply, the intelligence theory of: “matrix/synergy/hybrid.” Russia, has had great success, with a: “hybrid intelligence theory,” and, I therefore already know, that the theory works. I picked a winner! Russia, and America-unfortunately, are not close politically, and therefore-although, US intelligence, knows some, about the tactics, and maneuvers, applied with the: “hybrid intelligence theory,” utilized by Russia-not all the details, are known.

              “Hybrid conflict takes place in the intermediate spaces, or at the seams of traditional ways of thinking (Giegerich 2016, 69).” Russia, most recently, utilized: “hybrid intelligence theory,” to enact a peaceful change of power, in the Crimea, from terrorists in the Ukraine, back to the centralized Russian government, in Moscow-under the direction, of President Putin. I am a supporter of “hybrid warfare- like Russia, and, I have too, have stepped out, of the: “little black box” (Shepherd 2009, 208).


Russian Hybrid Warfare Intelligence-The New Game Theory Intelligence Theory!

       “Hybrid Warfare”-as defined and utilized, by Russia, is much closer, to the original: “Game Theory (Hollis 1992, 120).” I.e., if America and Russia, were both people-instead of countries, what would Mother Russia think, of Uncle Sam’s intentions (Hollis 1992, 174)? I think, the future, of intelligence theory, is: “hybrid warfare theory.” Russia, has already demonstrated, that: “hybrid warfare theory,” is effective, and can be non-violent. “Hybrid warfare theory,” is an improved upon version, of the original: “Game theory,”-it is a military game of intelligence, for the “intelligencia”-it is fun, challenging, and it is also: too fast, and too complicated. What is your IQ? “Playa Playa,” or, will you be sitting this round out? Game.


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