Thursday, March 30, 2017

Requsts To Scottish Legal Society-Please Assit Me in Anyway


To Whom It May Concern:

          Thank you for your recent communications, regarding my interest, in working with your organization, in Scotland. I am just today, leaving Ft. Lauderdale, FL-after having completed, an additional layer, of my investigation, into the Obama Administration, and the destruction left behind, by his support, for International terrorism. In Ft. Lauderdale, my focuses, were: law enforcement, and, the local hospital system.

        I understand, completely, that I am not qualified-as a foreigner as well, for the position that was available, and posted to your vacancies, employment-online information board. I am working hard, to prepare my law school applications, for law schools in Scotland. I am still intending to apply, for: September: 2017-this coming fall term. I have recently returned from Costa Rica, and, being fluent enough in Spanish-feel more comfortable, with, the International Human Rights Court located there.

         I have been in communications, by: phone, fax, email, and online submissions, to the International Human Rights Courts, in Europe, for almost 7 years now-with absolutely no response. The International Human Rights Court, in Costa Rica-has already responded, as having received my internship application-I pray that it will only be up-hill, from there. However, I am still in a position, where, I do require some additional professional assistance, from, some other actual lawyers. I am simply and applicant, to law school, and, I have no actual experience in the field.

         Being that, my next law school applications, are being submitted to Scotland, I am hoping that you had the opportunity, to peruse, some of the information, that I submitted, to your organization, in the course, of verifying my qualifications. Scottish, have a strong and recommended cultural preference-for me personally, being that, Scotland has a reputation, for being a more conservative member, of the UK, and commonwealth. I am a Republican, and a conservative-myself.

          I am having too much difficulty, in locating appropriate, and willing legal assistance-in the US, or abroad-who is both: willing and able to assist me, with my: International court cases, pertaining to: International Human Rights-civil, and human rights. While, it would be simpler, to state, that-this is just an American issues-that would never be honest. Because, I am an American citizen, and the majority, of my physical time-for most of life has been spent, within the contiguous United States, the majority, of my current: civil and human rights, violations legal cases-for International court, have originated, within the US.

         However, in the past 5 years, I have begun to travel extensively, and, I am receiving emails-quite literally, from the other side, of the planet-America, is not the only country in the world-or even in the West, i.e.: France, dealing with a plethora, of legal cases-that must be tried in an International Court, and strictly regarding: civil and human rights violations. I am presently, working as: freelance reporter, intelligence officer, and investigator-to collect the required information, to successfully processor, my legal cases. The investment is mine. I front all the money. I get no respect or support-even when people agree, these problems are unbearable, and: "Please someone save me-God help me!"

           Anything, your organization, is willing to do, to assist me, with both: my legal cases, and my applications, to law schools, in Scotland-will be greatly appreciated! Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications, and for, continuing to respond to my on-going correspondence. My current contact information, is as follows: Email: Cell; 1-352-256-7466 Money shortage, is a serious problem for me.

          I have a broken leg now. US Obama government, tried to kill me, a few weeks ago-another attempt on my life, by: vehicular homicide. I have been: homeless and unemployed, in the US, for the past 7years-"Blacklisted," by the Obama Administration, and, I have had no job offers, under Trump either. I really must attend law school. Right now, Scotland, is my preference, and I am in bad need, of scholarship monies-if no employment, in Scotland, could be offered to me.

           Is there anyway-in additional to considering assisting me, with the: International Human Rights cases-themselves, and the law school applications, that-the Scottish Legal Society, might be able to help me to acquire, scholarship money-donations, and fees, for the legal studies themselves? It is not just African Dictator cases, i.e.: Mr. Obama. The European Union, wants to prosecute: Mr. Mugabe of Zimbabwe, etc.

            The information required, and the large numbers of people, and languages required, to process, to these types of intensive and pressing International legal matters-are soo dense, and dangerous, that, I can hardly believe, that there is anyone, more qualified than myself, for the job. A live video chat can be pre-arranged, on the social networking website Skype-if your offices, are at all interested. Additionally, if you all would care to invite me, to visit, your professional offices, in Scotland, then-I would be happy and pleased, to make your acquaintance-in person. Thank you again, for your time, consideration, and continued attention. I will look, for your prompt response.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466 (International Calls Possible)

Friday, March 24, 2017

Application Process To The International Court of Human Rights In Costa Rica-Begun. God Bless Humanity!

Estimada señorita Bayo, se acusa recibido de los documentos y formulario de aplicación al Programa de Pasantías de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.

Saludos cordiales.

Lucía Méndez
Publicaciones – Pasantías
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
San José, Costa Rica. T. (506) 2527-1600 / F. (506) 2225-2741  |  Apdo. 6906-1000

Monday, March 20, 2017

Application For Internship with Costa Rican International Court of Human Rights, March 20, 2017


Application Internship with The Human Rights Court-International, of: Costa Rica

To Whom It May Concern:

        I am writing to your offices, from the Ft. Lauderdale, FL International airport. I am an applicant for both: International legal studies and political asylum-from America. The political situation in America, is unbearable. My country has been over-run, by in-lawful immigrants, invited to the US, by the Mr. Obama Administration.

        The change, from Mr. Obama-to Trump, for America, has made no significant difference, for me. There have been no improvements, in the political situation in the US. My experiences have been, that problems in America-increased, with the changing of political powers, from the Democratic party, to the Republicans. The International terrorists that Mr. Obama, invited to America, to support his "foul," political ideology-are refusing to leave peacefully.

      I live at American airports-a week, a little longer, then I fly on to another country, to beg for help. I think that Costa Rica, could be exactly what I need. I am-at present, a student in an US military Intelligence training university, and, would like to come to Costa Rica-as an "Intern." I recently, began to submit letters of interest, to law schools, in Scotland-as well.

          I am willing to re-locate to Costa Rica-permanently, with my family, to: argue and to support, the Costa Rican International Court of Human Rights. I have been in contact, with the European Courts of Human Rights-for over 5 years now, and-called Internationally-frequently, with absolutely no response. It is my valid observation-that certain immigrants, are making any arguments, for: civil or human rights-impossible.

      I am extremely physically ill, and stranded, with no: friends or family-other than my 3 children, in the US. I have absolutely resources available, to me here, no: medicine, shelter, employment, disability services, social services, transportation, etc. I have been homeless, and unemployed-studying, and complaining to authority figures in the US-continuously, for the past 7 years, and with no results.

         My situation in America, has only grown more austere, and desperate. People in the US, pretend, like the are too uncomfortable, in the post-Obama political milieu-to even speak to me. I am at the end, of my patience, with the political situation in the US, and the complete disregard, that the International Human Rights Courts, in Europe, have shown towards me.

      I am attaching, a little additional information, in regards, to some of the very worst problems, I am experiencing in America. I am well read. My academic specialization, is not limited to one specific field or language. I am academically accomplished, I very hard worker, and capable of obtaining information in the form of evidence-that is required for court, and for the tertiary legal actions, which include reinforcing the prosecution, i.e.: penitentiary, etc. I hate everything about America, and my country-has not always been this way. I recently returned from Costa Rica, and found the visit, to be both: healthful, and a relief. Immigrants to America, from Africa-are such a nightmare, that I would suggest, you block immigration from Africa, and of black-to: Costa Rica.

        In addition, to applying for the internship, with the: Costa Rican Court of Human Rights-International, I have also begun to contact the court about hearing my cases, from America, and abroad. I have been collecting, the evidence, for my: civil and human rights violations, cases, for the past 7 years, and with too many serious problems, and illegal interruptions.

         One of my biggest problems-in the US, and abroad, happens to b stolen evidence. The Mr. Obama supporters of International terrorism, are violent aggressive: rapists, stalkers, and killers, and-therefore, there have been too many attempts on my life, and, information stolen. The US law enforcement, and legal system, are both: non-responsive to my complaints, while at the very same time, completely supportive, of International terror, and all the destruction that follows.

         Thank you for receiving my email communications, and for honestly considering, my present application, for an internship. My Spanish is functional. I read and write much better than I speak. I have severe physical disabilities, from being tortured and abused in the US, for the past 7 years. Although, I only accommodation, I would need, for the severe physical pain, is a comfortable chair.

       I also have a significant amount of hearing loss, and would require some intensive studies, in the Spanish language, as well as, the ability to speak to, and to easily contact, a court representative, who also speaks and writes in professional English. English will always be my first language, and therefore, I will necessarily, always require some assistance, with my Spanish. Thank you again, for your time, and continued support. Thank you Costa Rica! Please contact me, regarding, the above stated. I am available through email, and by cell-additionally, a live camera Skype, interview, can be scheduled.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

Sunday, March 19, 2017

American Airlines Unwilling To Compensate Me For A Cancelled Plane Ticket-July 2016, Long Negotiations and No Agreement

March 18, 2017

Dear Miss Cary:

Thank you for contacting us again. I've attempted to reach you by phone today but I was unsuccessful and I didn't want to keep you waiting.
In response to your recent letter, I've reviewed your past correspondence. I can assure you that we have taken great care in reviewing the matter at hand and can certainly appreciate your perseverance. However, our original position has not changed. Please know, however, that while we are not prepared do as you ask on this occasion, we do value your perspective and feedback.
Thank you for your time.


Victoria Lambert
Customer Relations
American Airlines

AA Ref#1-24163473186                                                      

How did we do? Let us know by taking a short survey here.

The information in this email is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s); access to anyone else is unauthorized. If this message has been sent to you in error, do not review, disseminate, distribute or copy it. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this email from your email system.
If your comments are related to American Airlines service to, from, or in the United Kingdom and we have reached an impasse in terms of resolving your complaint, please know that we are obligated by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to inform you that the NetNeutrals EU Ltd. (, located at 3 Armley Court, Armley Road, Leeds, LS12 2LB, is a CAA-approved Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider competent to deal with airline service complaints. American Airlines, however, does not participate with NetNeutrals EU Ltd. in resolving disputes.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

American Airlines Replacement Ticket Requested For Illegally Cancelled Flight To Cozumel, Mexico July 2, 2016


Previous Complaint Filed:

Austin Mosby
Customer Relations
American Airlines
AA Ref#1-23267932004

Illegally Cancelled Ticket Details:

Smartfares Original Reservation Code: X91D02

American Airlines Original Reservation Code: FEANKE

Document #: 7893756184

American Airline Flight: # 1037

A More Detailed Previous Complaint-Same Situation:


RE: Continuing Complaint: American Airlines: Homeless Political Asylum Applicant: US, By Obama Supporters-American Airlines Employees-Recent African Immigrants To US

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Political Prisoner/Hostage-United States of America, PhD Student

Intelligence Officer Training With US Marines, As Civilian Beginning November, 2016

Applicant To Law School, LLB UK, Focus: International Civil And Human Rights Violations

To Whom It May Concern:

          Three months ago, a flight I was taking-Newark Int'l airport, to Cozumel, Mexico, was cancelled-illegally, by African airport staff, at: MIA-Miami Int'l airport. I paid money, and had reserved housing in Cozumel, MX, for the entire month of July, 2016. I lost money, when I was not able to follow through with my intended reservations-affordable comfortable living arrangements, that I could afford.

          I am homeless, in the US, because I do not have any employment, to pay for the high costs of housing here. I was illegally: "Blacklisted," by the Obama Admin. I have not had a single job, since Obama has been president, and, I used to work all over, all of the time. The state of homelessness, that I was forced to remain in, in the US, when Africans who work for AA cancelled my plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-without my permission, has been devastating.

         I am physically ill, unable to successfully complete all of my PhD homework, I require more medications for my asthma and for my acne, and, I look irresponsible to others-when the situation-not my fault. I am an applicant for political asylum in: Norway-due to the great many problems, that I have unfairly encountered, since Obama has been pres. of the US. I have access to nothing I need in the US, because of Obama: employment, housing, public library, community centers, necessary medications, working post mail box, etc.

       AA, allowing their African employees, to cancel my flight to Cozumel, MX-was too unfair, and, I have been stuck in dangerous situations, all over the US since. I am now, stranded in DC-and requesting a plane ticket flight voucher-instead of the refund I was issued. Please cancel the refund check-I never received it, or anything else. Please issue me a substitute voucher, for a domestic/international flight, to anywhere. I have researched the situation, I can not confirm any refund check, was ever issued to me, and still, I am owed fair compensation, for pain/suffering endured.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS


To Whom It May Concern:

      I travel every month, and-although, I was granted an American Airlines electronic refunds online ticket, it is completely useless. I recently flew American Airlines, and was not permitted-although, I was told that I would be able to do so-to utilize the electronic online credit, to pay for my suit cases. It was July, of 2016-that I was first booked, with American Airlines, and then, illegally denied the right, to check-in to my flight from Miami, to Cozumel, Mexico. It is now March, of 2017, and my need to travel internationally, has in no way decreased. I have already needed to travel, outside of America, two times this very month.

      It is much to my chagrin, that after the lengthy requests, emails, and faxes-that were previously sent, to your offices, that, the electronic voucher, from AA, turned out to be, soo completely useless. The refund, is generally, a payment-that, covers whatever service or product, has to be replaced, and at the fault, of the provider. American Airlines, illegally cancelled an International flight-that I needed very badly, from America-to Mexico.

        Then, it was incumbent upon me, to communicate with the AA offices-over a significant period of time, to attempt to reach, some sort of alternative-agreed upon, solution. However, in the above mention situation, the agreed upon solution, is not useable. Therefore, although, AA-did finally offer me, and agreed upon remedy, for the cancelled plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-I cannot use, what was offered to me, as a solution. I am, therefore, writing to your AA, administration offices, to request another solution.

       I am making, more than a reasonable request then-when, 7 months after AA, has illegally cancelled, my plane ticket to Mexico-that, it be replaced, with an actual plane ticket-and not a useless refund credit. I think that, because the actual ticket was cancelled, and-there, was not just a sum owed to me, that, a replacement International travel ticket, is a far more honest, and fair response from AA, to-the cancelled ticket to Cozumel, MX. Additionally, when negotiating, the request, that AA compensate me, in some reasonable way-for the illegally cancelled plane ticket to Cozumel, MX-I also think, that, AA needs to consider, how much: pain, suffering, and difficulty, this prolonged negotiation-with no applicable solution situation, has caused me.

        I have suffered too much, in financial loss, as well as delayed and prolonged torture and abuse, in the states-because I was not able to immediately leave America, for a safer country, when I initially need to. My life is in constant danger in the US. I fly all over the world, seeking out a temporary/permanent solution, for my perilous position, within the US political turmoil.

          The recent election, of Mr. Donald Trump, has in no way, settled politics, in the US. Due to the chosen response, of International and domestic terrorists, traveling-both: in and out, of the US, America, has actually become, even more unstable-since the Trump. My situation in America, in regards to having the ability, to obtain anything I need-including medications, for my broken leg, and re-injured ankle, has not: increased/improved, in any meaningful or detectable way.

      I am requesting, that AA, respond to my email communications, and or, to my faxed in requests. While, I do have a working cell phone number-it is best to communicate formally, in writing, by email, and then, I can call your offices, from my cell. I need documentation, in writing, to substantiate, that our communications have happened, and, what the final out-come, of our conversations-have been. I appreciate, your willingness, to continue to work with me, and, your timely response, in regards, to all matters mentioned above. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cellphone: 352-256-7466

Friday, March 17, 2017

Soctish Legal Society Response Regarding LLB Applications To Scottish Law Schools and Pending Travel Plans march 17, 2017

March 17, 2017

Dear Bayo,

Head of Engagement for In-house Lawyers
Many thanks for submitted your online application for the above vacancy. We will be in touch in due course.

Kind regards

Human Resources Team
Law Society of Scotland
DD: 0131 476 8172


Dear Mr. Shannon Lawrence,

      Thank you for your prompt reply. I was too happy, to hear from your offices, in Scotland. Any assistance, in regards to: possible employment, obtaining legal services, and my pending law school applications, to LLB programmes, in Scotland-will be greatly appreciated. I am aware of the fact, that the law schools in Scotland, require that LLB applications, be submitted online-generally, through an education aggregation evaluation online information collection database. I am awaiting a refund, from my pane ticket and flight-both to and from: New Zealand.

        I am expecting a refund-shortly, by direct deposit, and the, at that time, I will be able to proceed, with my law school applications, to Scotland. However, because I think sincerely, that my application to law school in Scotland, would be better received-with an attendant admissions interview, I have already, sent out a request by email, that the few law schools, that I will be applying to-please consider meeting me, to evaluate, both: my academic documents, and, my overall presentation-as a portion, of proof, towards my ability to succeed, in law school, in Scotland.

        Thank you again, for your recent reply, and, I will keep your offices appraised, of any near future-plans I have, to visit Scotland-in regards, to completing my applications, for law school matriculation-with an expected attendance of: September, 2017. Please feel free, to contact me, at any time, in regards to my continuing communications, to your professional offices, in Scotland. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

New Cellphone US: 352-256-7466

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Email Communications To Law Schools in Scotland Begging For A Personal Call-To Apply Face-To-Face-For LLB Programme Matriculation March 2017


To Whom It May Concern:

     Thank you for your prompt and kind response. I have just returned from Costa Rica. I am told, and by a reliable source-that, there is an International Human Rights court in Costa Rica. I have been struggling, for almost 7 years now, to have my legal complaints, accepted by any of the European Courts of Human rights-and no responses. I continue to reach out, International, for any response, or offer of assistance-in regards to my present situation, in the US. perhaps, Scotland will be willing, to assist me. I am  originally from India. I do recall, that it was Scotland, that chose to help India some, with the Idi Amin "terror," in Uganda. America, is much wors, than anything I ever heard, about Kampala.

      I loved Costa Rica. The natives are friendly, polite, and helpful. I intent study: International law and politics, and as the two genres relate to: politics and human rights defense. I am fairly certain, that a good solid education, in Scottish law, will be sufficient, to practice and to try cases-in International Human Rights Court. I am excited about the Costa Rican environment, and believe strongly, that human rights cases, tried there-would be a positive "defense," out come.

     I am interested, in studying law on-campus, if, a Scottish law school, would have me. I am studious, and hard working. I tend to focus almost all of my spare time, on my academic endeavors. I strive to complete my homework, in a reasonable period of time, and, with the: highest quality and quantity possible, based on any limitations in resources-that, will challenge me. I am proud of my high ethical and high moral standards. I work-to get, the job done.

     Could the law school, consider me-as an International legal studies applicant, for any International student scholarships, that would cover my costs-associated, with: attendance, and with continuing my studies? I have no family or friends in the US. I have been entirely on my own-for a number of years now. I presume, however, that the defense of International Human Rights Cases-is such a primary need-that, I pray, the university will agree with my aspirations, and agree to support my applications, of a Scottish legal education.

        Having just returned from Costa Rica, I am in the Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International airport-as I write, where crazy people, have stolen legal documents from me-again. I am unable to access any medical care in the US. My left leg is broken, and my left ankle is fractured. I am limited funds, and my fever is too high. I feel asleep briefly today, to relieve some of the pain-at the airport, and then awakened, to more stolen court documents.

     I am soo injured, that I cannot walk really. I am stranded at the airport here, until I make arrangements, to fly on to somewhere else. I had intended to fly to Cuba next, and it will not be possible-unfortunately. Black people are soo unfriendly towards me, that, flying to Cuba, would be far too dangerous. African stalkers chased me around the airport today, calling me: "Diana," and trying to rape me. The Africans call me "lazy," for refusing to prostitute. US police ad Sheriff's department, were at the airport today, and refused to help me.

      The Africans are raping my 3 children. They get nasty and crazy with me, everywhere I go, and threaten to kill me, for an entire 12 hour flight, if I sit next to a black man, on a plane. I complained to US police, about the Africans raping me, and my 3 children, and the US police, are just as crazy as the Africans. Truth be told-if I were on a temporary student Visa-then I would be interested in having my 3 children, in attendance, at the University as well. America is terrifying, and the Africans, are always out-of-control. The Africans threaten to send me to a "mental hospital," all day and night-for reporting them, and I am not mental.

      I upload my legal complaints online, for anyone interested to see. I send tons of emails, and I call, and fax-as well, as send post mail. The US, is trying to cut off, all of my communications, both: domestic, and international. I lose access to my email, and my post mail-all of the time. My cell phones are stolen, on a regular basis, and my cell phone numbers, are disconnected and changed constantly. I hate Americans. I have to physically fly, to another country, to apply for law school, or to ask someone for assistance in person. New Zealand immigration, assaulted me at the airport-the black natives, and refused me all help-even emergency medical.

       Now, I am feeling a bit desperate, about being accepted to a law school overseas. In the past, I have been accepted to: Northumbria, University of Buckingham, and Cardiff at Wales, UK. The harder I work in school, and the higher my grades, the less helpful, law schools have been abroad. I have received a number of communications, regarding my applications for law school, stating-from: Australia, and the UK, that, while I qualify for law school, it is too concerning, that I need political asylum, and because my life is in immediate danger, in the US-those two countries, do not want to consider, my law school applications.

         With only leg left to stand on, and a re-broken ankle, and with no medical care in the US, I am left with very few other options. being that my first language, in English, I am restricted to law school applications, to English speaking countries. I am running out of possible law schools, to submit my applications to, and-still, the situation in the US, is very serious for me. I have no friends or family here, and the Americans are constantly trying to attack the broken  leg, and injured ankle. Nowhere in the US, is safe enough for me. Russia-when I last spoke to their Embassy, expressed some concern-the only country, in the entire world, however-they have not offered official assistance.

       I am such a state of need, that I am now, at the Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood International airport, making emergency arrangements, to fly to somewhere else in the world, to speak in person, with: Russia. I was headed for Cuba-however, the Africans are soo crazy towards me, that I will not be able to fly there. Tonight I am looking for a White country, that will accept me, for a short stay, so that, I may speak to Russia, about emergency assistance, and my highest needs for political asylum. When I arrived in Costa Rica, I emailed-almost every Embassy there, received no response, and then, began trying to place local calls-all of the numbers online, were incorrect.

       The situation is soo dangerous for me US, that I cannot even walk around on the street, to provide for my own needs. Cars try to run me over, at every single intersection, and every drive-way. The US, is like a huge mental hospital, and it is filled with almost entirely immigrants, that were invited here, during the Obama administration. I am too unhappy, with how dysfunctional, the US, and the people here are, and the US offers no possible remedies, for: civil, or human rights legal complaints-although, we do still have a: US Constitution an Bill of Rights-that, I can utilize, to defend my position in International court. I am an long suffering American torture victim.

      I will die, if someone, will not help me. Americans are scary, and unconscionable, and offer me no assistance at all-ever. This is the most unpleasant country, that I have ever lived in, and-I am now a world traveler. I have found, the over-flow, of sociopathic immigrants, to be unstoppable. I am complaining constantly, and no one else seems to care-which is bizarre to me, as well. I and lonely, and always feel like, I am the last person in America, with a single brain cell. Anyway, that Scotland could assist me, would be too greatly appreciated. People in America, are soo retarded and dysfunctional-that I can hardly even hold a conversation, with the people here, soo much: ESL.

     I was able, to hook up, another cellphone today, with International calling: 352-256-7466 America, works soo hard, to curt off all of my communications, that I would be wrong, to presume, that you ca reach me-just because, I have a cellphone, and a voicemail. Please try, to call-though. I did pay for International calls, and, I return calls promptly. I am making a formal request, in my email to the law school, for permission, to apply to the law school-in person.

        I understand, that law school applications, can be processed online-however, that has not been helpful for me-at all. I need to be admitted soo badly, I pray, that upon meeting me, a law school, such as yourself, would be able to make a better, and more qualified evaluation, of my characteristics, and strengths, and my solid academic abilities, to perform well, in a legal academic environment. I am trying, by all means possible, to reach out Internationally, and to locate, both: individuals, and/or organizations, that have serious concern-for: International Human Rights Violations-America, unfortunately-is one of the worst offenders.

      I will look for your prompt response. I can be reached by email: UK immigration, unfortunately, is unfavorable towards me, because, I began a political asylum application, and then, I was directed by UK immigration, to drop the application, because the UK is under the false impression, that America is a wonderful, and safe country. Since that time-when I initially, attempted, to apply for political asylum, in the UK, my personal situation, has significantly deteriorated. I can not effectively express, in this brief communications, to the law schools, application for attendance office-how awful, and terrifying, the reality, here in America-really is: "Nightmare/Night."

      While it is clear, that I require political asylum, I am aware of the strict rules, applicable, to student visa applications, in the UK. My desire-both: strong, and sincere, to apply for law school, in Scotland, is only for the legal studies program, and the attendant bar membership required, for practice. I have been turned down, for law school attendance, by the UK immigration, too many times now-even after a law school has recommended me, due to my serious needs, for political asylum. My life is always in danger, in the US. If you would be willing, to meet with me in person, soo that I could present something additional, for my law school application-other than, just words on paper-then, please be informed, that my application, for law school matriculation in Scotland, is only for the undergraduate: LLB programme, and not for: political asylum, or for immigration. Thank you, for continuing to receive my email communications. I hope to be leaving the US-again shortly.

     If the law school, in Scotland, were interested-at all in meeting me, when I submit my law school application, then perhaps, I could try for a visit to Scotland next? Please print, and in plain English, any response, from your admissions offices-if you are willing to see me face-to-face, and in person, some time soon, and within the next month.

         When I come to UK immigration, at the airport, I am required to present, a huge pile of documents, confirming an invitation, to visit, as well as where I will be staying for my brief visit, a plentiful supply of finances, as well as-a round trip plane ticket-with an absolutely certain date, of return to US. I feel a bit awkward, and angry, about the UK, being soo willing to assist political asylum applications, from all over the world, and then-denying my severe needs for safety, in a another country-even with the bountiful supply of evidence, that I am able to present to UK immigration, when I arrive. Why, do you suppose, the UK-has had such little concern, for my personal circumstances-in relation to Africans?

      I was too offended by the Africans, calling me: "Diana." I, therefore, began some communications, with both: Princes William and Harry, online about the difficult political situation, in the US. The Africans-and not just in the US, brag, that they are the one's who planned, and who executed the death of: "Princess Diana." I am not skinny or blond, or even that pretty, and therefore, t has taken me by too much surprise, that these African immigrants, are soo obsessed with trying, to: rape, and kill me-all of the time.

         It saddened me, to too great an extent, and therefore, I have been sharing information, about the Africans in America, with Princes William and Harry, on Twitter-they must already now, that the Africans killed their Mum, because she refuse to prostitute. However, my feelings, that the: "anal rape," problem, from Africa-is soo illegal, and such a violation, of my civil and human rights-is one of the very reasons, why, I began working towards presenting cases in International Human Rights Court. Princes William and Harry, also have International legal cases-and not just myself, related to the permissions, that International law enforcement, are gving to Africans, to stalk, and to kill: "White women." Thank you again, for agreeing to continue, to receive my email communications. I will eager look once again-for your prompt reply.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cellphone: 352-256-7466

Monday, March 13, 2017

Political Asylum Request-Made To Russian Embassy in Cuba, and Norway Embassy in Cuba-Finally Responds As Well-See You Soon!


To Whom It May Concern:

         I have not completed my final assignment, for my Intl 500 class. I requested an extension, 3 weeks ago, because of an attack on my life, that caused a broken leg. Then I received an email communication, complaining about the homework I submitted, and, a threat, from the intelligence school-that, I would be expelled. I never received any additional communications, from APUS-in response, to my request for an extension for my final, or, to my response to the expulsion threat. No information, has ever been communicated to me, from APUS, as to why my academic performance, was not deemed satisfactory.

     I am in Costa Rica, with a broken leg-after the last attempt on my life in the US. I have been invited to meet with both: the Russian and Norwegian Embassies, in Cuba, to discuss my applications, for political asylum-outside of the US-I am more helpful, and more important, than: Snowden. I need to access my online student account, to complete my last assignment, for Intl: 500. Does APUS want intelligence reports, from both: Costa Rica, and then next-Cuba? It is not fair to me, to support me, and to request the intelligence, and then-to threaten me with expulsion, for turning the correct information in, to your professors on campus.

        The US military, have a right to know, what is really going on, in the world. Keeping an International situation, too "hush-hush," is not helpful, to the US military, and, it puts Americans, at too great a risk. Please respond to my communications, and, please allow me to access, my online student account-again. I will be leaving Costa Rica, in two days, and then, I will be making immediate plans, to fly to Cube, from Miami. I intend to visit Gitmo-while I am in Cuba, as a student, and as a tourist-not just, the Russian, and Norwegian Embassies, to discuss my applications, fro political asylum.

       What I do, as an intelligence officer-is dangerous, and I need my degree, to support my skills. I am greatful to APUS, for admitting me, and, I am requesting-that, you continue to maintain your support, nd interest, in my final out-come. APUS, and the US military-needs my intelligence information, and now more than ever. Something, is even more wrong, with the Mr. Obama situation. I am receiving emails-presently, from Mr. Obama, he is afraid of International Human Rights Court, and, I can see in the headlines, that Mr. Obama is being inappropriate, and his crowding President Donald Trump, in Washington, DC now-to try to force his way. I will look for your prompt response, regarding the above mentioned issues.

        I have America's best interests, in mind. I am unable to support Mr. Obama, and his administration. As an American, and as a conservative, I have a great deal of sympathy, for President Donald Trump, and how difficult his job is. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Begging For Political Asylum From Russia-Target-I need a gun!


To Whom It May Concern:

     I am writing to your Russian government offices, from Costa Rica. America is too dangerous from me. There was another attempt on my life, in response to my law school applications abroad. I am suffering with a broken leg, in Costa Rica-after: America, New Zealand, and the hospital system in Costa Rica, refused to treat me. I flew to Costa Rica, to speak to the Russian government in person, about my application, for political asylum.

       After I arrived here, I was informed, by the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC-that, the Russian Embassy in Costa Rica has been closed. I cannot call or visit the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC-to speak to you in person, to apply for political asylum. The last time I came to DC, to speak to Russia, earlier this year, Mr. Obama had me tortured, by his friends and family, from Kenya-they repeatedly assaulted me, and tried to kill me with medications, that I have never required, for refusing to participate in: "rape sex." I hate Africans, and I hate America-now.

         I am desperate to leave the states, and to move to safer Russia. European governments, have spoken to me numerous times, and are expressing no concern for me, or for the: civil and human rights violations, that I have suffered severely from, in the US. Mr. Obama, invited tons of crazy Africans, into the US, and they are stalking me-Internationally, and trying to kill and to rape me. I need a gun, to keep myself safe. People are Niggers-everywhere I go, and are refusing to kill the crazy retarded Mr. Obama Africans. The Africans call me: "Princess Diana," and threaten to kill me, for refusing to give blow jobs, then, they threaten to lock me up in: a jail or mental hospital, to have me raped.

         Africans are Niggers. My name has never been "Princess Diana." I am not afraid to kill African dictators, and their rape ass anal fuck Niggers. I need a gun-to keep myself safe. No one in the US-not the: FBI/CIA, or anyone else-thinks that there is a problem, with the crazy retarded Africans, chasing after Whites-to rape them. I know, that this is illegal-"International Politically Supported African Anal Rape Gangs." Please help me Russia.

          Please invite me to one of your International offices, outside of the US, where we can speak in person. I am looking at the cost of plane tickets to Cuba. I have almost no money, all of the time, and need to meet with you, in an affordable location. I am an intelligence officer, and an assassin in training. I need political asylum, more training, a gun, and permission-"a license to kill!" Niggers need to die. Thank you for receiving my email, I will follow-up with a phone call, on this coming Monday. "Did you get my email?"


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Edinburgh Law in Scotland-Beginning The Application Process-Introductory Statement and Admissions Inquiry/Scholarship Request March 2017


To Whom It May Concern:

         I would like to apply, for the Edinburg LLB studies programme-undergraduate. I am an American citizen, and, I am presently writing from Costa Rica. I am interested in either: the online LLB studies, or, the on campus programme. Do you offer scholarships, to American citizens-for either programme-I need to apply. I have several legal cases, regarding human rights violations, that I have already begun to process through, the Human Rights Courts, in Europe. I was unable to gain representation, in the US-for any of the: civil and human rights violations.

      I am competent, and well-educated. I was accepted full scholarship to law school in the US, and then, I did not attend. America is having soo many human rights legal issues-at this time, left over from the Obama Administration-that, it is not possible to process any human rights cases-through the US courts. America, is suffering heavily, from a domestic terrorist situation, and it is actually, physically impossible, to pass in and out, of the US court houses-with legal paper work, pertaining to human rights abuses.

       Additionally, US police, are supportive, of the Intl terror, left over from the Mr. Obama Admin. in the US-and the persecute, and assault, and try to kill anyone-myself, as well as a Judge in a US court house, who tries to hear, cases-pertaining to human rights violations. Mr. Trump, like Mr. Obama-against the rules and guidelines, of the Intl Geneva Conventions-is supporting torture. Although I am bright, I am not wealthy, and-I was severely assaulted-less than two weeks ago, by New Zealand immigration, when I showed up with a broken leg-from a hit and run in the US, to apply for law school there.

       The law schools in New Zealand, were enthusiastic, about my pending applications, and invited me, to show in person, to submit the required original documents. The US government, tried to kill me, when I headed for the airport in Orlando, FL-to fly to New Zealand, for LLB admissions. When I arrived in New Zealand, with a broken left leg-I am not allowed any medical care in the US, although I have to pay mandatory-like everyone else, the New Zealand immigration, assaulted me-and then denied me entry-for no reason, other than to block my LLB applications.

       I was under the happy impression, on my way to New Zealand, that the law schools there, were aware of serious human rights violations, that required attention, in the International courts-I think they would have admitted me. I was returned from New Zealand-after the assault by immigration, with no medical attention, just a brief conversation-with a few medics. My life is in danger, in the US, and the UK denied my political asylum request, stating, that: America is soo safe, do not even apply for political asylum here.

      I should be dead. The hospital in Costa Rica refused to see me. I bought medications, from a pharmacy here, in San Jose Costa Rica. I have been taking over the counter medications in Costa Rica, and sleeping almost all the time-praying the broken leg will feel better. None of the Embassies, that I wrote to, in New Zealand or Costa Rica, have responded to my desperate requests, for political asylum. My leg has not improved at all. The serious infection-all over my body, is clearing soon. I may have to return to the States next week, where I will have to worry, about being shot, or run over by a car-again.

        I bring my legal files, everywhere with me, for Intl Human Rights Court. It is becoming harder, and harder to travel-as airport security, continues to root through the legal documents, and shred my court evidence, like they cut up my clothing, and my suit cases-when I fly. I have posted, many of my more recent legal arguments online: I will be safer, once I get my cases to be heard-in front of an Intl Judge. I am only asking permission, to: study, and not for political asylum, or for immigration.

         I work hard. I collect the original evidence myself. I am looking for another country-after Costa Rica, to recover, and hid out in. The US government, is soo abusive towards me-that, I have no one at all to complain to, and, I must-with no family or friends, constantly defend myself. I am humbly requesting your assistance. I checked the Intl Court system, and the series of precedents ahead of me-regarding human rights violations. I have already won my cases-I need only, to get into the court room, with some sort of legal programme, and education begun.

       Please do consider assisting me. I have posted additional legal evidence online, at other various online social networking websites-I have had soo much stolen, and fear that all my evidence will go missing, anytime I travel anywhere: Flickr, WordPress, Google Blogger, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Thank you for your time, and for your full consideration, for LLB programme admittance-whether is be, as an online student, or on-campus.

        I can only be reached by email: My cellphones, are constantly stolen, and broken. I am homeless, and-although well educated, I have been: homeless and unemployed, in the US, for 7 years now. I am a torture victim-from the US. And, I would be dead right now, if I had not had the sense, to fly to Costa Rica. I will also try calling your admissions offices. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Pre-Trial Response From Former US President Mr. Obama. "I will choose honesty and side with you-Miss. Cary?"

Hello dear

I read your email and sorry for your predicaments,but there is light in the tunnel and i promise you that you will stand up like a great woman
Thank you
Mr Obama
En date de : Mer 8.3.17, Mumbai Bayo Cary <> a écrit :

 Objet: Re: Mutual Cooperation! Thank you.
 À: obama
 Date: Mercredi 8 mars 2017, 23h10

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Mr. Obama "Bribery" Email Communications-My Answer Posted-"NO!" "Whistle-Blow!" Ask US Government Secret Service To Keep You Safe In America-Until Court. You might live?

Dear Friend,

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the
Auditing and Accounting section manager with African Development Bank,
Ouagadougou Burkina faso. I Hope that you will not expose or betray
this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the
mutual benefit of our both families.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of($39.5)million
to your account within 10 or 14 banking days. This money has been
dormant for years in our Bank without claim.I want the bank to release
the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer late
George small. who died along with his supposed next of kin in an air
crash since 31st October 1999.

I don't want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned
fund. So this is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank
can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased
customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as atop secret
and delete it if you are not interested.

Upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the
business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the
above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me.

I am expecting your urgent response as soon as you receive my message.

Best Regard,

Auditor Mr Obama

Pre-Trial Email Reply To: "Mr. Obama." "My name is absolutely Not!" Pre-Legal Counsel: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Preparing For International Human Rights Court-US Clear Violations-Internationally!


Dear Mr. Obama,

        I am not agreeing to anything mutual. I am an Indian. I was an American citizen. I was denied everything and almost killed over and over again-when the Presidency of America, went to an African. I am in respite, in Costa Rica, because the US government, tried to kill, for locating an International law school-in New Zealand, that wanted to accept me. My leg is broken in two places, and I have infections all over my body.

           I should be dead again. I was denied all medical treatment, in both: the US and in New Zealand. The fact that I pay full health insurance, and, the fact that my leg is broken in two places-made no difference. I would be dead-if I were not pre-medical. I had to argue in a second language-that I have never really studied, to gain access, to life saving medicine, and from a pharmacist, in Costa Rica.

            My feeling towards you, and towards Africa-are never going to be friendly again. You hurt me personally, in too many ways, and for political reasons. I am too well educated, and capable, to be: homeless, and unemployed. I have been homeless and unemployed, for the entire Obama Administration, and every time I turn around, someone is trying to completely drain my bank accounts.

            I am not an African dictator fan. I do not support your brand of African Christianity. I hate your Israeli and South African retards-who constantly stalk me, and try to kill me-even overseas. One of the Africans, who tried to kill me in Martinique, FR, was more comfortable with me, and so-he finally told me, that he was an assassin-that you, and the Obama Administration hired. My name has never been: "Princess Diana!"

          I am not dying any time soon, to make your life any easier. I am Asian-from India. When you think of me, you should think about how Buddhists, feel about terrorists-"BURMA." You closed every door and window, ever open to me, in the US-and then, you tried to kill me overseas. You owe me-like you would not believe. We have no mutual friends, and we have no mutual understandings. I never want to be friends.

     You have to find someone else to defend you, in International Court-unless, you have decided to: "Whistle-blow." I have a seat soo hot-in International Court, for you to sit on, in regards-to: human rights violations, in the US, and abroad-that you are going to want to: "Get Down," off your podium. I am not a retarded American, and-it will-have-to-be a fight to the death, after how badly-I have been abused by the American government-if you decide, to side against me.

    Did you get me Tweet? Side against me, and-"death penalty!" I am sick of being tortured and abused by the American government, and their retard octopus’s arms, of LBGT terror-the Mr. Obama African diaspora. You are getting my sympathy from me. I side with the prosecutor's office. Cry me river!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

The "Buck" stops somewhere. You are in too many ways-the “person” to blame.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Forced To Cancel Return Trip From New Zealand-Life In Danger Again-Africans In Costa Rica-American Stalkers!


To Whom It May Concern:

      I am forced to cancel the return half, of my flight, from Orlando International Airport, to Auckland, New Zealand. New Zealand immigration assaulted me, and then-refused me entrance. I have flown on to Costa Rica instead. I was assaulted, for the entire flight-again from the US-the airline makes no difference. I complain, and the airline staff ignore me, while other passengers on the airplane: spit at me, kick my seat, yell abusive names at me, they cut up my carry-on's, and they threaten to: kill and rape me-Americans, every time I fly anywhere.

       I am as sick as can possibly be-physically ill. I have been repeatedly assaulted, both: in the US, on the airplanes, in the airports, and now-in Costa Rica too. I booked for a hostel, and thought Costa Rica would be safer, than the US. Tons of crazy Africans and Americans, checked into the hostel after me. It is not safe for me to walk around the hostel. My broken leg, and fractured ankle-have been re-injured, over, and over again, over the past 2 weeks, of constant travel-trying to escape from crazy Americans. I was hurt again today.

         I am as sick as can possibly be-physically ill. I have been repeatedly assaulted, both: in the US, on the airplanes, in the airports, and now-in Costa Rica too. I booked for a hostel, and thought Costa Rica would be safer, than the US. Tons of crazy Africans and Americans, checked into the hostel after me. It is not safe for me to walk around the hostel. My broken leg, and fractured ankle-have been re-injured, over, and over again, over the past 2 weeks, of constant travel-trying to escape from crazy Americans. I was hurt again today.

      I am being denied all medical care in the US. It is not just the acne, and constant severe asthma-I am in soo much pain today-that I can hardly walk. No one here in Costa Rica cares. I paid for 2 weeks at the hostel, and-because my life is already in danger again-I am trying to move again. The Africans followed me here, and came with their best American buddies-no one in the world cares if these crazy niggers kill me, because I refuse to prostitute.

         I came to Costa Rica, to speak to an embassy. I need a gun. The Africans are torturing me, and torturing and raping my 3 children in the US. Never trust an American. Please reply to my email, and refund half of my plane ticket cost, to my Visa debit card-how I paid in full, for my worst experience outside of the US-ever: New Zealand. Thank you. Anywhere there is America or Africa-is never going to be safe. I am now waiting a response, from local embassies in Costa Rica, for an appointment-before I die. Gun-!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Broken Leg And Caring For Myself In Costa Rica After Assault By New Zealand Government And Medical Services Denied-Again, By America


To Whom It May Concern:

        I am desperately seeking assistance in the form of: a visitors visa, an immigration visa, an employment visa, or political asylum. My life is in immediate danger in the US-constantly. I flew from the US, to New Zealand-after another attempt was made on my life, in: Gainesville, FL USA. I flew to New Zealand, to apply for both: LLB attendance, and to apply for immigration-a strange violent native, to whom I have never communicated with-not on any pervious occasion, met with me in New Zealand, and tried to re-break, my already broken left leg, and severely injured left ankle.

         My circumstances are soo dire, and, I had received too many invitations, from both: LLB programmes, and immigration in New Zealand, for the native government airport staff to assault me-upon arrival, and they did it any way. Soo frightened, by my experiences in New Zealand-obviously blocking my law school applications, that I immediately re-booked over night, and flew red-eye, to Costa Rica.

      Costa Rica, is a much safer country for me-however, I am being stalked and followed, by crazy terrorists, who are from both: American and Africa-with a few supporters from: France and the UK. I checked-in to the hostel, and there were no issues, until the very next day, when the stalkers, checked-in to the hostel behind me. The men are gay, and completely nuts-they call me: "Diana," which has never been my name-my skin is not even White. The gay terrorists-with the support of the US, and various African governments, spend all day and night harassing me, threatening me, and trying to: rape and kill me. They sit next to me, on the plane-everywhere I fly-I do not care to know any of the men at all, and they assault me over, and over again, on the airplanes-kicking the seats, and yelling and spitting at me, etc.

        I have been complaining about my unfortunate circumstances in the US, to law enforcement there, since: 2007, with absolutely no response-ever. The situation, more than just political-became even worse for me, when Trump became President of US. I have run out of individuals, and agencies to complain to, in the US. The American response, to my continued complaints regarding: torture, abuse, and attempts-on my life, has been, absolutely no response at all. I am now in triage. I am taking care of my broken left leg, and my injured left ankle, and the many other injuries that I have sustained, from in-provoked police beatings, and negative US political backlash. I am pre-medical. I am working hard to handle my situation myself, and, I still require assistance.

      I have no access, to any medical care, in the US-although medical insurance, and full pharmacy coverage, are required. It is not just the broken leg, that no one would see or treat, or all of the other injuries too. I am asthmatic, and cannot even get access to my required inhalers, because Obama invited African immigrants, who have illegally begun to completely take America over. I have no proof, however, people in the US, seem to think that I am Indian-soo the grocery store, began refusing to sell me salt.

      I cannot ride a city bus, the terrorists assault you, and African bus drivers force you to get off-in the middle on nowhere. I have never been a prostitute. I hate AFRICANS. The Africans chase after me, and my entire family: 24/7-RAPIST. I need assistance, from another country. Americans have no problems, with how the Africans, and other terrorists treat them. I need to apply for employment, somewhere overseas-where my 3 children and I will be safer-and, sadly, the UK, and Commonwealth must be excluded.

       The fever is always high. I can barely walk. Americans are trying to kill me. The broken left leg, and re-injured left ankle, just makes it easier-and the UK, has no problem with that. I am not a Princess, that I am aware of. I am not pretty. I am not White. I may be a distant relative of the UK Royal family. I am not a fan of the UK, or of the UK Royal family-they have been nothing good for me.

       I was adopted by a crazy White women, who tells me sometimes, that the UK Royals, are her distant relatives-she may be telling me the truth? The woman is a crazy retard, and the worst thing to ever happen to me. Susan Cary, Esq.-is a complete nightmare, she is even worse that the American government itself. Susan Cary Esq., is a crazy world all be herself. I need to move out of the US permanently, and my 3 children need to join me-abroad. I need a restraining order, against: Susan Cary, Esq.. The last thing I want in my life, is more crazy retarded inbred Royals, from the UK in my life!

       I am a competent scholar. I could work if someone would hire me. I provide a high quantity, and high quality of work. I have samples of my most recent homework, and independent studies, posted online, at the following Google Blogger address: Additionally, if your offices would agree to help me-in anyway, then, I would be more than happy, to provide you, with a recent 32 Giga-bling flash drive, full investigative intelligence, and court evidence, against the US, and the American support of International terrorism.

       I work hard. I am almost dead-I work soo hard. I am an intelligence officer, and an assassin in training. I am almost always honest, and helpful enough-to clean-up after myself, even with a broken leg. Please respond to my email communications, by email. I have provided for you, the current location-where I am in Costa Rica. I have no cell phone, for your to call me. However, if you are kind enough to respond to my email communications, then, perhaps we could arrange for a Skype live camera conversation, before I come into an Embassy, to meet with an official?

        Thank you for receiving my email communications. Returning to the US-although I have a roundtrip ticket, with my broken left leg, is not an option for me. Americans hate me, and the feelings are mutual. I am repeatedly attacked, by terrorists at the airports-in the US, as well, not only in flight, and while on airplanes. I am recovering, in Costa Rica, from back to back-attack and assault after attack. When I try to call the FBI to complain-and they are more willing to speak to me, than the CIA-they tell me: "We are Africans, and we are not willing to take any complaints from any White women!"

         There is nowhere for me to turn in the US. The UK and the UK Commonwealth-are worse than the US, and worked to hard, to block my law school applications, to: New Zealand, or to anywhere else in the UK Commonwealth, where law schools-at least, are willing to admit that there are serious problems, and, I should attend law school, to prosecute, my International law suits myself: International Violations of both: civil and human rights. Thank you again. I will look for your prompt reply.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell No Private #
Current Locale Costa Rica
Hostal Casa Areka
Avenue 8 y calle 3
Barrio Roosevelt, San Pedro Montes
San Jose, Costa Rica
Check-in Date: Thursday 2, March 2017
Check-out Date: March 15, 2017 Back To International Airport
San Jose, Costa Rica
Return Flight: To Orlando, FL USA

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Expulsion Ordered By APUS For On-Going Complaints Regarding Low Grades Not Reflective of High Quality Academic Work Submitted


To Whom It May Concern:

          I have received no information regarding, why I would be expelled, from APUS-I need a list of relevant reasons? I received a notification, that the final decision, of expulsion had been made, and-not what it was based on. I have a broken leg. I cannot get medical treatment for anything in the US. I am limping around an American airport, and preparing to fly overseas again, for desperately required medical treatment. My last homework assignment-the final paper, is late, because of the serious nature of the recent attempt on my life, and the debilitating pain, that I am suffering from.

       I did not break any of the university rules. I participated in class. I completed my own homework, and all on time, and with the only exception being-this final research paper, and the excuse-is of such a severe nature, I must trust, that the Dean will allow for a late submission. I responded to other students in class. I focused on current issues, affecting the US intelligence community.

         I reported real results, from my own original research and social experiments. My grades were not justifiable. Expelling me from the school and the program, to defend professors-is not the correct move for APUS to make, when in fact, the fault lies entirely with the university, for hiring incompetent individuals, to instruct US military, in the important and pressing field-of intelligence. APUS is intentionally mis-training, US military, and US military intelligence.

             There is no logical way in court, for APUS to justify, why the university believed, that this manner of: "deception," would be deemed appropriate, by not just, the American government-also by the American people. It would be a serious fallacy of reasoning, for APUS, to presume, that the only authority that they must answer to-is the: US government, or, the US military. I am almost into an International Legal Studies programme-this disagreement, between the university, and myself-re: low grades, that do not in any way, represent my academic talents-is such a serious issue for me, that, I cannot afford to allow the issue to drop.

          Both APUS, and myself, should attempt to resolve this situation amicably. If the issue, has to be taken, to: International court-the cost will be prohibitive, and, I am certain-this is just the tip of the ice berg. If the goals of APUS, are resolution, then, dragging all the APUS dirty laundry, into a very public International court room-will not be a happy experience, for APUS students, or staff, and both: the US military, and the US government, are going to be more than a little embarrassed. I prosecute my own cases. I bring all of the skeletons out of the closet. For me, the real “total issue” right now, is still, just-the low grades-if the: "expulsion," is finalized-then, there will be too much for us to fight about in court. I do not keep anything private!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS    Email: