Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Terrorists Cut Off All Means Of Communications Both: Within The US, and, From The US Abroad-To Other Countries-Intl Isolation


"No cellphone access, and the payphones in Boston, MA-at the Intl airport, do not work, even if I use my debit credit call-the calls are cancelled, and the line is disconnected. My Skype account, is not working. My Virgin cellphone, was crashed, and no longer works, just like my: Assurance cell phone, and my Boost Mobile cell phone-they are all Sprint company cell phones, and none of them work, after a sort month or two, and after several hundred dollars, have been invested, in the new cell phone, and cell phone plan-another legal complaint, and, another example, of Americans cutting off my access, to my communications needs both: domestically, and Intl."
                                                              --Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

RE: Reach Out And Call Some One From America:

    Communications in the US, rarely work, both: domestic, and Intl communications in America, are inhibited, by Intl terror. You thought you could use a public payphone, or you could just order a free government cellphone-or even pay, for a cellphone, from a mainstream company, or purchase a landline telephone-if you had housing. Communications, in the US, rarely work, and it is not just the telephone, or the cellphone, that is at issue.

     Try to place, and Intl fax, from the US-from a public company like: Federal Express, or-even online, through one of the companies, that offer their services there. WiFi connect, fax services-both: domestic and Intl, telephone, and cellphone calls, and post mail-are all, almost impossible, from America. I switched over, to an email company from Russia, because, receiving an email-is just as hard in the US-or harder, than placing a call, from a public pay phone-even with a credit card.

     Intl terrorists, spend copious amounts of time, cutting off, any and all avenues, that anyone in the US, might have, to assistance from any one anywhere-both: domestic assistance, and Intl. America, is a disgusting nightmare, that is being run-over, with immigrant prostitutes, who barely speak English, and who-however, are hired everywhere, and they spend, all of the time, trying to cut healthy Americans off, from the rest of the world.

      The recent announcement, that US President Donald Trump, has decided to support, in-impeded immigration, by refugees, and other interested parties to-the barely functional US, is-more than illegal. Americans, are dying. Americans are dying in the streets, and everywhere else. The immigrant terror, that enters the US, in-fettered, by any medical, mental health, or other financial restrictions-are an active act of terrorism, and genocide, against: "We-the Americans," there are too many of us being killed, and dying, because the immigrants-want to feel more comfortable, with their own culture, in my country!

      I am the American, and-who are you? More immigrants, are in-welcome by me, to my country. Stay out! My applications, for political asylum to: Europe, and to Russia, are on-going, and hopefully, I will receive and answer some time soon. Immigrants who support Intl terrorism, have ruined America. It would be more, than a little foolish of me, to pretend, that like, the influx of "bizarre prostitution immigrant culture," to America, has been, of any benefit at all. I hate America now, and-I used to love it here.

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