Sunday, June 18, 2017

God Bless Mother Russia! Please Keep My Children Safe. To Russia, With Love-Are Comfortable In Cube Again?


      My son Omari Jonathan Cary-DOB: 08-15-95, is enrolled, at Santa Fe College, in your: STEM program-he is an entry, as a graduate, from PK Yonge. I was also a graduate, of both: PK Yonge, and then Santa Fe College, as a participant, in your honor's society, and honor's studies program. I was just accepted-with an accommodations offer, to law school, in Scotland, UK. My adopted mom, has left me tortured, and abused, in the US-for the past 8 years.

       I am almost enrolled in law school, in the UK-I have to submit my student visa application-through the British Embassy, in Washington, DC. I have been soo abused, and tortured, by my adopted mom-that I am an applicant for political asylum-like Snowden, to Russia. I am being attacked, by Mr. Obama supporters, here in Boston, MA. A crazy black African man-tried to run me over with his SUV this morning, and then tired to stone me to death-I am injured again. Last night, a crazy black man from Chicago-threatened my life as well, and told me over and over again-that, "they should have kill me, a long time ago!"

         I am worried about my son, and my youngest daughter: Nadira Helena Cary-who also, may be enrolled at SFC-soon. I lived with a police officer-who works out at SFC: Rene, for a short while, and could not express my on-going concerns, for the over all welfare, of my children, directly to her-soo, I am writing the college-in general. My post address, in Gainesville, FL-is the same local address, where my 3 children: Hadiya, Omari, and Nadira-still live: 1215 NW 4th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601. I call to speak to my 3 children, all of the time.

         My adopted mom-rarely, answers the phone, and prevent me from having contact, with my children-I have sole custody. My adopted mom, has left me homeless-for almost 8 years, while she has 3 homes, and 2 of the houses are mine. Susan Cary, Esq.-ignores court orders, and has stolen all of my belongings. The Obama Admin., is partly at fault, for refusing to assist me, while I am being tortured, by my retarded crazy adopted mom. I worry about my children, all of the time, and-UF police trespassed me, from campus, for 5 years, after my youngest daughter-Nadira Helena Cary, reported to me, and sent evidence, that she was being raped, at the high school.

       I hate America. I am worried for my 3 children, and I will be home soon, to get them. Please keep my children safe. After Fidel Castro was killed, Russian military, moved back into Cuba-about 6 months ago. I would do anything, to keep my 3 children safe. The Russian Embassy in Washington, DC-wants to hire me, as intelligence-not just to offer me, and my 3 children, political asylum. As a law school student, in the UK-Fall of 2017, I plan to sue, to defend, my civil, and human rights. There is almost nothing-that I would not do, to keep my children safe-including notify Russia, in Cuba, over, and over again-regarding the dangers related, to: Susan Cary, Esq., and Gainesville, FL USA. I am not a terrorist. America, is torturing, and trying to kill me. I am not mentally ill, or retarded. Please keep my children safe-or, expect the worst-they are all I have!

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