Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Intl and Domestic Terror In US-Are Blocking Free WiFi Connect-Russia Will Back Hack, To Defend My Rights-To Connect Online!

в Электронную приёмную Президента Российской Федерации

Должность адресата: Intelligence Officer

Full name (surname, name, patronymic): Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Miss. Bayo Elizabeth

Organisation: Emergency International Internet Relief

Email address: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com

Phone: 3522567466

Type: appeal



To Whom It May Concern:

        The attachment, is an intelligence report, from me, to the Trump Administration. I need to be hired, and, as soon as possible. At least I am honest, and hard working. Mexico City, Mexico- is worse than America. I am being: illegally detained, and tortured here.

       The planes continue to land, and, I am experiencing, more and more necessity, to carry a fire arm, to protect myself, some of these: Hitler men/Jewish and Israeli settlers/ Mr. Obama Democrats, are soo retarded, that I have to threaten physical violence towards them, to get them away from me. The loss of WiFi access, and-both: staff, and police, attempting to rape me, is an ongoing, and unresolved issue here.

        I need to go to town, this coming Monday, for an appointment. Initially, I was offered assistance, in: food, and other fundamental needs, then, I refused to give blow jobs, and to sell babies-I was left with no help, or anyone to even speak to at all. I am updating my Google Blogger: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com , on a regular basis, and, adding to my flickr account-additional intelligence information, and investigative photography: Flickr: Elizabeth1. Thank you again.

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Email: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com
Sent: May 13, 2017, 17:42

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