Thursday, June 1, 2017

Christianity and The Basic Tenets, of Western Law: A King James Bible-It it still true?


To Whom It May Concern:

    I am offering my sincerest apologies. I have almost no experience, in the field of religion, in regards to, university studies. I recently applied, to a number of law schools, in Scotland, UK. I am interested in attending law school in the UK, and in Scotland specifically. I submitted, all of my law school applications, to the UK-through, the UCAS online degree application, and aggregation assistance program. I must have accidently clicked on religion, for the
University of Glasgow, and-I did not realize it.

     I will contact, the UCAS-as soon as possible, to have my application coding altered. I have only taken two classes, at the university level, through a religion department. The first class, was entitled: "on and death and dying," and the course work focused on AIDS patients, and how they prepare to die in the US, with Hospice palliative care. The second religion course, that I ended up, enrolling in-as an undergraduate university student, was called: "African religion," and I nearly flunked the course, because my professor from Senegal-did notice, that I did not appreciate, the religious
tenets, of idol worshipping.

     In my personal life, I am not really a religious person-although, I understand, how religion contributes, to the study and practice of law, in the US. Our American court system, is based on the US Bible. Honesty, is at the top, of the totem pole. Although, I am a practicing Buddhist-I meditate, and try not to eat meat-as a pre-legal student, I respect the rules, and laws-as pronounced, in the King James Bible, and understand fully, the necessity, of valuing the Christian religion, in order to: support, and protect, the populous, and members, of the Western society.

      Thank you for your patience, and your understanding, in regards to the matter, briefly mentioned above. I will forward on, some additional documents, to your law school admissions team, there, at the University, of Glasgow. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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