Monday, June 5, 2017

All Communications Regarding My Law School Applications: 2017, Must Be Sent To Me-Via Email:


To Whom It May Concern:

       I apologize, for any inconvenience,  this may cause-however, I receive almost none of the post mail, that is sent to my post address on file. I am homeless, and I have been left unemployed in the US-for political reasons, for almost 8 years now. I am-however, a working intelligence officer-who may be hired soon. I have no family, or support in the US. I was adopted by a women-who,abandoned me, shortly after I graduated from high school, and, I utilize, her
home address, in Gainesville, FL USA-as a last resort.

           I have been accepted, on full scholarship, to law school, here in the states before, however-it was while I was homeless, and the law school, here in Boston, MA-was unwilling, to take out the required US student Federal loans-as required, to assist me with my housing problem. I am in Boston, MA-right now, to say that the community here, is unfriendly, would be an understatement. Boston, MA, is the most unpleasant location, that I have ever been to, in the US-right after: Protland, OR.

       I am working as an intelligence officer-as previously stated. I turn in my intelligence reports, to various intelligence offices-all over the world. I have collected a great deal of irreplaceable and valuable hard copy intelligence, and evidence, to support, my Intl legal cases, in support of: civil and human rights. Russia, recently expressed some interest in hiring me, as an intelligence officer, and, sees the admittance to law school-as an added boon, for one of their Embassy locations. I am also pre-medical, and, I have only a few pre-medical preparation courses left, before I satisfy the admissions requirements, for medical school-as

       I am traveling, all over the world right now, while I apply to law schools in Scotland, and, while I search for a country-other than the US, who is seriously interested, in hiring me, for a regular pay-check. Today, I will be picking up all of the required blood work, for my student visa application, to the UK, as well as-my tourist visa to Russia (where I may also visit soon), and my re-entry visa to Norway, because I must complete an application, for political asylum, through Norway.

           Intl visa applications, for students and otherwise, are stricter now, from what is available online-through the US-certain countries have decided, that in-healthy people, should no longer visit. Although, I have been completely abandoned, by my adoptive family, and I have no friends in the US-I rely on the good charity of the trash can, most of the time, I, have never been a prostitute. I still have all of my hair, and all of my perfectly white teeth, and, I have never contracted an STD-therefore, my visa applications, to Europe, and Russia, should be approved, right away.

        In the meantime, could you please email, my student applicant information to me. I have no way, of receiving, most of the post mail, sent to my former home address, in Gainesville, FL. My situation, here in the US, is disastrous-even logging online, to send you a reply email, from the US-is next to impossible for me. America, is a complete nightmare-even after the election of President Donald Trump.

          I can be thankful, for my lengthy, private school education-here in the US, and then, the many years, of honors level, college education, that I paid for myself-with no assistance, from any family anywhere. I am not certain, at this point-although I can easily handle the academic load-how I will manage to pay for law school, in the UK. I am, of course, requesting the consideration due, to
American students who qualify, for an international studies scholarship.

     Then too, I am working hard, to complete my application for political asylum, to Norway-that, would give me access, to student funding, from a different country. Lastly, there are a few private funding agencies, that offer private scholarships, that I can try to reach out to, here in the US. However, the situation in the US, is soo incredibly unfavorable towards me, in every which way, and form, that I really hold, no such hopes, that Americans will care any at all, to assist me.

         I have been, on the edge of my death bed-here in the US, for almost 8 years now, as a homeless person, who has no access, to any social services, or most charity-including: homeless shelters, or free food, from homeless shelters, and food banks. I barely survive, and, I am forced to dig through garbage, on a regular basis, for everything I need-not just food-for: blankets, clothing, soap, etc.-almost every thing. Americans are a cruel, and unusual society, who strongly support, rape, and torture. The misery here, is not really describable, in a mere email communication.

      I think America, tantamount, to being stuck in hell itself. My current email address, is as follows:  More information, about my situation, is posted online: My investigative photos, and videos, are also posted online, at: Flickr: Elizabeth 1, and YouTube. I have valid, and lucrative court cases, with more than enough evidence collected, to defend my stance, in Intl Human Rights Court.

        I require your assistance-without a full pay scholarship, and entrance into some English speaking law school-my cases will never be tried. I have looked, and emailed, and faxed, and sent post cards-as well as post mail-not a single lawyer anywhere in the world, that I can reach, is interested in helping me to defend, my valid defense cases, of: civil and human rights, in Intl Human Rights Court. The situation is as such-my cases are soo cut and dry, and the evidence is soo clearly in my favor, that-based on the previous decisions, and precedents handed down, in Intl Human
Rights Courts-I have already won my cases, I just have to get them into the court room, to be officially heard.

           Russia, continues to offer me bits and pieces of advice, and money-when I am in desperate need, and also: cheese cake, when I am starving to death. If, it were not for Russia, I would be dead already. For unknown reasons-perhaps something related to my paternity, and my native birth roots-regardless of how bright and intelligent I am, and my 3 children are-America came to view me, as disposable, and replaceable, and-US police, continue to actively: harass, and threaten my life, on a daily basis (for political reasons). I hate America, and look forward to a positive move, in
the upward fashion-towards Europe, and Scotland.

         I look forward, to your prompt reply, regarding my aforementioned request, that all communications, sent from the University, be sent to me, through my email address: In a few short days, I plan to be, in a different location-I may be headed, to Washington, DC-next? I have no access to cell phone services-right now, and people say, that they cannot hear me-although, I hear them, both: loud and clear, when I call from Skype.
Please communicate with me, by email-it is the best, that I am able to do-with no help from any one anywhere-with very few exceptions. I will respond, in a prompt manner-in kind. Thank you again!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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