Friday, June 16, 2017

Report To MI5: Attacked By Crazy Homeless Terrorists and Immigrants-in Boston, MA-No Access To Homeless Shelters or Resources Here, For Homeless!


RE: No Resorces Available For The Homeless In America

Major WiFi Access Problems-All Over Boston, MA!

         I have denied, all resources allocated for the homeless, in Boston, MA-w/ few exceptions.
Boston, MA, is over run, by LBGT/Gay terror/immigrants-who spend almost all day and night-
trying to attack me, and to kill me-1st, by restricting access, to homeless shelters: shower, food,
laundry, hygiene products, legal services, medical services, transportation, etc.

         I was attacked , at a homeless shelter-3 days ago, the assailant stalked after me, to the
 Boston Hospital for the Homeless Program: 780 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118-where I
had to go, for necessary medical services, and new prescriptions-because of new injuries.

         Nothing is done, in the Boston, MA area-to help me, or to keep me safe/healthy. Individuals
-usually Chinese/ or women-have to independently, offer me $/food/clothing, etc.-or I have nothing,
and I will most certainly die. Homeless shelters here, leave me out in freezing cold rain/weather-w/
 no resources, to die.

       Boston, MA-could care less. Intl terror in the US-harass me, and threaten me, and tell me-
that we are at war, even though-Pres. Trump, has not agreed. Terror in Boston, MA-offer me nothing,
then-try to rape me, & then complain about the US economy-like I should care at all, about any of them-while they are trying to kill me, and to steal, all of my belongings.

       Last night, I had to plug in my lap top-to warm up, like w/ a heating pad. I could have frozen
 in my sleep. The attack, by a homeless woman, at the Woodbury Homeless Shelter-for women only,
and run-almost exclusively by men-was soo severe, that today-is the first day, in 3 days,
 that I have even been able to walk. I hate America!

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