Wednesday, June 7, 2017

RE: Impossible Law School Applications To Scotland, UK From America, with Almost No WiFi Connect Accessible


RE: Law School Applications-Undergraduate, For the September, 2017
Matriculation and Term, From: Boston, MA Intl Airport "Logan," USA-Application Materials,
and Law School Admissions Statement, Continued-To: Law Schools, in: Scotland, UK.

To Whom It Concern:

         Thank you for your prompt email response. My situation in the US-is completely impossible. I know that it would be more apropos-to respond to each law school individually. However, I am having such extreme troubles, with gaining any WiFi access at all, from the US, that I am sending additional information, required for my undergraduate law school applications, to: Scotland, UK-as quickly as a possibly can, and that always means, sending redundant emails, that I have sent to other law schools-unfortunately. My left leg is already broken, and soo, are both of my ankles.

         I cannot even walk around, here-at the Boston, MA airport, without the very real fears, of being attacked, by some crazy prostitutes again. There is some WiFi available in town, however, US police-threaten and harass me, and have attempted to beat me to death-on a prior occasion, and they, make it almost impossible, for me to log on to WiFi anywhere. My leg, and my ankles were broken, by terrorists, in the US, who are trying to kill me-anywhere I fly to-within the US.

       The terrorists in the US, have too much money, and have run me over with their Americans cars-4 times now, leaving me broken and ill, and on my death bed-with no medical care available. My law suits, in defense of human rights, are a huge deal. People are flying to the US, from all over the world, to make pre-meditated attempts on my life, because they do not want, my civil, and human rights violations court cases, to make it to court. Boston, MA-is a hell hole. It is hard for me to believe, that this is an education population, with Harvard University, located at the very center.

       Most of the individuals, that I am encountering, are terrorists, who support human trafficking, and other human rights violations, and who have obtained, copious amounts of money, in order to pay off police, and other important Intl players, to side with their illegal, and dangerous perspective. I will be avoiding London. The terrorists, who I am now be confronted with, make all kinds, of ludicrous claims, about being the same: "Hitler Men," from Mexico City, MX and France-who killed Princess Diana, and, that they, are affectively steal the UK crown, by forcing the new gay UK Royal
couple: Mr. Kate, and Prince William, to adopt, their sex abused babies, from Mexico.

        Additionally, the terrorists are taking claim, for the recent attacks in the UK, in both: Manchester, UK, and in London, UK. I am too uncomfortable, here in the US, and I am working desperately, to submit, to your law school, undergraduate offices, any additional information, that you may require, for consideration, for: law school admittance, and for a full scholarship. I was adopted, and my adopted family abandoned me, shortly after I graduated from high school.
I have no friends or family in the US. I am forced to obtain my of my meals from the garbage can.

         I have access to no housing or shelter services, in the US. I cannot afford transportation here-although, I am physically, now permanently disabled-this country will do nothing for me, although I grew up, and have attended several universities here-even at a PhD level, with straights: "A's." I am suffering fro massive stomach aches, dysentery, and severe asthma, and skin infections, since my return from Mexico. The medical doctors in town, are prescribed medications for me, and the pharmacies, are refusing to fill, most of the ordered scripts.

     I am soo incredibly ill, and there is freezing rain, all day and night-in Boston, MA right now, I could not possibly venture out, for anything I need-including WiFi connect. I am sleeping all day at the airport, because the hospital for the homeless here is too dangerous, I was kicked out, two months ago, for complaining about some crazy homeless people there-who were trying to kill me, in front of staff, and who were leaving nasty things, like: freeze dried bones, in the shower, for me to discover.

       I am brilliant, and could succeed very easily in law school. I am studious, and work diligently, at my studies. I was admitted full scholarship, to law school, right here in Boston, MA-then, the law school, refused to assist me with  housing-which, is illegal. I should have graduated from law school, here in Boston, MA several years ago-I was admitted, on full scholarship, in 2012-I saved my paper work.

       People in the US, who support terrorism, are adamantly opposed to me, and to any legal arguments, for human rights-in the US, or anywhere else in the world. I attempted to raise money, by online -Shirt sales, and my online sales were cancelled, by an American company, because my desire to raise money, in support of human rights, was viewed by the American vendor-as offensive. I hate America, and have been requesting political asylum in Europe, for over 7 years now.

       The UK told me-when, Mr. Obama was President of the US, that my request for political asylum, could not be considered, because, even with copious information-documented evidence in my favor, human rights violations in the US, could not be considered in the UK, because the PM Cameron was stating-although completely untrue, that America is a:"Safe Country," even though-it is not a safe country for me.

        My adopted family, claims relations to the Royal family of the UK, and I have no idea, if it is true or not-she is an American lawyer: Susan Cary, Esq. (the very bane of my existance), and she lies about anything, and everything.I am being tortured in the US, and-it is because I refuse to support Intl terrorism. I work with Intl intelligence agencies sometimes-including: FBI, and MI5, as well as Intl intelligence, in other countries, such as: Interpol.

     Based on my experiences in the US, of both: torture and exploitation-with no assistance from Americans or Europeans-with the exception being Scotland, UK now-because you even respond to my emails, is that: Intl intelligence and police, are well aware of the problems that exist in the US, related to: Mr. Obama, Hitler Men, and Intl terror, and they are unwilling to do enough, to keep a healthy population safe. If the Intl civil and human rights court cases, that I am carrying, were to finally make it to court, a dramatic and drastic change-for a safer world-might be possible?

      Please consider me, for admissions, for the September 2017 matriculation, in your undergraduate legal studies program. I know for a fact, that my cases are a road to victory, for the: down trodden, homeless, abused, and tortured-such as myself, because, I have taken some time, to view previous precedents issued as holdings, by Intl Human Rights Courts-in the past, essentially, I have already won my cases. My civil and human rights, have been violated, in the most egregious ways, for almost 20 years now-and the situation for me in the US-with no way to defend myself legally-is only growing worse.

      I think, that because the situation, is not limited to terror attacks, in the US-the culprits, spread out, and feel too comfortable, in any major city in the world-especially in London, UK-that, it would be a boon to Scotland, UK, and to the UK in general, to admit me to law school, and on full scholarship, to argue on your behalf as well, against Intl terror. Thank you for your time, and for your continued consideration, for law school admissions, for the 2012 September term. Our situation in the US, has improved almost none-since Mr. Obama, was replaced by President Trump.

       As a Republican, I support Trump, and, I still have benefited-in absolutely no ways at all, since he has been elected, as the new President, of the US. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Active Google Blogger:

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