Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Russia Back Hacks Against America-To Defend Our US Rights-To Connect on The Internet. Can You Log-on?

в Электронную приёмную Президента Российской Федерации

Должность адресата: Homeless Tortured Intelligence Officer

Full name (surname, name, patronymic): Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Miss. Bayo

Organisation: Emergency Intl Internet Relief

Email address: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com

Phone: 13522567466

Type: appeal



         I am soo physically ill-that it is unbelievable. I have the flu, or something worse. I am being left out in the freezing rain-here, in Boston, MA-with no access to homeless shelters. My nose is running. The fever grows higher and higher. I have no way to shower, or to wash my clothes-or to access hot food, I am on canned food rations.

         Last night, the diarrhea, and fever, were soo bad-that I took a bath, in the Catholic Church, grass sprinklers. I dried my dress in the sun today-it is the only clean clothing I have. I am being harassed, and threatened all day long, by domestic and Intl terrorists, who support Mr. Obama, and Hitler Men. I am sad to say, that some of Snowden's friends, are among the terrorists, here in the Boston, MA-area, who are offering me no real assistance.

         Two nights ago, I was stoned, by a black African looking, Mr, Obama supporter, who first, tried to run me over, with his SUV-on the sidewalk. Four nights ago, a crazy black drunk, and also African looking Mr. Obama supporter, from Chicago, tried to rape me, and threatened to kill me, at a public bus stop, where I was huddled-trying once again, to sit out, the torrential, and freezing night rains. I met with a young Russian woman today. The problems here-are political.

       There are great many number of Mexican terrorists, in the US-who complain constantly, about my dark skin tone, and curly reddish hair-however, the terrorists, were not nay friendlier, to the young blond woman from Russia, with perfectly White skin. The US claims, that Russia, is cyber attacking America-good for you, the terrorists cut all the WiFi every where-all of the time, even on cell phones.

          Because of purported cyber attacks, by Russia-America, is now blocking access, to certain Russian websites, such as: the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC-where, I am supposed to travel to, in two weeks to apply for a travel visa to Russia, for political asylum. The Washington, DC-Russian Embassy, expressed some interest in interviewing me, to work as an intelligence officer, in the DC office. Is Russia, also interested, in possibly hiring me?

         I can check-up, on your DC staff, at the Russian Embassy offices-soon. I need immediate assistance, with political asylum, and, would ask, that you do consider me, for hire-as an intelligence officer-even if, I am located, at a different office? I was accepted to law school, in the UK-for Fall 2017, and will need to attend. Additionally, I am also pre-medical. I will speak with the Russian Embassy in DC soon-I cannot place calls, to their offices, from the pay phones here, in Boston, MA-my phone calls, are misdirected.

        Safelink, and Mr. Obama supporters-have denied me access, to a free "Obama," cell phone. I must rely on pay phones-for right now. My finances are limited, and I am concerned, about how I will pay for law school, in Scotland, UK. I am certain, were I hired by Russia, that-I could gather pertinent information, for you, from the UK-while studying, and, inbetween semesters-when I travel some, to begin my required pro bono services, and-while I begin to process, my Intl Human Rights Defense cases-against, the: Mr. Obama Administration.

        Thank you for your time, and consideration. The terrorists, are evil towards me-and, unfortunately, they are just as: crazy, mean, and illegal-towards the Russian immigrants, who are visiting, or living in the US-as well. Google Blogger. www.baielizacary.blogspot.com Email: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com Thank you again.

Sent: June 21, 2017, 01:26

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