Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Demanding Access To The European Court System of Human Rights June 28 2016 Message To Citizens Commision For Human Rights CCHR.org International Request, Media Attention

June 28 2016 

        Writing from Oslo, Norway. I think I need a march on Oslo. The Government here is not seriously considering my case, for political asylum. The Norwegian government is pretendign like nothing is wrong in the US, even though, I have posted copious amounts of information online. I think I need a march on Oslo, Norway, in order to gain supporters, and to draw attention, to the human rights violations, encourgaed by the Obama Administration. It is not fair to me, as a human being, that anyone anywhere, is allowed to constantly harass me for sex, or to threaten my life, over and over again, and then back it up, with continuous vicious and violent assaults, because I chose, as an intelligent individual, to refuse to support any form, of terrorism, or prostitution.

        I care about myself, and my children, and about my friends and family as well. I am never going to prostitute. I will never support prostitution and torure and abuse. Torture and abuse, are inhumane, and illegal, according, to the Geneva Convention, of 1951. I support human rights. I need to gain media attention, about these violations, of civil, and human rights, that are being encouraged by the US government. Other governments, even as far away as Europe, are too apathetic and lethargic, in their responses, to my extremely serious, and on going complaints.

          A court system, that deals specifically, with human rights violations, must hear my cases, and now, I am under the impression, that until people are shamed enough, with media and everyone watching, governments, will not respond well enough, to my genuine complaints. I am not willing, or even able, to pretend like nothing is wrong. My life is being threatened, everyday, in many different ways, no matter where in the world, I am located. The Buck stop here. There is a qualified legal team somewhere, that is not afraid, to hear my case, and, that is not afraid, to issue the appropriate ruling, and I need media attention, maybe, to gain my rightful access, to that European court system, of human rights.

           Yes, a problem, does truly exist. Please respond, and immediately.

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