Friday, June 24, 2016

Objection Number Two To UDI Rejection Of Political Asylum Application, And Email From Oslo, Norway, Almost Impossible Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS June 24 , 2016 Friday

June 24 2016
To Whom It May Concern
      I have made several phone calls to Juss Buss, in addition to several email communications. Juss Buss is now expecting me, this ocming Monday, the 27, 2016, of June, in regards to my immediate need, for free legal services, here, in Norway. I met the burden of proof, that my life is in danger in the US. It was inappropriate, and more than unfair, that UDI, has rejected my application, and request for political asylum, and refugee status in Norway. When I initially received the rejection letter from UDI, I did at that time, state, that I object to the UDI, rejection decision. It was explained to me, that UDI rejected my application, because I am from the United Sttaes, and not based on the merits of the case, that I presented, adn when I shared this information, with UNE, they agreed, that this is a serious problem.
     UDI hired a lawyer for me. I attempted to contact the lawyer, shortly thereafter, I received the rejection letter from UDI. I am staying at the Radsttad reception center, where, I was not allowed to use the telephone here, to make any local calls, until after I complained, to both, the Norway Secret Service Police Security, and to the Immigration Police. As soon as I gained access to the telephone, for local calls, I did call the UDI assigned lawyer, to make an immediate appoinment. I was expected in the lawyers office, yesterday morning, at 9am. However, when I called to have the lawyers address, the lawyer then informed me, at that time, that he was unwilling to meet with me. I had 1 day, yesterday, to make arrangements, to see another free attorney.
      It was explained to me, by a very expensive law firm, over the telephone, here in Norway, that my UDI assigned lawyer, in illegally filing paperwork, on my behalf, and without my permission, and a statement, that I have never supported, that in doing so, he spent my entire UDI budget.  Then, the law firm explained to me, now you need a lawyer badly, and you have no UDI money left, to find a different lawyer, you must find a free legal service, that will support you, and your application for political asylum.  She explained to me, that legal services in Norway, are very expensive, and not usually pro bon, that for her office, it would cost me, 2,000 Norwegian kroner, justr for an initial conversation.
       I am looking for assistance, where ever I can find it. The US is soo dangerous for me, and NOrway, is soo much safer, even if there are a few minor frustrations, that I want to take my case all the way to UNE, and the appeals court. Additionally, I cannot read Norwegian fluently yet. The paperwork that was handed to me, from UDI, is only in Norwegian. I did trnslate some of it on the computer, through Google translator, so I would have a little idea, about what is stated. The paperwork, not only states, that I have not met the burden of proof, for political asylum, in Norway, it also calls me a liar, which badly effects my reputation, and, which simply is not true.
     It is one thing, for the Norwegian government to say to me, that we do not care what is happening in the US, or to you inpartiular, however, it is far too dishonest of the NOrwegian government to say, that I have lied to them. I told the complete truth. I had a stack of court documents as evidence, for UDi to copy, and the woman who interviewed me, she said to me, I believe that you are telling me the truth. I have no need to copy any evidence that you have prepared, to support you application, and case for political asylum, here in Norway. The US is soo dangerous to me, that I lost everything, as I passed through the airport, from the front door, and through security, and then to borading the plane.
         African security and police,Mr. Obama men, tried to trespass me from the airport. My luggage, all of my belongings, had to be left outside, in front of the airport entrance, and some of my medicine, and my others coats, were lost foreever, as I barely made it through, the US TSA Airport security check points. Only the legal documents, and a little food, and medicine made it to Norway with me, to support my case, for political asylum in Europe. I have no reason to lie to anyone, about how dangerous the United States has becoem for me, since Obama has been the president. I am in desperate need of somewhere safe to live. I feel less like a political asylum applicant for refugee status, at this point, I feel more lie the stateless, who have no friends, family, or support sysytem anywhere in the world, because honestly, that is more a reflection of my position, at this point in time.
      I strengently objet to UDI hiring a lawyer for me, who is abusive of the NOrwegian legal system. The man understood very clearly, that I object to the rejection notification, that I received from UDI. The man said to me, that he was offended, that as a rape victim, I prefer to work with a female attorney. And he also said to me, that he understood, that I objected to the UDI decision, however, because he did not support my right to object to the UDI decision, and to request and appeal, he felt comfortabe filing paperwork with UDI, that was not representative, of my decision, my rights, or my representation. What the UDI lawyer did, was moreth an just wrong, and illegal, it was highly unethical, and I have therefore, contacted, the Norwegian Bar Association, to file a formal complaint, against the lawyer and his license to practice law in Norway, in Europe, in the world, in general. What the free UDI hired lawyer did, is too illegal, and, he had no care, concern, or conciousness, in regards to his complete disregard for me, and my safety and welfare, concerning my necessary application for political asylum, here in Oslo, Norway.
      I did speak to the Immigration police, in regards to my need still, to speak to a lawyer in Oslo, Norway, prior to my departure. I have a right to appeal the UDI decision, and it has been too difficult thus far, for me to receive legal services, in connection with my objection, to the UDI decision. When I spoke with my case worker, at the police station, he was not concerned enough, about my retur to the US, however, he did agree with me, that I do have a right to speak to a lawyer, about the rejection from UDI, and my need to file an appeal through UNE. I spoke to the Immigration Police yesterday, my case file should have been immediately notated. I was told, that I can have at leat until this coming Tuesday, June 28, 2016, in order to discuss my departure from Norway. I explained to my case worker, that the US, is soo dangerous for me, that it is really not safe to return to, and I need, among other things, to discuss with a lawyer, the possibility of leaving Norway, is that is the final legal decision, to go to a country other than the US.
      My case worker, was not at all supportive of me leaving NOrway, to go somewhere safer than the US, and that is of serious concern for me. I would not have flown all the way to Norway, and I would not have requested politicala sylum, if I did not seriously, and honestly needeed it. I have soo many problems, with US police, Mr. Obama men, literally attacking me, and trying to kill me, that my conversation, with the Immigration Police, case manager assigned to me, made me feel too uncomfortable. I have no idea how close police departments are, however, the police who processed me through, as an applicant for political asylum, they were no problem for me at all, and who is this case worker assigned to me? I am concerned that the case worker assigned to me, through the Immigration Police Norway, has some connectiosn, to Mr. Obama, police in the US, he cared not at all, that I would be attacked, and quite possibly killed, that moment the plane touches the ground, in the US, I honestly think, that I need a new case worker, and a women, to handle waht remains of my application for political asylum, here in Noway. I need fair treatment. I am still, after a full week no lawyer, an no one in Norway, who cares, that people are trying to kill me, in the United States.
       Thank you for continuing to receive my communications, regardig my application for political asylum in Oslo, Norway.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Current Contact Information  Oslo, Norway
Cellphone International Global # 44 75 092 99 627
Cellphone US #  1  91  686  68 295
Please feel free to call anytime. I do not know if you will get through?
US Cellphone  352   519   9722  Messages from this cellphone, go directly to one of my email accounts. I occasionally check messages on my email, if I have a charge on my personal laptop?
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23.06.2016, 11:55, "Juss-Buss - Daglig leder" <>:

Unfortunately we do not accept requests by e-mail. We accept new cases on Mondays from 4 pm and 7 pm and Tuesdays from 10 am to 3 pm. Within these hours you can call phone number 00 47 22 84 29 00 or meet us in our offices in Skippergata 23 in Oslo.

If you have further administrative questions, please contact our switch board at 00 47 22 84 29 00 Monday to Friday between 10 am and 3 pm. Our e-mail system is not secure enough to receive information from clients. Further questions by e-mail will therefore not be responded.

Kind regards
Hanne Hareide Skårberg
Managing director Juss-Buss
Skippergata 23, 0154 Oslo
Tlf: 22 84 29 00

June 22 2016

It seems to me, that the asylum seeking process, is not intended for anyone who really needs political asylum, because their life is in danger. My life is in danger, in the US, and I have made the burden of proof, twice now, in both the United Kingdom, and here in Oslo, Norway. Both times, that I have applied for political asylum, although my situation has grown much worse, I have been turned down.

The more dangerous my situation becomes, the more confident the people handluing, mthe asylum seeking process, feel, in turning my application down. I am now under the impression, that the asylum seeking process, internationally, is a tool used by terrorists, to change a healthy economy, in any country around the world, over to a dysfunctional, prostitute economy. The people who are minority, who are already living in Oslo, Norway, who were most likely in some ways, also connected to political asylum seeking process, are not engaged in healthy behaviors here in Norway.

There is prostitution and, there is heavy drug abuse here. It seems Crazy to me, that White Norwegians, are not objecting, to this political asylum seeking process, which forces, the intelligent indigenous population, to engage in degrading, violent, and tortuous, and completely abusive treatment, of their friends and families, here in Norway. Of considerable concern, here in Norway, and in other places in the world, is the quick flip, of the local populations. Many people here in Norway, who say, that they are White Norwegians, they looks like American Jews, and not like Norwegians at all to me.

The African population, that lives here, in Oslo, and that is immigrating into Norway, they are primarily Somalian and Ethiopian, and it does not seem to matter, they side with mr. Obama politics, and support the unhealthy activity, of a prostitution economy. People here, like people in the United States, they walk around pretending that there is nothing wrong with being a European and prostitute. Freelance Reporter. Miss. Mumbai Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Cell 44 750 929 9627 Please try both numbers, the text message, is working, for at least one of them.  Cell 2nd number  1 9168 668 295 I look forward to hearing from you.
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell 191 68668 295
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell 191 68668 295
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Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell 191 68668 295

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