Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Complaint Number Two, Concerning The Responsibility For The Untimely Death Of Princess Diana, Against, Norway To European Court of HUman Rights in France June 28 2016

June 28 2016

       It would seem, from what Crazy Africans, and their supporters are now not afraid to say to me, and even in English, that Africans, both French, and other language speaking Africans, did in fact, plan for the untimely death, of Princess Diana. I am recording the conversations, around me, here in Oslo, Norway, at the refugee reception center, where I am presently located. Africans here, are not embarassed to tell me, over, and over again, that I should die, just like Princess Diana, because I am rfusing to prostitute, and I will not give anyone, not anywhere blow jobs.

        Africans are STALKING me agressively, and threatening my life, and trying to kill me, much in the same way, I do believe, that they did so, to Princess Diana, as well. I am complaining here in Oslo, Norway, and I am requesting politicala sylum in Norway, because my life in the US, is in such immediate danger, all of the time. The government of Norway, is pretending like the US is perfect, and like I am a complete liar, and, is also trying to block my access, to both, The European Court of Human Rights, and my right to access The Hague, in the Netherlands.

          I am filing complaints, with both court systems, from Oslo, Norway. Amnesty International here in Oslo, has said, that my situation of present danger, with absolutely no positive response, from the Norwegian government, is of serious concern, and I should contact their International headquarters, in London, and immediately request, and case consideration, and referral, to their Oslo offices. I am having problems sending emails from Norway.

       My communications are constantly, blocked, although I am not sending any spam, and I have no financial resources available to me, here in Oslo. I am trying to keep my scary predicament, with the US government, which is now affecting me in Norway, as it also did, when I was in, Martinique, France, and, in Manchester, UK. The International Terrorism, that Mr. Obama is supporting, is in now way, confined.

            Terrorists, here at the refugee reception center, where I am temporarily located, are intentionally breaking all of the computers, so there will be no way to communicate by computer, from here, to the ouside world. I believe, that there really may be, only one computer left working now, out of what use to be, five usable desk top computers.  The situation, in Oslo, Norway, is becoming more and more uncomfortable, and like the US, as the Norwegian government, continues, and on a daily basis, to welcome new refugee applicants, and immigrants into Europe, who support Mr. Obama, and International Terrorism, and who hate, White people, and the Royal Family of the UK, which, is spread out, all across Europe, as most, if not all Royal families in Europe, have at one point in time or another, been related, to the Royal family, of the UK.

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