Sunday, June 26, 2016

Updated, Complaint Filed, The Hague, The Kremlin, MI5, Sapo, Poliisi Finland, Etc. Resttad Reception Center Oslo, Norway Inhumane Treatment June 26 2016 No Lawyer Yet June 26 2016

June 26 2016

Problems in Noway continue. Today I am burning up with a fever. I came to Norway, and Oslo, specifically, because I was soo incredibly tortured, and abused in the US. I was under the impression, from the telephone contact that I made, prior to my arrival in Oslo, that I would receive some relief here, and that simply has not been the case. The lawyer, who was assigned my UDi case, after I was illegally rejected, after meeting the full burden of proof, my life is in fact in danger in the US, illegally filed paperwork for me, that misrepresented my expressed wishes and desires. I am sick as can be.

 I have an infection in my face, and a bad infection in my ear now, as well as increased body pain, from the permanent uinjuries that I arrived here with. I have already attempted to receive medical services here, and I was denied, although, I clearly require medications. Additionally, I am denied access to my money, and to the ability to change US dollar, into Norway kroner, and, the Resttad reception center is refusing to provide me with anything I need, including clean clothing, because they say that I am only a 48 hour case, however, I have been here for over a week.

 When I washed my clothing by myself, and by hand, and left the clothing in the room to dry, someone broke into the room, and began cutting my clothing apart, like crazy people, do to my belongings and clothing, when I have housing, or a hotel, in the US. People who are arirving, who are requesting refugee status here in Oslo, Norway, are prostitutes, for the most part, and almost exclusively men, who have come to reinforce a prostitute economy in Norway, and they receive tons of support and repect here in Oslo, that I do not get. I have copmplained to the Secret service police here in Norway, as well as to Secret Service police close by, in the countries of, both, Sweden, and Russia, and the UK.

Norway, is not as bad as the US, however, it is headed that way, and very quickly. The problems are spreading to quickly, from funding, which is being provided by trhe US, and because of NGOs, like the Redcross, who have the main headquarters in the US. Obama has an African dictator objective, a police state, to support and to reinforce prostitution, this goes against everything humane, and everything Western, and yet and still, Europe, is not objecting well enough, be ware!

I have complained to the Secret service police here in Norway, as well as to Secret Service police close by, in the countries of, both, Sweden, and Russia, and the UK. Norway, is not as bad as the US, however, it is headed that way, and very quickly. Europe is not objecting well enough. It took almost no time at all, and millions of refugees and immigrants, from Africa and other parts of the world, who support Obama, and prostitution, to over run the US, and now, it is too dangerous, and completely unbearable for Americans.

If Sweden allows Norway to do as they please, then Norway, will threaten Sweden, and every where else in Europe. Do Europeans care about themselves at all. there is far more to life, that the US dollar. American money should be useless at this point, America is such a scar7y and illegfal international bully. I am urging you personally, to think about how much you care for your ownn friends and family in Sweden. There are more and more applicants, arriving here to Rsttad every day, in Norway, for refugee status, and almost every last one, is a terrorist, or a terrorist supporter, who hates your guts, because your skin color is White, and you do not want to prostitute your whole family, even your babies, for a living.

I am not happy with my experiences here in Norway. I still have not seen a lawyer, although a lawyer was p[romised to me, I have nothing I need in Norway, however, the police here still seem to be White mostly, so they are not trying to kill me yet. You are running out of time to find a solution.

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