Friday, August 5, 2016

Revisting Complaints From Noway/Norway-When political Asylum From The United States, Is Soo Badly Needed For Me-My Life Depends Upon it!

June 23. 2016 

                           I am blocked from all of my usual email accounts, since I began the application process, for political asylum in Oslo, Norway. My UDI assigned and UDI paid lawyer, spent all my free legal services, filing negative paperwork, that I did not agree with. The lawyer lied, and filed paperwork stating, that I did not want to appeal, the UDI rejection, of my application for political asylum, although, he understood otherwise-very well. I have begun the complaint process, against the UDI lawyer, with the Norway Bar Association-I made several phone calls, about the illegal paperwork filed, by the UDI lawyer today. I have an appointment, for free legal services-an interview with Norway legal aid, this coming Monday, June 26, 2016.

          I spoke today, to the Immigration Police, who is assigned to my political asylum rejection and return case, and at that time, I informed the officer, that I will be seeking free legal assistance, on this coming Monday evening, here in Oslo, regarding my objection, to the UDI decision. UNE, when I spoke with the switchboard today, told me, that a Norway Bar Association lawyer, must file my objection, to the UDI computer system for me, UNE receives my case, and there is no possibility, of me filing on my own-or I would have done so.

            UNE has been waiting for my appeal, for almost 5 days now, and the lawyer who was assigned to my case, and paid to assist me, by UDI told me today, that he has spent all my free time and money, intentionally and illegally filing, the wrong paperwork against me. Thank you for receiving my correspondence.

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