Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Immigration Police Case Complaint Worker Oslo, Norway Trying To Block My Access To Legal Counsel And Services Appointment Already Made June 28 2016

June 28, 2016 Tuesday

To Whom It May Concern,

       This morning I spoke to the Immigration Police, here in Oslo, Norway, in regards to my application, for political asylum. My case manager was completely inappropriate with me, and for a second time. I had an appointment, to meet with a student legal services office yesterday, here in Norway, Juss Buss, however, after I arrived, I was informed by the students, that my legal case, is not an issue, that they deal with. The students referred me to an office here in Oslo, Norway, for free legal services. The students at Juss Buss, wrote me a pithy letter of communications for the Immigration Police here in Oslo, stating, that my legal case, is outside of their perview.

      On my way to the free legal aid office, here in Oslo, Norway, I stopped by the Amnesty International Offices, in the downtown area, to discuss the legal problems I am having in Oslo, with my application for political asylum, from the United States. The receptionist at Amnesty International told me, that Amnesty International, while they advocate in various legal situations, they are not lawyers themselves, they do however, work with lawyers. After showing the receptionist, some of the legal paperwork, that UDi handed to me, none of which I can read, because it is all in Norwegian, she provided me with the contact information, for the Amnesty International offices, in London. The receptionist here in Norway, told me, that they can help with legal cases sometimes, if the situation is serious enough, however, they need the approval, and referral of a case, from the Amnesty International office, in London.

      I then continued on my way, to the free legal aid office, here in downtown Oslo, Norway, however, I first went by several banks, to see if I could get any money off of my US debit Visa card. I was told by the second bank I spoke to, that my bank card is not sophistiated enough. My bank card, is an older version, with no micro chip, and therefore, I will not able able to access any of my US money, here in Oslo, Norway. I am in the same dirty clothing, that I arrived to Norway in. I need clean clothing, and hygiene suppies, including and not limited to, deoderant, conditioner and a comb for my hair, and new underwear. Rastad, the reception center where I am staying, has stated that they will not provide me with any thing I need, other than some food, and shelter, because my application for political asylum, is only a 48 hour case, although, it has now been 9 days, that I have been living here in Oslo, Norway, as an asylum seeker.

       Additionally, I am in excruciating pain. I came to Oslo, Noway, with a number of physical injuries, and ailments. I was tortured in the US, and repeatedly assaulted, because people in the US, are trying to kill me. I arrived with my American Disability Association membership card. I have several permanent physical injuries, because I have been soo violently attacked, in the US.  The Radstad reception center, for refugee applicants, here in Oslo, Norway, does not care, about the injuries that I came to Norway with, from the attempts on my life in the US.  The reception center tells me, no money in Norway Kroners from us, because you are a 48 hours application case, and you have a right to see a lawyer, however, you have no money, and it does not matter to us, how much pain you are in, if you want to see a lawyer, or anyone else, you must walk.  So, I am walking 5 hours to see the lawyers in downtown Oslo, Norway, and 5 hours back to the reception center. Yesterday, I need to see lawyers and legal representatives, at 3 different offices here in Oslo, I had a 13 hour, walking day. Today, I am in soo much pain, that I can barely write this communication, to you.

        The legal paperwork, that I received from UDi, states, that I have up to 3 weeks, in order to meet with a lawyer, here in Oslo, Norway, in regards to appealing my legal case, for political asylum. When I contacted, UNE, in regards to the appeal case, this past Friday, I was informed by UNE, that it would not be possible, for me to appeal the UDi decision myself. UNE told me, that, I would have to have legal representation. Last week, my case manager, at Immigration Police, agreed, that I have a right to see a lawyer, in order to process my appeal, through UNE, and in order to have the legal documents, that UDi gave me, translated, in to English. I have no idea, what most of the legal documents written to my attention, by UDi say, still. My case manager, at the Immigration Police, chnaged his mind, when I spoke to him this morning, and he then decided, that I do not have the right to see and speak to a lawyer, and he told me, that UNE and UDi, are trying to make a 2nd decision on my case, even though no lawyer has agreed to process the appeal for me, and no lawyer, has seen any of the evidence, that I brought with me, supporting my case for political asylum.

       I was too frustrated, trying to speak to a case manager, at Immigration police, here in Oslo, Norway, who does not care about me, and who is trying to process my appeal to UDi, in an illegal manner. I attempted to speak to his supervisor, a woman, Unit A1, and she told me, that she is too uncomfortable with my situation, to speak to me. I then called, the free legal services offices, and the receptionist there told me, to send my lawyer an email. I informed her, that I am in too much pain today, to walk back 5 hours, to speak to you late this afternoon, and she said, that it would not be helpful, for me to walk all the way back to their offices today, because the lawyer who is now representing me, needs to make phone calls, to other offices on mybehalf, and during office hours. The legal clinic, does not begin today, until after office hours. She told me, that she gave me the first available appointment, during office hours, with my assigned attorney, which is this Frida, at, 2 30 pm. When I called UNE, to discuss the situation, they said, that their offices, are closed, until after 12 pm today, and to call back later.

      I am in soo much pain today, that I needed to see a doctor, at the emergency room, if that is even possible. I am almost out of all of the over counter pain killers, that I brought with me, from the US, for my permanent, back and wrist, and ankle injuries. I am exhausted, from a 13 hours walk. I finally told the Immigration police, here in Oslo, Norway, that this situation is not being handled in a legal way. People here, are trying to make it too impossible, for me to speak to an attorney, who can look at my evidence, and who can advocate for me, and who will effectively, and honestly, assist me with, my application, for political asylum. American is too dangerous for me, and some the legal documents, that were given to me, by UDi, to add injury to insult, call me a liar.

     I can understand, if the government of Norway, is refusing to assist me, however, in calling me a lawyer, and attempting to block me, from processing my cases, which are already in process, through, The Hague in The Netherlands, and The European Court of Human Rights in France, UDi, has crossed a line with me. I have a serious legal problem, with the Obama administration, and more than one, and it is not legal, for the government of Norway, to pretend like I am not telling the truth, and then, at the evry same time, to block me from processing my valid human and civili rights violations cases, through, The Netherlands, and through France. It is more as though, my police case worker, at Immigration police here in Oslo, Norway, is working for, The Obama Administration, and not for Norway. My situation, in the United States, is life threatening. I post as much information online, as possible. I have no reason to lie about it.  Thank you, for continuing to receive, my email communications. I require immediate case actions in my favor, so that I will be able to meet with my free legal services assigned attorney, this coming Friday. I still have to walk, 5 hours, in excruciating pain, both to, and from the offices.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cellphone  44 75  092  99 627
US Number   1  91  168  668  295

Please feel free, to call me, at any given time, however, a text message, will be more effective, I keep my cell turned off, to save the battery. Thank you again.

Juss Buss
Tele. 47  22  84  29   00

Tele. 47  21  08  50  00

Norwegian Bar Association
Tele.   47  22  03  50  50

UNHCR Stolckholm
Tele. 46  8457  48  87

Amnesty International Norway
Tele. 47  22  40  22  00

Norweigan Secret Police
Tele. 47  23  31  09  30

Office For Free Legal Aid Norway
Fri Rettshjelp
My Lawyers Office
Tele. 47  23  48  79  00

Immigration Police Oslo, Norway
Tele.  47  22  34  24  00

Application For Political Asylum Rejection
Tele. 47  23  35  15  00

If you require addtional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. This is an active email account for me.

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