Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Political Asylum Application Oslo, Norway NOAS Does Not Care, Where Do I Find A Lawyer Who Cares, In Norway?

Freelance Reporter. Miss. Mumbai Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Cell 44 750 929 9627 Please try both numbers, the text message, is working, for at least one of them.  Cell 2nd number  19168 668 295 I look forward to hearing from you.

June 22 2016

It seems to me, that the asylum seeking process, is not intended for anyone who really needs political asylum, because their life is in danger. My life is in danger, in the US, and I have made the burden of proof, twice now, in both the United Kingdom, and here in Oslo, Norway. Both times, that I have applied for political asylum, although my situation has grown much worse, I have been turned down.

The more dangerous my situation becomes, the more confident the people handluing, mthe asylum seeking process, feel, in turning my application down. I am now under the impression, that the asylum seeking process, internationally, is a tool used by terrorists, to change a healthy economy, in any country around the world, over to a dysfunctional, prostitute economy. The people who are minority, who are already living in Oslo, Norway, who were most likely in some ways, also connected to political asylum seeking process, are not engaged in healthy behaviors here in Norway.

There is prostitution and, there is heavy drug abuse here. It seems Crazy to me, that White Norwegians, are not objecting, to this political asylum seeking process, which forces, the intelligent indigenous population, to engage in degrading, violent, and tortuous, and completely abusive treatment, of their friends and families, here in Norway. Of considerable concern, here in NOrway, and in other places in the world, is the quick flip, of the local populations. Many people here in Norway, who say, that they are White Norwegians, they looks like American Jews, and not like NOrwegians at all to me.

The African population, that lives here, in Oslo, and that is immigrating into Norway, they are primarily Somalian and Ethiopian, and it does not seem to matter, they side with mr. Obama politics, and support the unhealthy activity, of a prostitution economy. People here, like people in the United States, they walk around pretending that there is nothing wrong with being a European and prostitute. 

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