Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Appeal To Rejection For Political Asylum By UDI Oslo, NOrway June 2016 17th Day

June 20 2016

              I met the criterion to stay in Norway, as a refugee. UDI Norway said no to me, and my application for political asylum was rejected, even after copious amounts of information, in my favor. I taped the explanantion, as to why my application for political asylum was denied. It was explained to me, that it does not matter to UDI Norway, that my life is in immient danger in the US, I was told that the government of Norway, refused to consider my application for politicala sylum, because I applied from the United States. That is not fair to me. My life is in danger, all of the time in the US. I have nothing I need in America, almost all of the time, because of the sociopolitical situation in the US.

               Before Obama, I had, employment, housing, food, a bank account, money, friends, family, and now, I have nothing, I cannot even get medicine with health insurance, when I need it. My friends and family ostracize me, as a social outcast. I am denied all housing and employment. The local and Federal law enforcement, do nothing to keep me safe, not police, or FBI and CIA. My bank accounts are drained and frozen, at ecessive sums, and cannot access any money. Federal beenfits priomised to me, based on my permanent physical injuries, are stolen from me, and restricted form me, all of the time. The court system in th US, is nonresponsive to me. My adopted mom will not allow me to see my 3 children, and she has no custody of any of them. I am so sick, and physically injured from contact assaults on my life, that many days, I cannot even manage to walk, or to sit, or to stand.

                 I am often times, attacked, threatened, and harassed by Obama police, who are not Americans. Obama police and security try to trespass me, from bus stations and from airports, so I have no ability to even go anywhere within the US, or, to another country to be safer. People steal everything I own from me, all of the time, and there is no oe to whom I can complain. No one in the US, is responsive to me, at all. I have done nothing wrong. I am being persecuted, for sociopolitical reasons, and my life is in danger, for sociopolitical reasons, because of my, race, religion, social beliefs, educational attainments, political beliefs, sexual orientation, because of my age, because of my physical weight, even because of my appearance in general, etc. I am soo uncomfortable in the US, and soo terrified that I will be killed when I go back, and, I brought soo much evidence with me, to share with UDI, that it never crossed my mind, that UDI, would reject my application.

                   Now I need a lawyer for my appeal. I am right here, in Norway, and scared to death, that I will be deported back to the US, after I shared everything honest and vital, to my case witrh UDI, it is as if UDI is saying that, they would rather I were dead. UDI seems to care nothing for me at all. I have 3 children who care for me. I am a hard working individual. I am honest. I am concerned about the well being of others. I am working towards my PhD. I am supposed to begin law school in Spetember, through an online program, from the UK. I will qualify for medical school soon, with only a few more classes, as well. There are many reason, why I have a great deal to contribute to society. I am not expendable. It is not fair to me, that UDI, cares not for me, and would rather see, me dea. I asked UDI for a lawyer, and they brought me a man, with an extremely careless attitude towards me. The man did not care about me either. The man, the lawyer UDI brought for me to speak to, had the same resentful and angry attitutde towards me, as UDI. I refused to speak with him. As a rape victi8m, I requested a women. My life is in danger.

                         I could die, and right away, if I am deported back to the US, I have a right to request a lawyer, who will care about me. Please, feel sometthing for me, I have nothing, I have no one. Other refugees, who are arriving here, after me, they come to the reception center, with suitcases full of clothing, money, family, cellphones with local service, friends and family, and a support ssystem to talk to, as though, theyt may have been in a war zone, however, they were living in mansions, and my situation, although from the United States, was soo much worse. I came to Norway with almost nothing. I have no one who cares about me in the US. I had to leave everything I own behind. I could not even get my luggage on to the plane through baggage, or even through through TSA. People took eveything I had, quite litterally, as I passed through the airport, or, I was not going to be allowed to walk to the gate. Please care.

                        I have been sending information, about my emergenc situation, to The Hague, and to the European Court of Rights, for over 4 years now. I have cases of civil, and human rigthts violations. I have more court cases, and documents to support my cases, than I could even bring with me from the US. I have no lawyers in the US who can take my cases. I have no way to stay safe in the US. I have no family or friends for comfort or support in the US. I have no one to right for emeregency help in the US. I came all the way to Europe for a reason.

                             I have posted information about my situation all over the web, Flicker, Facebook, Fling, Google Plus, Google Blogger, Twitter, my photos do not lie. And check what I have posted online to YouTube, my complaints are real. My life is in danger. Please dear God save me, and UDI, is calling me a liar, and who cares if you need a female lawyer, and UDI, is who cares that you do not want to go bvack to the US to die, and UDI, is who cares about you at all, and UDI is, why did you even apply, you should have known, that we refuse to consider the merits of your case, because we pretend, that the US is safe, no matter what.

                       Please care about me. Freelance reporter. 352 519 9722 Please Care. Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS I require your im,mediate emergency assistance, I have to appeal the decision by UDI, and I am in desperate need of a lawyer, who is both willing and able to assist me. I am in Norway, and, UDI does not want to help me at all, and I need an attorney who can take the matter to trial, who can help me

Norway, HERO, Refstad transittmottak Sinsenvein 76, 0586 Oslo, Norway

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