Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Law School Application, Initial Personal Statement, September 2016 UK, Northumbria, Start Date, My Application, Is In Process I have More Documents To Add

           I was in high school, at P.K. Yonge, the University of Florida Research and Developmental High School, for The University of Florida, in the 1990's (1990-June of 1994).  At that time I was: senior class president, a member of the national honor's society, a straight A honor roll student-- frequently, and: a gifted, A.P., and honor's student (with numerous honor’s awards), and I was voted: "Most Likely to Succeed."  I knew at that time, that I wanted to attend law school, but it has taken me years of undergraduate, and graduate study, and an LSAT preparatory program, before I was able, to actually begin the application process, to any law school anywhere. It has taken me, over two decades.

    I graduated from high school in 1994 (June).  I was enrolled as an undergraduate for 13 years, before I finally received my Bachelor's Degree from: The University of Florida.  And that was after having completed an Associate’s Degree in both: Honor's and English studies at: Santa Fe Community College.  I thought I would never finish with my
undergraduate degree, because it was taking me soo very long.  I was a single parent with three children, and living completely alone, for the first four years of my undergraduate degree. At that time, I was enrolled at Florida State University, in Tallahassee, FL—the capital city of Florida.  I worked very hard, and I was, therefore, able to cover, almost all of my expenses myself. I: attended classes, volunteered, and worked--sometimes two jobs, in order to pay most of my bills on time. Sometimes, I did have to ask my mother for her assistance.

I began a Master's Degree program, at Florida State University, in the fall of 2008, immediately after I graduated from the University of Florida, in the summer of 2008.  I did not have time to prepare for the LSAT, while I was: working, completing my English degree, and riding both: to and from campus, on my bike. I also had to take the bus, both: to and from campus, because it rains almost every afternoon in Florida, during the summer months.  I waited until I was almost done with my Master's Degree in 2010, before I paid full-tuition, for a Kaplan LSAT Preparation class. I then I took the LSAT--twice, to get a high enough score, to qualify for admission, to a U.S. law school. The LSAT was such a long and intense exam. I read and completed, every question, on the entire test, both times I took it. I still cannot believe that I willingly sat for the LSAT twice. And, it was almost two times in a direct row, based on when the test is offered.

I have been accepted to seven law schools now, but I do not have financial aid, not in U.S. Federal aid, or otherwise, to pay for my tuition to a U.K. law school program.  I have chosen a L.L.B. program in the U.K., so that I may practice International law.  I have lofty ideals and high aspirations. I would love to make the world a better place for everyone. I have been a member of: Amnesty International, the ACLU, W.W.F., E.D.F., N.A.A.C.P., the Sierra Club, and numerous other multinational/International organizations, including: Doctor's Without Borders, who are working hard to make the world a better place, as well.  

International precedents are not currently considered by the U.S. Supreme Court.  There are so many important issues, which need to be addressed on an International level, therefore, I have decided, to relocate with my three children to the U.K. . I intend to earn at least a Barrister's License in order to practice law in the U.K., and then, I plan to work. I want to work to make the world a: better, safer, fairer, place.  I hope to begin my first L.L.B. law school class in 2012. 

Thank you for your time and careful consideration. I would love to matriculate with the rest of my L.L.B. class, which may have already been admitted, for the Autumn 2012 term.  Your financial assistance is absolutely required, and it will be more than appreciated. I cannot attend law school, without your generous assistance.  Thank you again for your time and attention regarding the request made above, and the entire application process.  I look forward to hearing your prompt reply.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing about law school applications. I am enrolled under Best LSAT Courses suggested by my teacher online. Studying all their lessons and case studies keenly as want to pass my entrance in single attempt. Hoping to get more and more guidance from their professionals.
