Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Russia Back Hacks Against America-To Defend Our US Rights-To Connect on The Internet. Can You Log-on?

в Электронную приёмную Президента Российской Федерации

Должность адресата: Homeless Tortured Intelligence Officer

Full name (surname, name, patronymic): Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Miss. Bayo

Organisation: Emergency Intl Internet Relief

Email address: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com

Phone: 13522567466

Type: appeal



         I am soo physically ill-that it is unbelievable. I have the flu, or something worse. I am being left out in the freezing rain-here, in Boston, MA-with no access to homeless shelters. My nose is running. The fever grows higher and higher. I have no way to shower, or to wash my clothes-or to access hot food, I am on canned food rations.

         Last night, the diarrhea, and fever, were soo bad-that I took a bath, in the Catholic Church, grass sprinklers. I dried my dress in the sun today-it is the only clean clothing I have. I am being harassed, and threatened all day long, by domestic and Intl terrorists, who support Mr. Obama, and Hitler Men. I am sad to say, that some of Snowden's friends, are among the terrorists, here in the Boston, MA-area, who are offering me no real assistance.

         Two nights ago, I was stoned, by a black African looking, Mr, Obama supporter, who first, tried to run me over, with his SUV-on the sidewalk. Four nights ago, a crazy black drunk, and also African looking Mr. Obama supporter, from Chicago, tried to rape me, and threatened to kill me, at a public bus stop, where I was huddled-trying once again, to sit out, the torrential, and freezing night rains. I met with a young Russian woman today. The problems here-are political.

       There are great many number of Mexican terrorists, in the US-who complain constantly, about my dark skin tone, and curly reddish hair-however, the terrorists, were not nay friendlier, to the young blond woman from Russia, with perfectly White skin. The US claims, that Russia, is cyber attacking America-good for you, the terrorists cut all the WiFi every where-all of the time, even on cell phones.

          Because of purported cyber attacks, by Russia-America, is now blocking access, to certain Russian websites, such as: the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC-where, I am supposed to travel to, in two weeks to apply for a travel visa to Russia, for political asylum. The Washington, DC-Russian Embassy, expressed some interest in interviewing me, to work as an intelligence officer, in the DC office. Is Russia, also interested, in possibly hiring me?

         I can check-up, on your DC staff, at the Russian Embassy offices-soon. I need immediate assistance, with political asylum, and, would ask, that you do consider me, for hire-as an intelligence officer-even if, I am located, at a different office? I was accepted to law school, in the UK-for Fall 2017, and will need to attend. Additionally, I am also pre-medical. I will speak with the Russian Embassy in DC soon-I cannot place calls, to their offices, from the pay phones here, in Boston, MA-my phone calls, are misdirected.

        Safelink, and Mr. Obama supporters-have denied me access, to a free "Obama," cell phone. I must rely on pay phones-for right now. My finances are limited, and I am concerned, about how I will pay for law school, in Scotland, UK. I am certain, were I hired by Russia, that-I could gather pertinent information, for you, from the UK-while studying, and, inbetween semesters-when I travel some, to begin my required pro bono services, and-while I begin to process, my Intl Human Rights Defense cases-against, the: Mr. Obama Administration.

        Thank you for your time, and consideration. The terrorists, are evil towards me-and, unfortunately, they are just as: crazy, mean, and illegal-towards the Russian immigrants, who are visiting, or living in the US-as well. Google Blogger. www.baielizacary.blogspot.com Email: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com Thank you again.

Sent: June 21, 2017, 01:26

Intl and Domestic Terror In US-Are Blocking Free WiFi Connect-Russia Will Back Hack, To Defend My Rights-To Connect Online!

в Электронную приёмную Президента Российской Федерации

Должность адресата: Intelligence Officer

Full name (surname, name, patronymic): Cary, AA, BA, MLIS Miss. Bayo Elizabeth

Organisation: Emergency International Internet Relief

Email address: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com

Phone: 3522567466

Type: appeal



To Whom It May Concern:

        The attachment, is an intelligence report, from me, to the Trump Administration. I need to be hired, and, as soon as possible. At least I am honest, and hard working. Mexico City, Mexico- is worse than America. I am being: illegally detained, and tortured here.

       The planes continue to land, and, I am experiencing, more and more necessity, to carry a fire arm, to protect myself, some of these: Hitler men/Jewish and Israeli settlers/ Mr. Obama Democrats, are soo retarded, that I have to threaten physical violence towards them, to get them away from me. The loss of WiFi access, and-both: staff, and police, attempting to rape me, is an ongoing, and unresolved issue here.

        I need to go to town, this coming Monday, for an appointment. Initially, I was offered assistance, in: food, and other fundamental needs, then, I refused to give blow jobs, and to sell babies-I was left with no help, or anyone to even speak to at all. I am updating my Google Blogger: www.baielizacary.blogspot.com , on a regular basis, and, adding to my flickr account-additional intelligence information, and investigative photography: Flickr: Elizabeth1. Thank you again.

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Email: mumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com
Sent: May 13, 2017, 17:42

Monday, June 19, 2017

Edited-Welcome To Stirling Law, in Scotland, UK-Classes Begin Fall of 2017-You Are Invited To Meet Classmates


To Whom It May Concern:

           Thank you for your recent email. I am happy and excited, about the unconditional offer, to attend law school, at Stirling, in Scotland, UK. I am almost done, here, in Boston, MA-I have tons of material, for law suits, and other intelligence matters. The US FBI and I, have determined, that not enough, has improved in the US-since the inauguration, of President Trump. And, although-I am a Republican, the FBI have begun a full investigation, of the Trump administration-in addition, to the on-going investigation, of the: Mr. Obama Administration. I am: "The Pelican Brief," I have suffered too much, in the US-for my pre-legal training, and law school applications. I will be pressing charges against, the Mr. Obama Administration, for the damage-caused, during his 8 years.

         There used to be both: civil and human rights laws, lawyers, and support-in the US Court system, to process-those types of legal cases-and now, for the past years-due to the Mr. Obama Administration-they are no longer available. I was admitted, on full scholarship, to law school-here in Boston, MA, in 2012-however, the law school illegally refused to assist me with housing. Boston, MA-is still Mr. Obama stomping grounds. Early, yesterday morning, an African looking, Mr. Obama supporter of Intl terror, tried to run me over, while I was walking down the sidewalk-he threatened to drive his SUV, up on to the sidewalk. When I protested loudly, the man threatened me, from his vehicle, and followed me down the street, then-he drove off, only to return, and to brutally stone me.

           The night before last-the situation was similar, another attack, by a Mr. Obama Intl terror supporter. A drunk man, from Chicago-also African looking, tried to rape me, and threatened my life, while I was stranded at a bus stop-waiting out, torrential freezing rains. The US police here-in Boston, MA-are some of the worst, I have ever encountered, in the US. The police here-because of Mr. Obama';s long presence in the community, at Harvard Law-assist the terrorists. I reported the situation, to the Tufts ER Hospital staff. I am not mentally ill. I was not recommended for psychiatric treatment. I do not take, and was not prescribed-any psyche meds. The US, has real, and serious problems, in regards to civil, and human rights abuses, because of the Obama Administration.

            The community, of Boston, MA-is one of the worst effected areas, that I have encountered thus far, in America. The Catholic Church, and the Methodist Church, are assisting me some, as well as-the Asian community, and some hospitals, and healthcare providers-as well as Starbucks-they are the only WiFi, that works in Boston, MA. I will be too happy, to finally pay my seat fee, to secure my accommodations, and to connect in person, with other legal students, on campus.

         My financial situation-is difficult, because of the Obama Administration. I was "Blacklisted," when Mr. Obama took office-in 2008, and, no one since, has offered me any paying employment, in the US-until recently. I am requesting consideration, for any full paid scholarships, that Stirling, may offer. From Boston, MA-I will travel to Washington, DC-to speak to several overseas Embassies there. If, I am hireds as intelligence, by any of the Embassies-in Washington, DC-then, I will immediately contact your offices, and pay my seat fee, for my CAS report, to apply for my student visa, starting in the Fall, of 2017.

          I am hopeful. I will be happy to leave Boston, MA. The situation here, has been soo dangerous, and abusive, that-I have begun to reach out, to more Intl branches, of: intelligence, law enforcement, and military-for additional support, to complete my investigation here, and to move on to DC, as safely, as possible. Thank you, for your continued communications, by email, and your continued interest and concern. I look forward, to meeting the students, and staff, at Stirling Law, in Scotland, UK-shortly. Thank you again.

Sincerely, Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

 I will look, for your reply, by email. I do not have access, to my post mail address,
in Gainesville, FL-at this time. Thank you.

Requires Additional Edits Today: And WiFi Being Cut-Starbucks, Boston, MA: Stirling Law: Welcome To Campus-Come and Meet New Friends, in: Scotland, UK: "Legalese!"


Check mail
To folder

Re: Bayo, meet new friends at Stirling
Mumbai Bayo Carymumbaibayo.cary@yandex.com
today at 4:59
