Friday, April 28, 2017

R.S.V.P. Freedom of the Press Party In Mexico? Mexico City, Mexico Flight Booked: Monday May 1, 2017



Press Release: International Media: Freelance Reporter:

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

Current Locale: Boston Logan International Airport

Terminal B, Espirit Flight Side (Opposite of Canadian Air Side)

Flight Booked: American Airlines To Mexico City, Mexico,

This coming, Monday May 1, 2017:

         A flight, that I originally booked, through American Airlines, almost a year ago exactly (June 2016)-that was, illegally cancelled. I was illegally bumped off of a flight at Miami, for “political reasons,” and American Airlines, refused to compensate me. I was offered, a useless 74.00, electronic voucher, which is not of a compensatory nature, as to replace the roundtrip ticket, and the month-long housing, that I had originally booked-to: Cozumel, Mexico.

        Then, again, at the end of last year, prior to the close, of the Obama Administration, I was illegally blocked, from flying to Mexico City, Mexico, by AeroMexico, from: Orlando International. I was unable, through all my lengthy issues, to again a refund, from my booking agent-in: San Francisco:, in-regards-to, the flight, that US police in Orlando, FL, refused to allow me, to board. I can only presume, that, with the minute improvements, that have occurred, since the change-over, from: Mr. Obama to President Trump, that some very little progress-has been achieved, and, I will make it, to Mexico, this time! My life is in, immediate danger, in the US, or, I would not have begun, political asylum applications, to countries outside of the US.

       The situation, in the US, is soo desperate for me, and my very real, un-met needs, both: financial and otherwise, are soo great, that I, like Snowden, have begun a political asylum application, to Russia. I feel resentful, and angry, about how I, as a: “well-educated” Asian American, have been soo severely tortured and abused in this country, and, with no media, or International rescue response. Crazy racist people, say to me: “Swim for it!” Which is another way, of saying to me: “Wet-Back!”

      When you have no: friends, family, support, community care, resources, transportation, legal, or other rights in your own country, etc., then, you are in a situation, such as mine, and you have a clear right, to political asylum, along with your closest family members-I have 3 children. I have been trying to escape, from America, for 7 years now, and, I have asked to many people, and too many countries, for immediate emergency assistance, and with no response. I am soo offended, that Trump thinks, that after what I, and other Asians, have been through in America-we, should then again, loan America, another 4 trillion plus, in loan money, that will never be repaid to China-again.

        My impression, of this country, is that it is just a huge: political prisoner, and hostage holding prison cell, where the minorities are tortured, and the men collect all the ransom, and spend-all of the money. China has objected, over-and-over again, to loaning America, any more money. There are huge men, both: black and White: Mr. Obama, and Hitler, supporters everywhere at the airport, walking around in huge “Gang rape goons” political groups, threatening even one here at the airport. At this point in time, it would be unconscionable, to vote for anyone, other than, Le Pen, for the next French Prime Minister, or, to loan America, any more money. “Shut it down, shut it down,” Americans want, to shut, the: “Mr. Obama and Hitler,” Administration, of the United States of America-down. China said: “No”—too!

       A man just tried to run me over, with a huge floor polishing machine, here at Boston Logan International airport, and twice this morning-for speaking to anyone at all, and for writing this email communication, to your professional, international: intelligence, communications, and or, media offices. Please forward on my email communications, to anyone of your reliable contacts, who may be willing, to help me, and my three children-in any meaningful way, to escape, from this very real: “torture dome and chamber,” that has be re-labeled by the Mr. Obama Administration: “Afrikah Amerikah” –Erikah Badou


Body of Email Communications:

To Whom It May Concern:

       I am healthy looking and feeling, after my brief stay, at: Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program, specifically: The Barbara M. McInnis House, 780 Albany Street, Boston, MA, 02118. I have a full report, to provide, however, it will take some time, and a more private and supportive environment, to prepare, and to share, the information, that I have collected. I work harder than most. I have been homeless and unemployed, for the past 7 years, in the US, due to politics, and, the situation has not improved, under the direction, of President Trump.

      Mexico, has acknowledged, that, we the media, are under attack, because we talk about issues, that US government, would rather, that we did not discuss. My concern is increasing. Mexico announced, earlier this year, that they are opening, and emergency political asylum, for just news media. Understandably, political unrest, can be, such a constraining situation, that, in those times, what is already provided, as the normal routes, to political asylum, medical respite, and other forms, of health and safety, are usually not made available, to the: “Intelligencia Class.”

        The local media, are slowly trickling into the Boston Logan International airport, to say hello, and to speak on a great many political issues, regarding, the current state, of our US Union, and, also, how the politics, of the US, are affecting-not only our own citizens. It would be easier, to pretend, that America has suddenly become, and isolated island overnight-the: “Little Prince,” land, and a brand new: “heart of gold.” America, was both: denigrated, and humiliated, by the: “Mr. Obama Administration,” and his comrades. It will take more, that just a change of hats, and a new color suit, for the color guards, to alter, any of the damage and destruction, that has been left behind.

             It is too difficult, to even hold, a conversation in the US, more less print a news story, that is based on more truth than fiction, here, in America, in the: “Post-Mr. Obama Aftermath.” Yesterday, the police had to come to terminal B, on the Espirit Airlines, side, and explain, to too many immigrants, working at the airport, and traveling through (while I have been left: unemployed, and therefore homeless, for 7 years, with nothing I need in the US), some extremely basic, US law. The airport police, had to explain, over-and-over again, that, we here in the US, are, allowed to say, almost anything we want, all-of-the-time, and, he needs to talk, to the immigrant bus drives, who come to the airport-as well.

         The conversation, is constantly being silenced here, and for political reasons. “political reasons,” is not a legal justification, for breaking US law. When, you have, as we do, in this country, a long-standing piece, of well support documentation, such as the US Constitution, and the attendant Bill of Rights, we have to constantly worry, that it will be re-written, and in the wrong way again-like, the new: “Hitler Christianity Bible.” The new, and widely shared, and promulgated: “Hitler Christian Bible,” looks and sounds similar a much older version-even the same label, and yet, it, espouses and supports the divisive and racist views, of the: “Evil Empire,” and the ideology, that was truly embraced by Hitler: “Gay White Skin Men Only!”

       As a woman, after my recent experiences, here in Boston, MA, at: CVS Chinatown location, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program, Harvard Medical Referral for outpatient treatment at Brigham’s Women’s, and the Boston Logan International airport, my political perspective, in-regards-to, the: US, and its impact, on the rest of the world, has once again, been, dramatically altered. I am a stronger dislike, for men, like: “Hitler!” I have a greater need, to support, the original US Constitution, and all my political freedoms, both: enumerated, and implied, by the attendant: Bill of Rights.

         I have a clearer appreciation, of my own intelligence, and ability to work independently-when, in times, of great need, and stress, you look around, and, the only person you see, who is willing to assist, is still, just you. It is still, just: “Me, Myself, and I.” As many forms of communications, that I have attempted to reach out with, to the remainder of the world: fax, phone, email, person-to-person, Skype, business cards, job interviews-no networking policy, of initiative, that I have attempted to initiate, seems, to be strong, or encouraging enough, I am still receiving, almost no conversation, or assistance!


           After, the lengthy and torturous time, that I have been severely abused, in the US, because of every factor political, and every demographic, related to my person-I require political asylum, from the US:

1.      Gender (“Female);

2.      Race (“Asian”);

3.      Religion (“Buddhist”);

4.      Culture (“American”);

5.      Education level (“Intelligencia Post-Graduate, Ph.D studies, etc.)”);

6.      Political affiliation (“Republican”);

7.      Volunteer activities (“Freelance reporter”);

8.      Social circles (International Intelligence and media”)-even employment applications (Major media reporter, US and International Intelligence Officer, International Police, International Court, International Embassies, etc.”);

9.      Phone calls (International calls-not just domestic US”);

10.  Faxes (International faxes-not just America”);

11.  Emails (National and International), and;

12.  the large variety of languages, that I perceive.

I have a much stronger vote, for the upcoming, French PM elections: “Le Pen!” It was shared, on local television stations, that: “Le Pen,” of France, is a change of the wind, a breath of fresh air, a feminist, and, she is also not a: “Hitler” fan, or support group.

         Current literature, in the US military intelligence training program, from: APUS university, states, that, the craziest, men the in the world-ever, currently are: “Hitler (Because of the Holocaust, and how he treated-every minority, he hated, and tortured, women-the most,” ” “Former President Bill Clinton (Permitted gay men, to join the US military-then then required; “Ask, and never tell,” and he also silenced, US intelligence, beginning with our CIA, and, he supported, the: “US ‘RAND theory of intelligence-deception’,” which is still being supported, by the US Trump Presidency),” and, “Sadam Hussain (I have not read, the Sadam Hussain, chapter yet?”)

         I work. I a financially challenged, because, I have been: “Blacklisted,” by America. I continue to request support, and financial donations. People at the airport, and even in town, call me names, like: “yellow dog,” Viet-con,” Communist, lazy, “Mexican” (with a negative connotation), “Chink,” “Free Charlie Ride,” etc. People tell me to dig through the trash for what I need, instead of being kind enough, to hold a conversation with me, to offer me an affordable room to rent, or even to had me a few dollars, for: food, or bus. It is obvious to me, and I am saddened by the immigrant reaction, that my work, and efforts to socialize in a beneficial, and positive way, are not appreciated, by the: “Mr. Obama and Neo Nazi,” political movements, in the US.

     I am well aware of the fact, that the US government, is now-once again, skating on thin ice. Major US media outlets are announcing, that the US government, might have to shut down again-Friday. After, what I have been through, and, what I have suffered-worse than just a basic: “water-boarding,” I strenuously object, to China loaning America, any more money. I have nothing. Everything I owned was stolen from me. I had no legal recourse.    

       The Mr. Obama Administration, has been announcing, for over 2 years now, that the legal-and other binding contracts, and implicating evidence, that built up, during their administration-including the: “promissory note to China, for the first 3 trillion-dollar loan, is being deleted.” The Mr. Obama Administration, has no intention, of supporting, a repayment, of any monies-not to any Chinese-not anywhere in the world, including, the: 3 trillion-dollar loan, plus interest, which-is owed from: the United States, to China, and, which, is still pending a re-payment plan, and, interest adjustment negotiations again, now that, the US credit ratings, are dropping again.

      No one in America cared. No one in America cares yet-and, it has been 7 years already. Retarded mean immigrants, that Mr. Obama invited to America, call me: “Chinese” (in the most demeaning ways possible-every single day, and all day long). As a wearer of the: “Yellow, Chinese, Viet-con, Yellow-dog, Free Charlie Ride,” label, I will never be willing, to support another financial loan, to America! Three days ago, I took a visit, to downtown china town, to see, what Chinese here in Boston, MA, thought about America asking, for a second loan-and more money this time?

         CVS in Chinatown, locked in a broken wheelchair lift, and left me there, with a healing broken leg, to attempt to escape from. Then, I had to fight with the emergency treatment, homeless hospital, to get all of legal records and files, that they stole the previous day-the Africans, were the most difficult of the group, to deal with, they tried to justify, keeping, all of my hardcopy legal documents, for: International Human Rights Court. I was just in a: “hit and run,” in Gainesville, FL-on my way, to Orlando, FL International airport, to apply for law school, to submit, my: International Human Rights, law school studies application, to Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

      As I walked towards the: Homeless Healthcare Program, Clinic, and Hospital treatment program, at: 780 Albany Street, Boston, MA, cars speed around, every corner, and attempted to run me over, and to break, my other leg. I had to walk through huge piles, of homeless prostitute shit, piled up, all over the side walk, in front of the hospital, because the US, does absolutely nothing, for me, and almost anything it can, for the: “Mr. Obama, and Hitler” people. I could barely get down the street, because both: homeless, and then, hospital workers, were blocking the side walk, refusing to move, yelling absentees, threatening my life, etc. As an Asian, and an American, I cannot support any loans, from Asia, or from anywhere, to America.

       Donald Trump stated, in his run, for the US Presidency, that, he intended to fix problems himself, financial, or otherwise. Trump stated, that America should vote for him, because, he is soo independently wealthy, and, that is also why, he chose a cabinet full, of wealthy friends, who knew little about politics, instead of well trained, and well-educated Americans-he himself, could back, and invest in America, just like: Warren Buffet, saved: “Bank America.” Trump is US President, he does not work hard enough fix major problems in the US, and, it is because he as President-has nothing to lose. President Trump, needs to put his money, where his mouth is, and he needs to invest, in his own country!

       Thank you, for continuing to receive, my communications. Please decide to support me, in more positive, and affirming, and healthy ways. I will be at the airport, all day today, resting, and preparing, for my flight-this coming Monday. Please choose, to stop by, and to say hello, and to make a financial donation, if, I have in anyway, assisted you, or, the City of Boston, MA. I am homeless, I work, and, my work, is: “Good works,” and intended, to benefit, more-than just myself. Thanks!


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Invitation: R.S.V.P.!


Volunteer Employment/Self-Employment/Charity/Freelance Reporter:

      I will bill later-if you refuse to help me, it makes my work far too hard, I become resentful, I will charge you more, and then, refuse to associate with you. I am Asian. I am not passive aggressive. Asians are not the passive minority group in America. I feel anger, because of abuse, and torture and mistreatment-just like, any other, normal and healthy adult. Right now, America is not a good investment. When you refuse to pay on a loan, after you sign a promissory note, because you have huge amounts of money, that are never spent wisely, then, the government almost shuts down-over, and over, and over again, International credit ratings drop, and all that is left is, the: International Monetary Fund, and World Bank, to rescue you-like they do-almost every country, on the continent, of Africa.

           Trump wanted to be US President, however, America is not very honest-by Former President Clintons Policy-how is that legal and allowed? President Trump, could just choose, to step down, and to move out of office-leaving the Vice President in charge-explanation: “I had no idea-what I was in for.” When you refuse to help, and support people, in a difficult, dangerous, and too challenging situation, that have the right, to refuse, and to simply walk away. I am not obligated to help, and, neither is Donald Trump! There are some things, that you cannot apologize for-not even with: compensations, or money.

            I am actively seeking employment. My resume, and more information about me, including recent evidence collection photos, are posted online, and, freely available-to the best of my knowledge, for the International public, with WiFi access, to view: Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, WordPress, Google Blogger-search: “Mumbai Bayo  Bai Boa Elizabeth Bai Cary,” and almost any combination, of the names, and abbreviations, to see, what may be available by me, online: Thank you again! R.S.V.P., I will look for you, and or, you prompt response.

Previous Communications:

4-10-2017 Blocked:

Boston, MA Press Release:

         I am requesting a formal interview, with formal US press and media, in-regards-to, the current state of the US Union, and both: the domestic and International terrorism situations, as they relate to America, and-the former: Mr. Obama Administration. I am in pre-trail evidence, and document collection. I require support, from Americans who care-just like any other International prosecutor. Any ways, in which, the US media, is both: willing and able, to contribute, will be greatly appreciated.

        I am requesting, referrals, to pertinent information, and news stories, that I have inadvertently missed, which-assert and support the US, and American values, while, at the same time-speaking honestly, about the many problems, and issues, America has suffered, due to the: Mr. Obama Administration, and the illegal activities, that aggregated-are labeled with the common colloquial nomenclature: "Terrorism."


            Please pass my emails around, and consider yourself, if you would feel comfortable, being a witness-in court. It has been recently noted, by countries, like: Mexico, that-with politics, encouraging more and more extremes-the life of a contemporary news reporter, and International media, has become-even more tenuous. As a freelance reporter: -I too, walk the thin blue line. I will eagerly, look-for your prompt response, to my briefly above mentioned, commentary, and request. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizbeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 352-256-7466

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