Wednesday, April 5, 2017

International Peace Keeping Mission-International Intelligence Network Expanding, International Intelligence Officer: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS-Welcome Afghanistan-To The Club!


Re: “My Personal Peace Keeping Mission, and Establishment of World Peace, International Intelligence Network, Shared Communications, Requesting Additional International Military Support!”

From: Intelligence Officer: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLID

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

“Please do not hesitate to contact me, at any time in the future, if I can be of any other, or of any greater assistance to you personally, or to Afghanistan as a country-PEACE.”

Dear Captain Mark A. Milley,

          My deepest sympathies are with you. I can only imagine how frightening the front lines, in Afghanistan are. I am in Boston, and a political prisoner and hostage, at the International airport. My bank account, has been completely drained again, and, my bank card, is no longer valid-due to changes in US banking-chip cards only. I apologize, I am not a woman of business. I am unable to establish a business relationship with you at this time. My funds are limited to non-existent. The US is too uncomfortable for me. I am now, a political asylum applicant for Russia-like Snowden, and, racing against the clock, to meet with Russia, somewhere, outside of the "paranoid," US.

           I understand, that the circumstances in Afghanistan, are not happy. I did have family-there, as a soldier with you. I contacted his NATO troops, and the Karzai NATO forces, and requested employment. My application, for work, in Afghanistan, did not receive a favorable welcome. I need work, just like anyone else. I am an intelligence officer. After 7 years of: unemployment and homelessness, in the US, I am finally applying to Russia-for work. The circumstances in the US, really, are no better in my opinion, than, what you are experiencing in Afghanistan.

        I just flew here to Boston, from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The police were threatening me, and trying to kill and rape me, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I was abused, by the Broward Medical hospital there-Ft. Lauderdale, FL. It is not even hot out yet-and people are being to blow cars up in Miami. Africans snatched my purse, and stole all of my intelligence officer flash drives, and information-and the police, only returned a few of my stolen belongings to me. I hate America, and would do anything to get out of this nightmare. America is too dangerous, and unpleasant, since the Mr. Obama Administration-his International terror, are trying to take the US over, and, they do not support Americans, or, our US Constitution, Bill of Rights-or human rights in general.

       The police here-in the United States, are terrorists-most of the time-unethical and crazy, and they support: anal rape, and the torture and abuse, of anyone close enough to touch. Africans and US police, work closely together, to: control, manipulate, and torture-the general American public. I have had a long list of: infections, broken bones, and incidents that caused internal bleeding-many of which, can be attributed, to US police, and/or-the new Mr. Obama African immigrants. I am sick as a dog-all of the time. I cannot get any help, in the US.

              I have not even eaten in two days. I am taking antibiotics, and vitamins, and drinking sugar water to survive. There is nothing miraculous about America. The cars are trying to run me over-everywhere I go. I can barely stand to open my eyes, with my latest injury-a broken left leg, and a local hospital here: Brigham, refused me all pain killers. People, are passing through the airport, form your combat zones in Afghanistan. As an intelligence officer-I am in a position to begin Peace talks and negotiations-however, Obama is under the impression, that he is still in charge of America-even though, Trump was just recently elected. The Mr. Obama Administration, is refusing to loosen their ties, or to stand down. Mr. Obama, is an African dictator, like: Mugabe, or Botha-he really, is not an American.

        Mr. Obama, and his support for International terrorism, is not one group of: insurgents and dissidents, rather-several mentally ill factions, from various global locations, and they are not willing to consider Peace. I am in the process of applying for International Human Rights Court, because I what I have been exposed to personally, and, the Obama terror supporters are stating, that they are going to argue to the death, that, they are not willing to acquiesce, or to settle, or to compromise. As a prosecutor, I will be arguing, for a punishment, for the Mr. Obama terrorists, to: the-fullest-extent-of-the-law, in International Human Rights Court: Death Penalty. It is never a good idea, to torture, an International prosecutor!

         I am surprised, and pleased, that you chose to contact me. I am willing to assist you, in my professional capacity, as an International intelligence officer-in almost anyway, that I possibly can. You have my prayers and good wishes. Please feel the comfort, that my situation here in America, really is not much better. I apologize, for any pain and suffering, that the US government, has caused you, or your friends and family. Most natural born American citizens, who lived in America, prior to the Obama Administration, are not supportive, of Mr. Obama, or of his International diasporas (Africans/black) terror movements.

        I am unable-as previously stated, to agree to a business relationship, unless-it is related along the lines, with my professional training. If you were interested, you could consider hiring me, as: an investigator, or in some other capacity related to International intelligence services, however-beyond that limited scope, I do not deal, in the business world. Thank you, for your recent communications. I will keep you on my email list serve. I will keep in touch with you.

        Please feel free to contact me again-at any time, if there are any other viable ways, that I may be able to help or assist you. My personal goals, as an independent agent-having not been hired, by specific country yet-are for the establishment, of: World Peace, and, in any ways, that you are willing and able to assist me, in the avocation-you are greatly appreciated. I look forward, to hearing from you again, in the very near future. Please forward on, my email communications, and share my contact information-with anyone else, who you believe, may be willing to assist me, through an International intelligence network, towards my personal mission, of: World Peace.

         More information, regarding my International Human Rights Defense cases, is posted online, at my active Google Blogger: I am in the process, of applying to law school in Scotland, for this Fall 2017-finances, however, are a challenge, and therefore, I have already begun to submit my human rights cases, to various International Human Rights Courts. It is my sincerest hopes, that the International Human Rights Court, in Costa Rica, will agree to hear, my case against the United States-sometime soon.

     After having successfully prosecuted, my own, human rights violations cases, I will be taking on other clients-please keep in touch and maintain my current contact information. I plan to be more available, to you, and to others Internationally-in the very near future. You too, may have International Human Rights Violation cases, that you would like to contract my services for-to prosecute! Thank you again. I pray that unfortunate circumstances, Internationally-related to the Mr. Obama terror movements, will begin to alter in earnest-shortly.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

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