Monday, April 10, 2017

Beginning Appropriate Legally Required Paperwork, For An Immigration, To The UK: IAS, UK Government Immigration


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

RE: IAS Immigration Application To UK

“My family and I-myself and my 3 college age children, 2 of whom are already

successfully enrolled in US University Engineering programs, are interested,  

in pursing the steps necessary, to proceed with immigration, applications to the

UK-if at all possible. Thank you for your recent response, to my frequent

 communications, to your professional: IAS UK government offices.”

--Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Dear Ms. H. Specter,

          I am too happy to find your recent reply, to my frequent emails, regarding the needs, of my 3 children and myself, to relocate-outside of the United States. I am having the worst time, of my life, trying to gain any assistance, in any way, from any one here-even for a small problem. My leg is broken, and I am stuck, at the Boston International airport, as: a political prisoner and hostage-where.

         US police, are helping Mr. Obama, to starve me to death, and Mr. Obama immigrants-are passing through, in massive numbers assaulting me, on-a-daily-basis. At this very same time, I am being informed by BBC News, that Mr. Obama, is right now, in Scotland, harassing and threatening the law schools, that I recently contacted-who are supposed to be considering, my law school applications, for: Fall of 2017.

       I am more than a little frustrated. I am in excruciating pain. I did get to see the famous Harvard Medical orthopedics team, and they recommended, no weight on my broken left leg, and re-injured left ankle-then however, the social worker, was unwilling to assist me, with: emergency temporary respite housing, here in Boston, MA-for the homeless.

      I have successfully earned, all these degrees, and University honors, and educational awards- as well as extensive, and informative research papers, which I have generously posted online: Not a single person in the US, will consider me for employment-or even for volunteer work. I am being told, everywhere I travel, within the US, because of Mr. Obama, that my 3 degrees, and the US military intelligence studies, that I am focused on now-prior to law school in Scotland, and before International Human Rights Court, against: the US Mr. Obama Admin.-mean, absolutely nothing:

My US University Degree Are Now Worthless in the US-Because:

1.      I do not date;

2.      Sex abuse babies or children;

3.      Give blow-jobs, or;

4.      Sell gay couples my babies, or;

5.      Sell my left-over ovary eggs, etc.

I am completely disgusted. I cannot stand America, or Americans-post the Mr. Obama Administration. I am physically ill, with broken bones, bruising, internal bleeding, and obscene amounts of pain, all-of-the-time, from frequent US police assaults and beatings, and from attacks, from other terror-whom, Mr. Obama, invited to America. If it were not for Russia, I would be dead.

        Even my adopted mom, has abandoned me-it is simply too embarrassing to her, that she is not able to sell me as a slave, and, I refuse to prostitute, if she helps me with a hotel room. My life, in America, is a complete nightmare. I have always taken strenuous academic classes and training, and to perform on top, in a difficult, demanding, and challenging field, such as: law or medicine, or even maybe both.

          I have no opportunities in the US. The staff at the Boston International airport, are threatening my life again, and-they never get in trouble, or fired, or even challenged, for their illegal acts of: "treason, and anti-Americanism," towards me. I need immigration, to the UK-like you would not believe. I have several accomplished university degrees, and some copies of transcripts.

           I am still studying. I am over-qualified, for the legal studies programme, in Scotland. The remaining question, however, is: "Is there anyone in the UK, who would be willing to me, and my 3 kids." America, has been soo difficult, I think that my strongest reluctance, is to be in any way faced, with having to repeat the experiences, that we have had to endure in the US-again, in the UK.

        I am a long-time, illegally detained in the US, abuse, and torture victim. I am in the process of applying to Russia, as an intelligence officer. I had employment applications in the US, pending, for 7 years. For 7 years, I was left half dead, on every other street corner in the US, with no help from any friends or family, because I have ethics and morals, and I refuse to prostitute. It was my adopted mom, and her family-that ultimately, made me homeless.

          A Judges order, and conversations, with psychiatrists, as well as other professionals, in the field of mental health-were not helpful for me. My adopted mom, Susan Cary, Esq.-like many other terror supporting: Americans and immigrants, do not care. It matters not, what you say to them, or who happens to say it-they do, whatever, they want to do, all-of-the-time. If you were to visit the US right now-post Obama, you would not even be able to tell, that a single law, to protect anyone, has ever existed.

       Every day, my life, is an on-edge fight for survival, against an anarchy politic-supported by US police, and-Mr. Obama International terror: drugs, anal rape, slave sells, crack manufacturing/and pushing, etc. This is not the America, that my Grandmother knew, of the 1980's-that shown, in comparison, like a: "Maryland," a beacon of the purest Christianity- brilliantly and honestly reflected, by the Ronald Reagan US Presidency.

         America, is worse-in my opinion, than many parts of West Africa, that I was fortunate enough, to visit-while I was still a high school student, and studying African dance. The violent anger, of aggressive sociopathic criminals, raised like animals, is compounded by the illogical thinking-shared and spread, like: STD viruses, and as: HIV/AIDS, and syphilis, etc. There are no psyche medications-not anywhere in the world, that-in my sincerest opinion, could help enough, with this crazy out of control situation, in America-that Mr. Obama, almost single-handedly, created.

      To say that America, is now a giant: “cess pool,” I think, is too positive and interpretation, of what is happening here. In my strongest desires, to escape from this "terror," and political madness, I cannot state, clearly enough, my undying desires-to, never want or need, to face this degree, of complete and total "nothingness, and disaster," again.

        Even without, the actual atom bomb dropped on the US-the country is an: empty, vacant, and ruined-"war zone-MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction)," and just from foul politics, and disease. Someone, must of know, that were possible, even though I-not even in my wildest dreams, could divine-that, this was where we were all headed, to the: "benthic." America, is now a: "pelagic oze"-existence, there really is, nothing-lower.

          Anyway, in which, your services, might be able to assist me, and my 3 children-to immigrate, to a safer and happier country-I will be, eternally greatful. I am in soo much pain, and all-of-the-time. When the Harvard Medical ER orthopedic specialist team, released me-recently, from the hospital in Boston, MA, with a pass-on a mental health check, they let me go, with absolutely no pain kill, when prior, I was taking: oxytocin, for the broken bone.

        I hate everything about America. I am: unemployed, homeless, starving to death, and I am covered in thousands of infections. I am suffering from almost every bone in my body broken. I am constantly worried, about where the next attack, will come from? What should I expect, after what I have already been through-in the US?

          Will the next attack be-another bullet-from another, US military machine gun, with silencer. Will the next attack, be-another beating-to almost the death, and internal bleeding-again, from the callused, and crazy, Mr. Obama-US Police State SWAT? After what I have been through in the US-police, will never make me feel safe. I will-for the remainder of my life, suffer, from at least: physical pain, PTSD, and, trust issues, related to any and all-personal and professional, relationships.

          Thank you for your email reply. I will do my best, to contact you, by phone, and during your next available office hours. I appreciate the prompt response from you, and your professional offices-more right now, than, I can really communicate to you, in their brief email. I am working hard, towards International Human Rights courts. I have valid complaints, and they are documented with evidence.

        My legal complaints-against the: Mr. Obama Administration, are based on my human rights, and the violations, that I have personally suffered. I have been soo seriously, and in such extreme ways-repeat violated, that-the effects of which, upon my person, have been made an extreme and painful impression-an undying nightmare, of a reality. “Sorry,” will never be enough.

         As an American-who supports conservative Republican values, I will be arguing to the death, and, for the highest level and degree of punishment possible. Upon the full confirmation of guilt, I will be asking the International Human Rights Court, for a final court order and ruling, of: “The Death Penalty.” Thank you again. I will look for your prompt reply. Please continue to keep in touch. I look forward to speaking to you, and your professional offices-sometime soon, by phone.


Miss.Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: My new cellphone, is already broken again-less than a month later. Thank you for continuing to receive, my email communications, and for your continued support, in facilitating an immigration process, to the UK-if at all possible.

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