Monday, April 10, 2017

Request: Emergency Medical Respite Care For Broken Left Leg, In Boston, MA-Outreach Charity House: Barbara McInnis, For Boston Homeless


Attention: Administration and Intake Staff

Barbara McInnis Staff

Barbara McInnis House Applications, Boston, MA

Contact Information: The United States National Healthcare For The Homeless Council:

  • General Info


Barry Bock

Medical Director

Jessie Gaeta

UDS Number


  • Contact Info

Phone Number

(857) 654-1000


  • Address

Physical Address

780 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02118

  • Physical Address

780 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02118

Physical Address: 780 Albany Street, Boston, MA, 02118

Telephone: 1-857-654-1000


RE: “A request, for necessary and emergency, temporary housing arrangements-in the Boston, MA area, for: a broken left leg, and, a re-injured left ankle-that, both require much more time to heal, and, a housing situation, to facilitate the process, by, allowing me to: remove all weight bearing activities, from the left leg, as strictly prescribed to dos so, by, the: Harvard medical orthopedics specialist ER medical team, that did already see me, at: Brigham’s Women’s Hospital, here, in: Boston, MA.”


From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

“I am homeless, and, I am seriously injured, with a broken leg. Below, I attempted to briefly explain, the nature of my injuries, and, why it would be helpful, to have the assistance, of: Barbra McInnis House-here, in Boston, MA. I am presently located, at the: Boston International airport-where I flew into Boston, less than 2 weeks ago, because, there were no resources-what-so-ever, available to me, for my serious broken leg injury-not family or otherwise, in the State of Florida, which, has in the past, been considered, my location-as homeless, of temporary residence. Thank you for your time, and for your continued assistance.”—Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS



To Whom It May Concern:

     I am emailing your professional charity and assistance offices, for homeless in the Boston area, from the Boston International airport. I arrived, less than two weeks ago, from Ft. Lauderdale, FL-to the Boston International airport. After having been here, for only a few short days, I went by train-because the airport ambulance, was unwilling to transport my suit cases, to the" Brigham's Women's Hospital. I was diagnosed-for the second time recently, with having a serious break/fracture, on my left leg, in-the-area of the tibia, just beneath the patella.

      Although, I did meet, with a Harvard Medical team-at Brigham's Medical, regarding the severity of my leg break, I was not able to follow any of their recommendations. Social work, at: Brigham's Hospital, spoke to me at length, and was both: unable and unwilling, to assist me. The nature of the break, in my left leg-according to the Harvard medical team, that I was privileged to see at Brigham's, requires, that I avoid placing any full weight on the injury-so that, it will heal well. However, because social work, at Brigham's, could find me nowhere, to stay temporarily, i.e., such as an emergency medical respite for the homeless, I have been forced to walk on the break-for the past week, while caring for myself, as-I had nowhere in Boston, or elsewhere, to lay my head, and to rest my broken leg. 

      Last week, at the end of the day on Friday, I did contact-by phone, the: Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Organization (BHCHP), here in Boston. Last Friday, it was my desire, to make arrangements-through the: BHCHP intake, for a temporary stay, at any emergency shelter available, for-the homeless, who are also seriously injured, and, located-in the Boston area.  However, I was not informed last Friday, that your offices, would be closed, the weekend. This morning, being Monday, I did call once again, to inquire about-making arrangements, for intake-for a temporary stay, at the: Barbara McGinis House-a medical respite, for the seriously injured homeless in Boston, while my left broken leg, rests, and works towards a healthy unburdened healing.

      The representative, to whom I spoke, this morning, at: The Barbara McGinis Medical Respite for Homeless in Boston, did intake-in not too many words, that, intake-could be a long, or complicated process. Being that, I have no other financial, or familiar resources, in the US-at this time, and, the severity, of the break to my left leg, remains serious, I have chosen, to contact your professional offices-well in advance, with: Twitter, Email communications, and a phone call-to set a formal appointment, for an intake evaluation. I am desperate, for a temporary housing situation. My leg injury, is causing me too much. I was run over, by a vehicle, in Florida-almost 8 weeks ago now, on my way to New Zealand, to apply for law school-the hit and run, was-another, attempt on my life, and not, a random act, or accident.

     I was accepted, full scholarship, to law school, here in Boston, at: New England Law of Boston, in: 2012-and, I was homeless at that time, as well. Being that, housing costs, in the Boston area, are soo high, even with the full scholarship to law school-I could not accept. My LSAT scores-only good for 5 years, did expire, sometime soon-after I received the full scholarship offer, from the law school, here in Boston. I tried, as a lay person, to process several court cases-pertaining to human rights violations, through the US Courts systems: 2013-2014. Due, to the great deal of difficulty, that I experienced-when attempting, to access the US court system, I began to file my law school applications, for overseas study programmes-only.

        I am homeless. I am well-educated. I have an IQ, well above average, and could work in the US, if ever offered an opportunity. I was illegally locked out, of the US economy, and employment/housing systems: "Blacklisted," by the Mr. Obama Administration. I-because of self-training and diligence, was able to collect, over the past 7 years, evidence, of how, the US government, has intentionally excluded me, from accessing the: "American Dream," purely for negative political reasons. It has been my intention-since I was first turned out into the streets, and left to die homeless, by my own adopted family, in: 2010-to, sue the: Mr. Obama US Presidency and Administration, for: violations of both: my civil and human rights-"Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide."

       The closer I get, to having my cases, be legitimately considered, in an International Human Rights, Courts system, the more dangerous, my life in the US-has become. I have had, since: 2010, attempt after attempt on my life, and-they attempts, have become, increasingly more serious, and a more direct attack, upon my: health well-being, and overall personal best. Three months ago, I was working with US FBI, and a US military intelligence office in training-my second Master's degree program, and I was shot-directly to me heart. The fact, that, I was able to assist, in obtaining additional: FEMA disaster flood relief money, for the entire state, of Louisiana, as well as-provide substantiated evidence, that allowed the FBI, to raid, both: police and Sheriff's departments in New Orleans, was not gratifying enough for me-after, I almost died of a: “gunshot” wound.

        When I was run over, in Gainesville, FL-approximately 8 weeks ago, on my way to apply to law school, in New Zealand, I knew-as the hit and run was happening, that-it too, was a political attack. Mr. Obama, for unknown reasons, has a great deal of antipathy, towards me-personally. Although, I am a Republican, I foresee no reasons-being unknown to Mr. Obama and him family/associates, why, he should have such strong inclinations, of dislike, towards me? In the past 7 years-here in the US, I have been systematically cut off, from-any and every fundamental resource, that I require, for my survival:

Recent, and Illegal Violations, By US Government-of My, Civil and Human Rights:

1)      Any Housing, public, or otherwise;

2)      Any Employment at all, my 3 US University degree required, or not;

3)      Almost all Medical attention;

4)      Almost all access to prescribed medications, through a US pharmacy, with my full insurance-required, coverage;

5)      Most Post Mail Delivery-most post mail is stolen, on a regular basis;

6)      Much Email Communications, my email accounts are hacked, and I am denied access, to my own accounts-on, a regular basis;

7)      Access To Safe and Reliable Banking in the US-my bank accounts, are completely drained, on a regular basis;

8)      Access To Some Hotels When I Travel;

9)      Most Food Bank Services-I am repeatedly denied access to food banks in the US, for emergency rations, for illegal reasons;

10)  Many Grocery Stores-many grocery stores, hire immigrant security, that make up excuses, and, refuse to allow me to purchase food;

11)  Almost All Public Laundry Mats and Washer Businesses For Cleaning My Clothing-washing clothing is too difficult, even if I have money, here in the US-laundry mats, are intended-only for those with: " friends, family, and housing-in the US;

12)  Almost Every Public Library, anywhere in the US-and, I am Full trained, as an accredited Librarian-I am illegally blocked, from almost every public library, in the US, that, I attempt to enter, and for reasons, that are not defensible, or-even logical;

13)  Most post graduate educational opportunities, in the US;

14)  Almost all public transportation-it is too dangerous, for me to ride, on the US city bus public transport system-most of the time, I assaulted, by other passengers, and kicked off the transport, miles from my destinations, in the most dangerous neighborhoods imaginable-with miles left to walk, and all of my physical disability problems, to contend with;

15)  Any access to any services provided to the physically disabled-I am American Disability Association certified card member-services, for transport by US government, for the physical disabled, are not provided fairly, or in a cost-effective manner;

16)  Any hiring and employment preferences, that, are legally required to be available to me, as an American citizen and disabled-as an American citizen, with a severe physical handicap-that, does not affect me mentally, I am supposed to have, some guaranteed-hiring preferences-and, I have absolutely none;

17)  Assistance from almost all church groups in the US, providing: free outreach and charity services, to the homeless-America, is supposed to be a country, free from prejudice, based on: religion, race, ethnic group, education, socioeconomic income bracket, political belief, social organizations, etc.-however, this is completely untrue, I am denied all charity services, from US churches, because, I am a Buddhist, and not, a Christian, etc. .

With no resources of my own, and-limited knowledge, of what might be available to me, in-so-far-as, social services are concerned, in the Boston area, to: severely physically ill, homeless, I am writing, to your attention. I require your professional offices, at: Boston Healthcare for the Homeless, immediate, and promised assistance, with obtaining and securing-a temporary housing arrangement-here in Boston, to allow my broken left leg, to sufficiently heal-I should be comfortable enough, that I do not have to really walk on my left leg, for an extended period-of-time.

        I began, early this morning, with my formal request for assistance, by placing a phone call, to your: Barbara McIninis (official website): , charity outreach office-by telephone office extension line. I then, reached out to your professional offices, online-through Twitter, to again share, the gravity, and high level of my needs. Immediate emergency, and temporary housing, strictly for medical reasons, is a high priority, and pressing matter, for me. I am homeless. I am located, in: Boston.

         I should qualify, for the: Barbra McInnis House Charity (mapquest): , based on the serious nature of my left leg break, injury, and re-injury, for-your help, and generous assistance. Thank you so much, for receiving my email communications. I will call shortly, to follow up, and to ensure, that this email communication, regarding my desperate needs, for emergency temporary housing-as homeless, located in the Boston area, with a serious physical ailment-has been received, and-in a timely manner.

      Following, is my current contact information: Cell: 1-352-256-7466 Email: I can also be reached, on Skype, for a live video chat, if the conference online, has been pre-arranged, and, full approved and confirmed, by both of out parties. Additional information, about: myself, my academic achievements and endeavors, my resume, examples of both: my academic and professional work, and other interesting intelligence information, and “new-to-you-news,” are posted by me-almost daily, online, at my active Google Blogger webiste:


          Please feel free, to peruse the additional information, that I have posted online, to find out me information, about me, about why I am in-such desperate need, for the services, of the: Barbara McInnis House, and, to have a much better idea, of the full extent, of: civil and human rights abuses, that, I continue to suffer from-here in the US. I appreciate your time, and continued attention, and pray, that your professional offices, here in Boston, MA, will in fact, be willing-and even happy and eager, to assist me.

         I look forward, to your prompt response-as, time is an essence. I am in excruciating pain, from the broken left leg, and, from previous injuries, that were utilized, to successfully establish, my acceptance, as a member, of the: American Disabled Association. Thanks! I do check, my cellphone voice mail, and, my online email account-on a regular basis. I am requesting a response, from your professional offices, to this email communication.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell: 1-352-256-7466

Current Locale: Logan-International Airport-Official Website-Boston, MA (Bing search):

Logan-Boston International Airport-World Airport Guides (Bing search):

Logan-Boston MA, International Airport (Bing search a Boston Airport website):

Massport-Boston International Airport (online from the airport WiFi  log-on):


“Please share my emails, and contact information, with anyone, who is both: willing and able to assist me. I am actively seeking employment. I have been homeless, in the US, for the past 7 years, because, I have been illegally left: unemployed, and with-absolutely no opportunities, by, the: Mr. Obama Administration: “Political!” –Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

(Homeless, Boston International Airport-serious broken leg, and re-injured ankles problem, which require, an emergency temporary medical respite, to rest, the medically affected areas. Harvard Medical orthopedic team recommendation-no weight bearing weight on left leg.)


*Additional information, regarding the Boston, MA: Barbara McInnis, Emergency medical Care “Program, Medical Respite, and Temporary Housing Charity Home, is available online:  Executive Director of Barbara McInnis House, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program  Boston, Massachusetts: Position Specification” By: Zurich Davis-Strategic Solutions in Healthcare (.pdf):

1 comment:

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