Sunday, September 11, 2016

Update From Arlington, VA To: MI5. The Problems have only gotten worse. 9/11/2016

Sep 10 at 1:52 PM
Bayo E. Cary
Cellphone: 352-219-1872

Temporary Location: 2 weeks only Free Housing US
1912 South Lorten Street
Arlington, VA

                 I continue to be illegally detained and tortured in the US, in various mental hospitals, as a political prisoner and hostage, with no intervention, from US law enforcement, or secret service. I continue to have no friends or family to assist me. Again a number of my personal items, were stolen from me, during my illegal detention, and by Obama supporting Africans again. Intend to press International charges, against the Obama Administration. I have just obtained, a new fax number, for The Hague, prosecutor's office. I need much more help, than I am receiving.

            The US is terrifying for me. I came to Great Britain, earlier this year-2016, and was strongly discouraged from proceeding with my application for political asylum in Manchester, at: Pennine House Low Security Prison.  MY life is in danger in the US. I have been denied all employment opportunities since 2008-it is all political. I am being denied access to normal medical care still, and almost everything else I need-in addition. I am hopeful, that someone in Great Britain or elsewhere in Europe-while still consider hiring me. I was beat up badly again-in another US institution. The Africans are completely nuts here. They are sick with every STD in the book, including HIV/AIDS. 

               The Africans in the US, are on a free range, with Obama as President, they are illegally detaining and over medicating Americans everywhere, for: rape, and other violent forms of political aggression. Obama is using US institutions, for political dissidents-almost exclusively and not really for: criminals, or the deranged, or even the violent, who are threats to US society. The judicial system, is being paid off, or killed off. I am sorry for Scalia, I think Obama had him iced-there is proof here close to DC, about the causes of the Scalia death-I might uncover it. Obama wanted to replace, another conservative member, of the US court, before he was kicked out of office. 

         As previously mentioned, I am still, pursuing my legally valid: civil and human rights violations, by the Obama Administration-complaints with International courts: The Hague, and The European Court of Human Rights. I am looking for an International Court, that would hear some of my cases in Great Britain. Are the British courts safer, now that Cameron has stepped down-he promised his last day, would be this year, and September, 9, 2016-I hope, for your wellbeing, that is true! Cameron is a close friends, with Mr. Obama, and contributing in his closeness, to the problems, related to International Terrorism, and ultimately, my torturous situation, in the US. I am continuing to pursue, my application of political asylum, through Norway. I miss Norway-after ten days in heaven-it feels like home to me now. 

          I am collecting myself at this address-two weeks only rent free. I am coming down, from dangerous psychiatric medications, that, make it too hard for me to control my anger at this location.  I am mailing away for needed supplies, and accoutrements, for further: schooling and investigations. I needed a server, new computers, new digital cameras, new software, etc. My PhD studies, were interrupted again. I needed to return to classes. I am in the middle of auditing the City financial books of Washington, DC. My results thus far, regarding the veracity of monies spent in Washington, DC, by the US government, are concerning!

           I am funding my own future, and I am receiving no phone calls, ar any other interest or support, as previously stated, from my adopted family. I am struggling. At least I am independent. I owe America nothing. I will be applying soon, for another position, with the Queen Elizabeth household. I am over qualified, however, I am desperate for housing outside the US. I may be related by adoption, to Princes William and Harry, and I love to clean. The position, would be wonderful, to get my foot in the door, and to have better insight, into what is really going on, with the British Royal family. 

         Africans in the US, and in Norway, are in my face all of the time, bragging about how they and the church of the Illuminauti-the Mr. Obama : "We hate all White people church," killed Princess Diana. The Obama Africans, threaten my life, with impunity, almost everywhere I go, they even pretend my name is Diane, and they fear no repercussions. Ethiopians, and Somalians, and Eretrians, are an exception to the rule, almost all of the time. 

          The Obama Africans are degrading towards me, they spit on me, and call me names, in addition to: illegally detaining and medicating me, and, they call me Ethiopian-although, to the best of my knowledge, I am a mix, of curly headed White British and Indian from India-I am still looking for my genealogy, and birth connections-made I will find an answer soon? There is nothing I can do in the US, to defend myself adequately, against the Obama Administration. I must exit from the US again, or die trying. I hate the US. Please assist me. Thank you, for your continued interest and support. My life is too difficult! I no longer wish to contact the US secret service: FBI or CIA for help, they have been ignoring me, since: 2007.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

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