Wednesday, September 14, 2016

GRoss Abuse By: The Obama Administration In Pentagon Terrirtory-Illegal Detainment As Political Prisoner And Hostage-Again: Falls Church, VA, US, At: NOrthern Virginia Mental Health INstitute-INOVA Hospital System 9/14/2016


Complaint Against: NOrnther Virginia Mental Health Institute-Illegally Detainment US, As: Political Prisoner and Hostage
NVMHI, 3302, Gallows Road, Falls Church, VA, 22042 Unit Number: (703) 645-3159, (703) 645-3121.

Dear Carla Moxon at,


         I was again illegally detained in a mental hospital in the US, for mental illness, that I do not have. I do have some, depression and PTSD, from continued homelessness, and other torture and abuse in the US. I was illegally detained as a political prisoner, at: Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute NVMHI, at INOVA Hospital system: NVMHI, 3302, Gallows Road, Falls Church, VA, 22042 Unit Number: (703) 645-3159, (703) 645-3121.

         My adopted mother, Susan Cary, Esq.-who is not even a practicing attorney, and who has never been a psychiatrist-gave the psychiatrist the diagnosis of bipolar. I was not able to negotiate the diagnosis or the medications with Dr. Sabir from the Middle East somewhere. She never spoke to me, and won in two court hearings, after she titrated medications, up, over and over again, even in the face of medical paperwork, from a hospital in Florida-that argued to the contrary.

           I only spoke to the psychiatrist 1 time, in a treatment team, and that was immediately prior to my discharge. Every conversation, concerning my care and treatment prior to that, and prior to court, that the psychiatrist had, was with my adopted parent: Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Cary, Esq, who has disowned me, for over 6 years, and who has left me homeless, in the streets of America, sick and dying, with no assistance-other than a pithy SSI benefit check, for only: 723.00 a month, for again, a total of 6 years, while she has lived comfortably, as the owner of 3 homes.

          In addition, the mental hospitals’ staff-almost exclusively Africans, and many from the same country and tribe as Mr. Obama. I was repeatedly assaulted in the hospital, by both: staff and other patients.  The hospital pretended like the attacks, never happened, and the Africans on staff, reported me as delusion, every time I reported a patient or staff member, for assault. And, I had a terrible fall, at the hospital, and most of the Africans working that day, saw what happened-I slipped on a still wet mopped floor. 

       The Africans watched me fall, and then, they reported me as delusional again, when I complained about the still wet floors, and the newly accompanying pain.  One of the African nurses, who works at night, tried to tell me, that I had no body pain related to any: assaults, for accidents at the hospital, or even from incidents which occurred prior to the admission. 

         The nurse even tried to pretend, like I had not been run over by a car, in 2013-she told me, that, essentially I am delusional again, and did not even care about the police report, that I carry on my person, from the car accident, in Ormond Beach, FL, when I was almost killed, by State Farm Insured: Sara Amanda Cole.

          I wrote up, 100 complaint forms, about how awful the hospital and, the African staff are, at that particular hospital. The civil rights and complaint department there are also run by an African man, who, does not do his job. He spoke to me, and tried to make me stay at the hospital forever-for complaining at all.

         Lastly, I had a psychologist, who was an: "independent evaluator at that hospital, however, he never could possibly work anywhere else, because he spent all day and night: "independently evaluating," every intake patient who arrived there for court-he obviously was not independent at all. The: "independent evaluator,' never spoke to me-ever, and testified against me, into different court hearings.

         The man spoke, for at least 30 minutes, about all of the problems that he thought I have, that are severe mental health issues, including, the complaint forms that I turned in, and, my now, strong dislike of Africans, and of America, and how I have been tortured and abused in this country, due to a constant lack of intervention, by US law enforcement, in matters concerning myself, and my adopted family, and myself, and the mental health system.

         I have been re-evaluated again-and by someone who spoke to me, and not my adopted mother. I am now under the auspices of: mild depression and PTSD again. I have somewhere to stay for free-a group home, for just two weeks, to get my entire life together. I am blessed, because this is the only free housing and help, I have ever had in the US, throughout the past 6 years, of torture, that I have been forced to suffer in the US.

          I have been complaining to the: FBI and the CIA, since 2007-with never any response, in regards to any of the above mentioned matters. I am almost dead, every other day, when I have no housing at all. The police in the US persecute me, because I am on the streets, they chase after me, and try to beat me to death, for sitting down anywhere for very long-when many days, I am in too much pain: to walk, stand, or-even sit.

         I am in constant fear for my life, in the US. If I am not worrying about people attacking me on the streets, then, I have to be too concerned, about CRazy people, stealing everything I own from me, when I fall asleep at night. The US police, are such a nightmare, that I cannot report anything to them. If I even call: 911, about a real problem, I am reported as delusional, and illegally sent, to be detained, for prolonged periods of time, when I am repeatedly assaulted and attacked-at mental hospitals.

       Due to the fact, that I have reported the various situations, to higher authorities, with no response, for over 10 years now, I am proceeding, with my application for political asylum in NOrway.  When I was picked up-this last time, for being: “delusional,” I was auditing the accounting records, of the City of Washington, DC-for a doctoral studies homework assignment, and-I found a few serious money handling problems, and mistakes, and posted it online. 

        The last time, I was sent to a mental hospital-it was in Gainesville, FL, I was auditing the city financial records, and the discovered the city had been in the red, for over 9 years, and, I had just attending, a: US Department of Defense Cyber Security-For Experts Only-to earn a few CEUs, for my first Masters degree, in: Library and Information science, online conference through ADOBE-US Marines announced Obama is an International Terrorist and International Terror supporter!

          I have 3 beautiful children who love me. I am happy with who I am, and disgusted with America. Please-once again, send me free envelopes, to the following listed, that require no postage-as soon as possible, I have already copied most of the 100 complaint forms, pertaining to my illegal detainment, at: NVMHI-for you: Bayo Elizabeth Cary, 1912 South Lorton Street, Arlington, VA 22204. We should begin the process, of shutting mental hospitals in the US, down-again. 

      I am not the only individual, who is being repeatedly illegally detained. The patients around me, at: NVMHI, were mostly functional, and good communicators, with no hygiene issues, who were-like me, being illegally detained, for the Obama Administration. Mr. Obama, is a terror, and the African staff at the hospital, thought it was funny, and compared Obama, to Mr. Mugabe of Zimbabwe-who has done like wise to his country, and even worse, for almost over 40 years now. 

         Thank you. God Bless. I will call again. I mean to assist, in closing mental hospitals internationally, in almost any ways, that-can be deemed possible. However, in regards to the contact information, to the other active chapters internationally, of could you please make available, an updated contact like, such as: location, email, phone number etc. Thank you again.

Miss. Bayo Elizabeth  Cary, AA, BA, MLIS 

PS: I begin an Intelligence Officer Training Masters Degree Program, on November 7, 2016, through the US Marines-alls well, if it ends well-closing time and eviction notices! Cell phone: 352-219-1872 Email: I look forward to your prompt reply. Thanks!

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