Thursday, September 15, 2016

Political Asylum Application To NOrway Contiued 9-15-2016


RE: Application For Political Asylum Norway Continued

To Whom It May Concern:

       I am temporarily located at: Access House: 1912 South Lorton Street, Arlington, VA 22204. I am here because I am having a crisis. I have been homeless in the US, for 6 years. I have no friends or family to help me. I have not enough money right now, to support myself, or to begin a successful attempt-in the US. I am an applicant for political asylum in NOrway, and my application is halfway processed-I never spoke to an attorney, while I was there.

    I am taking the medication Zoloft, for: mild depression and PTSD. I am a political prisoner and hostage in the US. I have almost nothing I need here, all of the time.  People have already stolen something valuable from me, at Access HOuse, and I have only been here 5 days. My stay at Access House is limited to 2 weeks-thank God.

       I am the only functional client here. I share a room with a homeless Ethiopian woman, who hates the smell of any chemical.  Staff today, tried to send me back to a mental hospital for quietly arguing with the Ethiopian woman this morning, about using a disinfectant, when she cleans the kitchens, and the dishes-etc., in it. According to Pakastani staff here, I was in the wrong, because from here perspective, people can do anything they want here. HOw dare I mandate disinfectant in a US kitchen!

       The Ethiopian woman, already has housing, and is applying for employment in the US, and will get it, and in a kitchen, because she loves to cook, with nothing to kill germs. The Ethiopian woman is completely clueless about health hazards, such as germs, and can barely spell in English-she already has housing, and is looking for employment-as previously stated.

       She has a serious mental illness and only showers 1 time a week, and almost never changes her clothing or brushes her hair. She is an American now, her application for citizenship was quickly approved, and she is too unhealthy in her thinking to live in America-no thank you Obama.  The woman loves America, never wants to leave, and the local Catholic Church bought her new clothes and an expensive laptop-I had to buy my own!

        A second patient, a White male, with a light skinded African American parent-he is also looking for work, and will find some. He can stay at Access House, for as long as he wants. The man never misses a smoke break-he stinks. He is only 22 years, however, he has no idea how to clean a toilet, or even his breakfast plate-he cleans neither. He is a drug abuser, and alcoholic, who watches XXX rated Hampter videos all day-it is gay sex, of men shoving a hamster in their ass-he hides the webpage behind his Facebook, which is covered in Swastikas.

      A third patient, she is African American, and I could not stay in a room with her, because she is soo aggressive. The Black woman yells at me all of the time-and I cannot use a phone if she is in the room. The woman is on probation, and threatens me physically sometimes, while I am on the computer. If she attacks me, I am calling her probation officer myself. I have to avoid her completely.

        The last patient, I have named 10 second Sam-like in the movie: 50 1st dates. The woman cannot remember what she said to you. She repeats herself. She cannot even remember the beginning of a short question, by the time you get to the end of the question: “What did you say again?” 10 second Sam, will most
likely have housing and work in the US soon-too!

        I am in a doctoral studies program. I was just admitted to an Intelligence Officer training program, which begins after my doctoral studies, this November, of  2016-it will be my 2nd Masters Degree program. I shower every morning. I wash my clothes, and everything else with tons of soap. I spell-I was an English major. I am a quick type. I am personable most of the time. I have had no housing in the US, for 6 years, and will never get any here. I have not been employed in the US, since: 2008. NO!

       Immigrants, and retarded mental patients, are taking all of the job openings in the US. It is a priority for the Obama Administration, to hire anyone, who has no ability, and who has no thinking skills. I am not just frustrated by this point. I am disgusted. Thank you for continuing to receive my email communications. Please assist me, in any way, that, you may be able. I require you immediate services. I am competent, and being abused in the US, for socio-political reasons. I have nothing except awful memories now. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary
Cell phone: 352-219-1872

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