Friday, September 23, 2016

Initial Contact Communications Requesting Considerations For Employment/Cover Letter, Field: International Civil and HUman Rights Abuses 9-23-2016


To Whom It may Concern:

       I have a strong interest, in subject matters, and actions taken, in regards to: civil and human rights abuses-due to my own tenuous situation. I am presently located, in the US, and, I am seeking employment, in the fields, and related fields, of: civil and International human rights-justice and outreach. I have established, my own nonprofit organization: Emergency International Internet Relief. I attempt to discuss issues, that I have identified, as pressing matters-which are not being regularly covered, by US, or International media/press. I am a freelance reporter, and post my: news/intelligence reports/related research reports, online, atvarious social networking website, because, I have not been accepted, by a publisher yet.

      I have engaged in a great deal of academic endeavors, in the US. At present, I am enrolled in a doctoral studies program, through: Northcentral University. In November, of this year-I am set to begin: Intelligence Officer Training-as a civilian, with the US Marines. I also have a law school application pending, for: Spring: 2017, with an International LLB program, in: Great Britain-I am praying for a scholarship offer. All of the studies programs, listed above, are available as online programs, and, for this reason, I am not restricted by location, as to where I could accept an employment offer. At this point in time, I am particularly interested, in a employment position, that may be available-with sufficient pay, in Europe, or, in a major US city, with an International airport, and opportunity, to relocate to offices-somewhere in Europe.

      Due to the fact, that I am planning to attend law school, through: Great Britain, and, I have such a strong predilection, for issues concerning: International-civil and human rights abuses, it will be necessary for me to be closer to, the: International courts, of civil and human rights, i.e.-Holland, France, Great Britain. In my sincere opinion, reporting, and sharing devastating news, about International human rights abuses-will never be enough. Some countries, do nothing at all, when these types of atrocities occur, other countries-try too hard, to cover-up, the: "Crimes Against Humanity," while still other countries-apologize and do not mean sorry, and the: tortures and abuses continue unabated.

        When someone, has committed a wrong, there are a number of ways to respond to the situation, through a legal system. There is both: civil, and then there is criminal court. Severe abuses, of: civil and human rights, are a criminal matter. When issues pertaining to mass, and un-checked abuses, of: civil and human rights, cannot be effectively dealt with, in the countries of origin, then those legal cases-must be addressed, in an International court system-or, the pain and suffering, will only increase exponentially: "Absolute power corrupts-absolutely!"

       It is my intention, to apply to employment positions, both: within the US, and abroad, that will allow me to utilize, both: my academic training, and my strongest interests. I have a real need to resolve the problems related, to: civil and human rights abuses, and not only those which occur, and on a daily basis, within the US-also those, which are negatively affecting citizens, of other countries. It is never helpful to pretend, like something that is happening, is not in fact happening. By lying about the truth, the negative influences are encouraged to grow, and to spread. Many of the problems presently negatively impacting the US, which are related to: civil and human rights abuses in the US, and strongly intertwined, with: civil and human rights abuses, in other countries, and: International terrorism-that has been encourage, by: dysfunctional political: systems, rulers, political parties, organizations, affiliations, etc. .

       When a situation, of: civil and human rights abuses, are dealt with aggressively, in an effective, and meaningful way, more than merely a criminal sentence-that can be easily enforced, is handed down. Victims, have the right, to the benefits, of the full justice system, which does not stop, at: an International Criminal Court prison sentence, or the death penalty. Victims, have a right to have access, to full reparations, to financial compensation, for: pain/suffering, and tertiary repercussions.

       If a country, is sincerely apologetic, about they multitudes, of way and means, that any individual bringing suit, has been, both: abused and tortured, then, the apology, should reflect such a fact. Due to the fact, that severe: civil and human rights abuses, are of such a serious nature, and set such a valuable precedent-we are now automatically talking about: multi-million dollar: civil and human rights International legal cases, to defend citizens, in various countries around the world, against the continued lack of care and concern, to many world leaders, have come to view-as soo commonplace, as to be, both: regular practice, and acceptable.

      From what I am aware of, in regards to various organizations, that deal with such serious matters, pertaining to violations, of: civil and human rights abuses, such as: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Now, Red Cross, United Nations, etc.-those organizations, for which I am now applying for employment, would benefit immensely-not only from the legal defense to accompany to news and the initial complaints-also from the influx of finances, after cases have been one, to further supports efforts, to defend: civil and human rights-Internationally.

      I have experience-not only with the: civil and human rights abuses myself-from tragic personal circumstances, here in the US, I also have experience with: freelance reporting, investigations and on site evidence collections, investigative photography, online grass roots marketing through social networking, regular communications with the International intelligence community, etc. Please Google my name: "Mumbai" Bayo "Bai" Elizabeth "Eliza" Cary, and see what is posted online. Many of my recently posted, freelancing news stories, regarding: civili and human rights abuses, are still posted at various online social networking website, where I have chosen to share the news-that, International media, are at present, not willing to discuss: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, SlideShare, WordPress, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.

      Thank you for accepting my current application for employment/internship. I can be easily reached by email, at the following addresses: or  I can also be reached on my Obama, free cell phone-with no privacy, at: 352-219-1872. Additionally, I accept direct Tweets, for semi-private communications on Twitter, and, I also have a Skype account, that I log into on occasions, for longer conversation, such as: employment screening interviews, and job placement interviews for overseas: bayo.cary97.

       Thank you, for receiving my application for employment. If you are not able to consider me for a position at this time, then, do please hold my application on file. Additionally, if you know of some other: individual, organization, government, etc., who is at present hiring, and I am suitable for the position, then do please feel free, to share my email communications, and pass them along. Thank you again. I look forward to your prompt response. I will follow this introductory cover letter, for employment at your organization/business, up, with a telephone call, to confirm that you have received my initial letter of interest, and to see, if your: organization/business, requires that I submit any additional information, or applications materials, to be fully considered, for an active working position, with a living wage. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell phone: 352-219-1872
End of Email: 9-23-2016 Application For Employment Cover Letter/Letter of Interest

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