Friday, September 23, 2016

Request: Emergency Travel Assistance For Stranded Homeless: Travelers Aid-Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington, DC 9-23-2016


RE: Homeless Emergency Stranded Travelers Aid Request: From: Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington, DC

Travelers Aid
Reagan Washington National Airport
Washington, DC

Post: 2401 Smith Blvd.,
Arlington, VA  22202

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Homeless USA,
Political Prisoner/Hostage USA


To Whom It May Concern:

       My name is Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS. I am stranded, in Washington, DC. I am at Reagan National Airport. American Airlines, has owed me a refund, for a plane trip to Cozumel, Mexico, that they illegally cancelled, three months ago. I need the money, that American Airlines owes me, or, I need a voucher, for a free plane ticket, to fly somewhere else. I have been in the DC/Virginia area, for almost 2 months.

       I was tortured in Falls Church, VA, by Africans, who are members of Mr. Obama's family tribe in Kenya. I was illegally detained, as a political prisoner, and hostage, at the mental hospital, in Fall Church, for submitting a political asylum application, to: Norway, and for calling the Russian Embassy, while I have been visiting the DC area, to see if they might consider my application for political asylum as well, because Norway, is not allowing me to speak to a lawyer-as legally required and promised, to complete my political asylum application to Norway-at this time. I have had no opportunities-other than education, since Mr. Obama, has been president.

       I have not had a single job, for the entire Obama Administration-and, I did work many employment positions, prior to the election, of Mr. Obama. I have been homeless in the US, for 6 years, because I have had no employment, to pay for the extremely expensive housing available to me- here in the US. In the United States, having good credit-is never enough. Most apartment complexes require, an impossible, two and a half times-proof of income, of the rent-in order to be considered for apartment, or any other housing.

        I need a little over: 1, 200.00 per month-for even a studio apartment, and rooms for rent, are starting off, at about: 700.00 per month, in the US right now. I have people, who are willing and able to assist me in Europe, and, no friends or family, who are willing to help me in the US. I am becoming very physically ill-from the illegally forced-chronic homeless: abuse/torture-that I have been subjected to, in the US. I am a: PhD, doctoral studies student. I am set to begin Intelligence Officer Training, with the US Marines in Nov. 2016. I am also an applicant, for: International Legal Studies, in the UK-Spring: 2017.

         I am bright, and I work hard, and I have illegally denied access in the US, to: housing, employment, public libraries, healthcare, food banks, community centers, homeless shelters, etc., for a number of sociopolitical reasons-including, and not limited to: my religion-Buddhist, instead of Christian, my race-Asian, instead of African American, my social status-inteligencia, instead of blue collar, my sexual orientation-heterosexual and conservative, instead of: gay, or even open-minded, my political affiliation-Conservative Republican, instead of Liberal Democrat, my personal ideology-feminist and social activist, instead of being a Mr. Obama supporter-etc. 

       I am requesting a: referral to social services, by your organization: Travelers Aid, to your services available, at: the Washington, DC Reagan National Airport. I was not able to obtain any services that I required, in the Washington, DC, or Virginia areas. I need help with: negotiating with American Airlines re-the refund check that they owe me, from 3 months ago, or, a plane ticket voucher, to fly somewhere else in the US or abroad, I require hygiene supplies and food, and-if necessary, might need transportation, for your additional services, from the airport, to Union Station in DC.

        I have all new luggage. I have clean clothing to change into. I am prepared to fly, if a plane ticket voucher, can be arranged, with: American Airlines, however, I do not have any money, to pay for the baggage, that must be checked-in, for that flight. After 3 months, of suffering and languishing in the US, while I patiently have waited, for the refund, that American Airlines owes me to arrive-which, I have never received-although, they state that the money has been returned, it is my opinion, that it would be more appropriate, for American Airlines to provide me, with a free plane ticket to the UK-London, where individuals are not oppressed, by: the Mr. Obama Administration, and, where people that I have recently spoken with, have already agreed to assist me. Thank you.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell phone: 352-219-1872 (Voice mail-is available.)

Please provide me, with a prompt response, to my inquiry. I look forward to your pending reply, and assistance. Thank you again.

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