Sunday, September 18, 2016

Seeking An International Court Of Human Rights In Great Britain: Dear New Mayor of London-Please Respond Promptly! 9-18-2016

RE: Seeking An International Court of Human Rights in Great Britain

From: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Temporary Location:
Access House
1912 South Lorton Street
Arlington, VA

Cell phone: 352-219-1872

Mayor of London 2016,

     My name is: Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS I am homeless, and temporarily residing at an emergency shelter, for the homeless, in: Arlington, VA. I have been tortured in the US, for almost 20 years. Earlier this year, I saved all my money, and flew to: Manchester, UK, to apply for: political asylum. I brought with, tons of legal paperwork, confirming the fact, that I have been badly abused, and literally tortured in the US.

          This emergency shelter-where I am presently located, is my only access to helpful housing, since my housing crisis began in: 2010. I have been homeless in the US, for a total of 6 years now. I have had no employment in the US, since Obama has been president. I have not had a any opportunities at all, since Obama has been president of the US-except for educational. I am working on my doctoral studies online. 
        I am set to being training as an: intelligence officer-as a civilian, through the US Marines, beginning this November, of 2016, when the first half of my doctoral studies program, should be completed. I am well educated, well read, friendly, out-going, and extroverted. When I came to the UK, earlier this year, seeking political asylum, I was told, that UK Parliament has determined, that there are no problems with Obama, or the US government, and I was also told, that, therefore, my application for political asylum would not be considered.

            I was told, by UK: Immigration and Border Patrol, that the devastating situation, that I am suffering from in the US-under the Obama Administration, could not be considered, because, in cases of political asylum, they are based more on the entire country, and how everyone in the country is doing, and therefore, my individual case, of severe abuse-is of no consequence, and this is not fair to me-at all! I am barely surviving a nightmare experience in the US. 

        I am writing to all of the Embassies in Washington, DC-to complain until my fingers bleed. People in DC, know how bad the Obama Administration really is-even if they are afraid to talk about.  Africans here, compare Pres. Obama, to Mugabe, of Zimbabwe, and Botha, of South Africa.  The situation in the US, is not favorable for me, or my 3 children, and it is the political climate in the US-I do not foresee it changing enough-even if Trump is elected President of the US next. 

         I am a Republican, and Africans here, call me all sort of offensive names: Kite, Jew, WASP, etc.  The Africans are flooding the US, because Obama is inviting them to support his causes, and he is allocating all of the government jobs to them, soo he looses no control-once he steps down, officially, from his office.  Because I was tortured again, this past August, by Obama, and his imported friends from Africa-many from: Kenya, and from his very tribe, I, once again, had to delay my application to law school in the UK. 

        I am an applicant to: Northumbria, and their LLB program, in Newcastle, UK, where I have been accepted before. I want to prosecute Obama and his administration, for what I have suffered through in the US. I am beginning to processes, court cases, through: The Hague, and The European Court of HUman Rights in France, however, I require much assistance. I have been abandoned by my adopted family in the US. I have a laundry list of legal issues and cases, that need to be addressed in the US, and, I cannot obtain legal counsel-even when the police reports, are in my favor, because of the Obama Administration. 

       Is there a European Court of Human Rights in the UK-I think I remember hearing about one? I need immediate access, to an International Court system, and I am praying, that one may be available in the UK? English is my mother tongue-as I was raised in the US-although, I am now an outcast here.  Please respond promptly to my inquiry. Obama is trying to sneak out of office, without owning up, to all the pain and suffering, that he personally has caused me, and many other Americans. I am seeking justice, and reparations. Thank you. 


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS  

Cell phone: 352-219-1872 ( Obama fee cell phone, and no privacy). 

Email:  and  

Thank you again! I post information about my ongoing struggles to escape from the US online, at various social networking websites, like: 

  1. Google Blogger, 
  2. Twitter, 
  3. Facebook, 
  4. Fling, 
  5. YouTube, 
  6. Instagram, 
  7. Tumblr,
  8.  Flickr, etc. 

Please my name: "Mumbai"  "Bai" Bayo "Eliza" Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS When I recently visited the UK, and was in Manchester, speaking with: UK Immigration and Border Patrol, I met only one African, and he called me a: "Runaway Slave from the US," and was retarded enough to put it into writing for me-PROBLEM!

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