Friday, August 5, 2016

UNHCR-Numerous Complaints From Refugees I Have Spoken To-NOW-My Turn Too, They Refused To Help Me As Well!

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05.08.2016, 14:53, "Protection Intern 1 Stockholm" <>:
Dear Madam,

Thank you for contacting UNHCR’s Regional Representation for Northern Europe. We understand your concern. However, as far as we can understand from your letter, your request is not within UNHCR’s mandate and therefore we can regrettably not assist you further.

Yours sincerely,


UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe
Office: +46 8 457 4884
Ynglingagatan 14, Floor 6, 113 47, Stockholm, Sweden |

August 5, 2016


        My thoughts, in regards to your offices response to my request, for emergency assistance, are, that you simply do not care, and then, why-therefore, to you have offices at all, under the title and description of services-that you have. I, unfortunately, received, the same response, from: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Human Rights First. My conclusion, in regards to your lack of care and concern for my particular situation-UNHCR, is that-not only, are you not interested in helping me-with my emergency need for political asylum, in the US-do you help anyone else at all-either?

        I think that the International refugee assistance, which is supposed to be covered, as an effort to provide political asylum, for individuals in desperate need, of refugee status, is actually, a cover, for International terrorism, and the moving easily, of sex slaves,  and their hostage children, from one country, to the next. I show up. I have seen, who is being held, in political asylum refugee housing, and prison camps in Europe-most of those people are not refugees, in desperate need of political asylum, they a are prostitutes, and they are under educated, and living off of welfare, in their own countries, before they move over seas to Europe, to sell their ass their too.

      I think, that UNHRC supports Mr. Obama, and International Terrorism, just like all the other above mentioned non profit organizations, that siphon money from the US, to fund their sycophant prison sex slave factories.It is illegal, in the United States, to have a business-whether it be: profit, or nonprofit, with a purported ideology, and mission-that, dose not provide any and all of the services, that it promises to give. UNHRC, receives, a huge amount of money-not just from the US, also Internationally, to help people such as myself, relocate, to safer countries, anywhere in the world, where, and individual, might be able to apply for political asylum, and, you are refusing to help me, because, you obviously, have a strong personal bias against me, and, my right to life!

Shelter For Persecuted Journalists and Reporters And Other Members of The Media-Mexico:
    I am a freelance reporter. I post my storeies online, at various, social media networking websites. I report on issues, that the general media, is too uncomfortable, to discuss. In my opinion, there are too many-ethical and moral violations, that are not being reported, by US or International media. According to the rules, of the Associated Press, it is illegal, not to report, on pressing issues-of any genre, that are adversely affecting, and debilitating.  In my opinion, the US media-like International media, are intentionally neglecting to discuss, some of the most important news stories, because, they are too uncomfortable and concerned about backlash, from out of control: autocrats, dictators, and any other form, of absolute rule in contemporary political power positions, who, is more concerned with making money, than with humanity.

To Whom It May Concern:

      Africans, in Washington, DC, were becoming far too aggressive towards me, for political reasons. I left DC, and took the train, to Arlington, VA-home of the US Pentagon, where I may still have employment applications pending, for several International, Intelligence Officer positions-to complain. I have PhD, homework due, and no Wifi connect-not anywhere really, in Washington, DC. Businesses as well as the public library, are illegally blocking my WiFi access, in DC. And, I am too uncomfortable, sitting outside all day long-in the elements, with no access to: A/C, toilet, sink, comfortable chair, electric, etc. I am now at George Mason Law library resting a bit-while my computer-that finally has electric charges.

      My cellphone, is also charging. I am indigent, because the United States, has refused me all employment. I, therefore, only have access, to an Obama cellphone. The Obama cellphone, is not placing calls correctly. My calls, from my Obama cellphone, are being illegally blocked, call per call, based on who I am trying to reach. I attempted to place calls, to the following Embassies today, and could not get through-even if I was able to get through to you, to leave you a message-when your offices, were not open: Russia, Spain, French, Vietnam, etc.I am calling to ensure, that my email messages-have both been-received, and, forwarded on, to other individuals, who will be able to assist me, with my valid application, for political asylum, in Europe.

          Africans followed me, on the train, from DC, to Arlington. When I arrived in Arlington, VA-an entire African family, stood in front of the exit turnstile, to block my exit, from the Metro. I am unhappy, with the situation, that the United States s in politically. I have no opportunities in the United States, and, almost no help. The people, who are helping me some, are usually suffering the same fate, as me-however, they are n ot willing to complain enough, about the overall Obama Administration political problem, because, they do not want to lose everything-have-NOTHING! I hate America-again!

        I am still, actively seeking employment. I will be including the Pentagon, with my email list, because they too, need more information, about this situation-being that, I am not the only person in the US who is affected. In the meantime, my laptop screen has shattered, and I need  my financial aid, in order to pay, for a new computer screen-to attend my PhD classes-among other things. I am too tired-everyday, because I am not resting long enough-at night. With my financial aid, I will be able to gain,some sort, of sleeping arrangement, and, I will be able to afford, my own: cellphone, and WiFi-that is far more reliable.

          I am trying to request, as part of my communications, to various embassies, in the US-in Washington, DC-permission, to visit the Embassy, to, speak to a representative, ab out my situation in person, to see, if that country, is concerned about the poor political stat, of the US, and, if the country, would be willing, to assist me. When you receive my emails, I will try to follow up, with a call, from my cellphone-however, I do not really know-if that will be possible.If you could please send me an invitation, to come into to your r Embassy by email, to stop by, some time soon, to speak to Embassy staff in person, regarding my application, for political asylum in the UK, because of the deteriorating political situation, in the US-concerning, my particular situation, I would, greatly appreciate it. Thank you again.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth  Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

-------- Beginning of forwarded message--------
04.08.2016, 12:14, "Mumbai Bayo Cary" <>:

-------- Beginning of forwarded message--------
04.08.2016, 10:56, "Mumbai Bayo Cary" <>:

August 4,2016

To Whom It May Concern:

    For the first time, since I have been in Washington, DC, African police, came to the downtown, Martin Luther King, Public Library. The African police, told me-although, I have done nothing wrong, and I have PhD home work, that I must work on, that I, am mo longer allowed to access, to the public library. I am angry. There were many people, with more luggage and bigger baggage than me, who were permitted to enter the library yesterday-by the African police, and with no questions asked. I am trained, as a librarian. I am well aware, of all of the American Library Association guidelines-as a graduate, of my MLIS accredited study program, and a a member, of: ALA-in regards to what allowances, a library in the US,must pay-when someone steps of an airplane, and then, requires access to the public library, with his/her luggage in tow.

      Additionally, the public library, in downtown Washington, DC, and their webmaster team, blocked my computer from accessing their DNS server, so that I could utilize the Internet-while I was at the public library. I know how to trouble shoot my computer. I ended up being locked out of my regular email account, because I had to refresh the entire computer, in order to trouble shoot, the DNS denied access enough, in order to be, to clearly define, that the connection issue, has nothing to do, with my computer, not running right. The webmaster team, at the Washington, DC, downtown public library-blocked my: IP Address and my ping. I think, that even if I had bounced my ping, off of another location, I still would have had, too much difficulty, with the Internet, and the webmaster, at the Washington, DC downtown, Martin Luther king, public library. I have had this problem before, with the CIA-here in the US.

    When I had valid information, regarding a terror threat, or, regarding a serious domestic threat-of any nature, I used to document the situation, and then, submit information about the crisis, online, to the US CIA-however, I had to submit, through the Arabic version, of the CIA report information, submission page. I reported several times, and then, the CIA-like the: Washington, DC downtown public library-blocked my address and my ping, from accessing their website. I think that the CIA, in the US, is completely crooked, and, may have assisted the Martin Luther King downtown public library, in blocking my access, to what is supposed to be: free public Internet in the US-open and available to anyone. Blocking both: my IP address, and my ping, so I cannot log on to a website at all, is sophisticated webmaster skills-far advanced, and not something, that I would expect, an ordinary public library Internet team-would know how to do, even, if they Googled it!

      I am exhausted, and filthy dirty. All of my clothing needs to be washed-not just my physical body. I have tons of homework to complete, due to several assignments, that a professor-who is not a fair evaluater, with: Northcentral University, has asked me to resubmit. Initially, the resubmit request, was issued by the professor, on the: 28th of July, and the new due date, the 31, of July-however, that was not enough time, for me to complete all of the new assignments, that were due as well. I will do my best, to have all of the re-do assignments,submitted-no later, than this coming Sunday. I have very little time available, for working on the re-submit assignments today. I no longer have access, to the public library, or to the public library WiFi-which means, that I will have to stay up, all night long, in order to utilize some other WiFi connect-after the business day is over, and then, I will have to find somewhere safe, to sleep-during the day, for a short while.

      The problem, with being illegally denied access-and with my luggage, to the downtown public library in DC-while others, and homeless, and with more stuff, are allowed entry, does not stop at simply, I have nowhere comfortable to sit, while I am completing my weekly doctoral studies, homework assignments. I now have nowhere, for free cold water, or toilet, or sink to wash my face with soap and water, and to apply medicine in front of a mirror. I no longer have access to a sink, to brush my teeth. My skin-in only 4 days, of indoor access, was beginning to heal completely-with no sores at all, although, I am still sleeping outside at night.I no longer have anywhere, to charge, my electronic devices either.

          A basic research paper, takes me 6 to eight hours, and my laptop, only lasts, about 2 hours at the most. I begin to write a paper, or I begin to make cellphone calls, and then: with my bad back, and swollen injured ankles-I have to walk all over DC, looking for an outside electric outlet, that, I may be able to utilize-dependent upon who is the building security, for that particular night. I hate everything about the United States. i do not perceive any benefits at all-from being illegally held in this hellish experience, as, both: as hostage, and a political prisoner. I do not like anything at all, about the US. The more I travel, and the more I see, and am exposed to-the less I am able, to tolerate being here-even temporarily.  This entire country, is a nightmare of denied services, and denied access, to everything I need-for me. I do sincerely believe, that people in the US, are trying to kill me, and, they are trying to make it less obvious, by just denying me access, to anything, and to everything that I need-in order to survive, and that, is the very same as, issuing me a: "death sentence," when I have never been criminal!

          The: scars, open sores, acne, bruises, swollen ankles, high body temperature-from the extreme heat during the day, are all pertinent problems, that, are significantly injurious, to my fragile health-as well as, the previously mentioned, continuing excruciating pain, that I suffer from-with my back. Cutting me off, from access to the public library, gives me nowhere, to change my clothing in private-either. I continue to fell physically ill, and, I continue to be denied access, to basic general medical pharmaceuticals -even with, both: a prescription from a medical doctor, and, full medical coverage of the prescription-due to politics, which are extremely unfavorable towards me -always, here in the US!

        I called various Embassies in Washington DC, all afternoon-after African police here, kicked me out of the public library. The only country, that answered the telephone, was Russia, and, Russia, was the only country that agreed, that I could come and speak to them in person-and sometime soon, about my continuing desperate needs, for: political asylum, from the US. I am sending out emails today, from another one, of my email accounts. I cannot use US email carriers at all, my emails go nowhere-they are never sent to anyone. US email carriers, allow people to hack into my email accounts, and steal my emails, and then steal the entire email account-all of the time. I have a need to receive, some post mail, and, I am not able to receive it, at this time. My adopted family, steals everything from me, and, if I were to attempt to forward my post mail, to a Washington DC address-were it safe at all for me to be here, then, I most likely, would never receive any of it.

        I am not given access, to any resources in this country-as a homeless person. Christian churches come by the public library, and they feed the homeless, with brown bage lunches, and I am offered none. I can only presume, that the Christian churches, are aware of the fact, that I am not in fact Christian, and they is why, they are refusing to provide a free lunch, to me as well. I tell jokes, and speak to people, and share information with people-as they pass by me, where I am seated on the side of the road, until, I receive enough donations, of: food, and small change, in order to eat everyday, and some days, I receive no donations at all. I am tired, of working too hard, and being in some of the wealthiest areas of US, and then, still being confronted with the: "Blacklisted" problem, so, no one in the US, is offering me: employment, or, any larger sums of money-than just small pocket change. I am employable, in a number of areas, and for a number of reasons, and no one in the US, is willing to consider me, for any hired positions-at all.

      I grew up in the US, therefore, it is bizarre, and uncomfortable to me, that none of my childhood friends, ever call, or stop by, or offer to help me-in any way at all. While I was still studying for my undergraduate degree, as things in the US, began to change politically, I had a few friends, who became homeless. I understood, that their circumstances-their homeless situation, was of no fault, of their own, and, I provided 3 of my friends-two of who had several small children, with temporary housing, for significant periods of time. However, when I was faced, with similar circumstances, and for similar reasons-because of sociopolitical upheaval-here in the US, none of my friends-the ones that I assisted, or any of my other friends, offered to help me at all. My friends, just like my adopted family-abandoned me, in my hour, or greatest need. I am now under the impression, that, I no longer have any American family, or friends, and, I have not had any family, or friends in the US-for quite some time.

      I will make cellphone calls to various Embassies, in Washington, DC-again today! I hate the US, and therefore, I am trying to leave, to go almost anywhere, just to get out of this Shity country. I email the embassies first,and then I place calls. If I can gain permission from someone in an embassy, that is located in a country-where I might be able to at least visit-for a short while, then, I will most likely stop by, early next week. I am exhausted, from lack of sleep-being homeless on the streets, with very little exceptions, for 6 years now, and, I have soo much re-submit homework due, for my doctoral studies program, that, I am not able to stop by anywhere this week. I have almost no money-all of the time, and my back, ankles, and wrists, cause my such severe pain, that I am not able to travel with, the luggage that I arrived to DC with-in a normal way. I have to place the items, in a shopping cart, and then push the cart, to when an embassy has an office-then, I have to pray that no one steals the cart-while I am visiting and requesting emergency assistance inside.

        I have been physically attacked, and assaulted-too many times in the US. I have a great deal of difficulty walking long distances, or standing for long periods of time, or even sitting, for extended periods of time-if the chair, is not suitable. I require emergency help, to safely exit from the US. I have never hated anywhere in the world-more, than I hate being in the US. I am in soo much pain, and I am soo tired-with nowhere  to sleep-all of the time. I am constantly being humiliated, by being forced, to: change my clothing, and to toilet in public. New Americans-immigrants who walk past me, constantly make fun of me, and never have anything nice to say, they: spit at me, curse at me, chase after me with their nasty Crack cigarettes, they steal from me-if I fall asleep, they stalk after me-just because I cannot stand their company, etc.

        I am in constant fear for my life, on a second by second, and minute by minute basis-every single day, here in the United States.  The Obama administration, has been-nothing nice to me, not at all, and not ever, and, I do not perceive my situation: improving, or every changing-if I do not escape from the US. My life, hangs in the very balance, and, due to how negative, treatment has been towards me, in the past 20 years-complete: TORTURE-I am not willing to leave my 3 children-behind, in this country, they too, must be forced-like myself, beyond the confining, constricting, circumscribed boundaries, of the tortuous US-Mr. Obama, Africa America, African Diasporan-dictatorship, of terrorists, who fully support, International Terrorism. I have never been comfortable in the US, and now, it is simply unbearable.

       Please assist me, to your fullest ability, and then also, forward any of my communications-should you chose to , on to others-who are also, both: willing and able, to respond to my emergency situation-and, immediately!  Thank you, for your time, and for your continued concern, regarding, the matters briefly stated, and mentioned above.


Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS

Cell 352 219 1872 The cellphone, is a free Obama cellphone, and, I do not think it works at all. I have only ever received, 1 message, and 2 phone calls, and, I have had the cellphone, for nearly an entire month. I am not in a position-financially, at this time, to purchase my own cellphone, or, anything else, that I require, for my fundamental needs and care.

-------- End of forwarded message --------
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell 191 68668 295

-------- End of forwarded message --------
Miss. Bayo Elizabeth Cary, AA, BA, MLIS
Cell 191 68668 295

Revisting Complaints From Noway/Norway-When political Asylum From The United States, Is Soo Badly Needed For Me-My Life Depends Upon it!

June 23. 2016 

                           I am blocked from all of my usual email accounts, since I began the application process, for political asylum in Oslo, Norway. My UDI assigned and UDI paid lawyer, spent all my free legal services, filing negative paperwork, that I did not agree with. The lawyer lied, and filed paperwork stating, that I did not want to appeal, the UDI rejection, of my application for political asylum, although, he understood otherwise-very well. I have begun the complaint process, against the UDI lawyer, with the Norway Bar Association-I made several phone calls, about the illegal paperwork filed, by the UDI lawyer today. I have an appointment, for free legal services-an interview with Norway legal aid, this coming Monday, June 26, 2016.

          I spoke today, to the Immigration Police, who is assigned to my political asylum rejection and return case, and at that time, I informed the officer, that I will be seeking free legal assistance, on this coming Monday evening, here in Oslo, regarding my objection, to the UDI decision. UNE, when I spoke with the switchboard today, told me, that a Norway Bar Association lawyer, must file my objection, to the UDI computer system for me, UNE receives my case, and there is no possibility, of me filing on my own-or I would have done so.

            UNE has been waiting for my appeal, for almost 5 days now, and the lawyer who was assigned to my case, and paid to assist me, by UDI told me today, that he has spent all my free time and money, intentionally and illegally filing, the wrong paperwork against me. Thank you for receiving my correspondence.